Delmar Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-21

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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART ST. LOUIS, MO., September 30. Sixty-ninth day. Delmar Park Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather cloudy: track fast. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. FIRST RACK 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 8elling. 2883 Ind HorEflB A Wt St and H f StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 283363KAFFIR 101 6 41 2i 2i H ONeil T P Hayes 6-5 7-5 6-5 1-2 283362ROSE OF RED 110 1 li H H 2i D Hall J DeArman 2 3 3 9-10 283623DR. LOVEJOY 93 3 2i 33 31 33 Frederick S T Gaines and Bro 7 15 13 5 22218 ALEDA 100 4 62 52 41 4h Bell P C Levering 10 15 12 4 28240 VABNER 105 8 8 8 5i 53 Aker R R Rice 10 15 15 6 28363 MAD A BELL 103 7 3i 4i 61 62 T OBrien J Huffman 5 6 5 2 28215 FLOBRIE S. 93 2 7 7 7 76 Thielen C P Kennedy 15 25 25 10 28362 ARTHUR MOLL 99 5 5 61 8 8 FauntleroyP Browning 30 100 80 30 Time, 25i, EOi, 1:16,1:23. Winner Br. c, by Hanover Philura. Went to pott at 2:32. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second driving. Kaffir, cleverly ridden on the outsido, was best. He likes a route ,and finished Btrongly. Rose of Red was exhausted in pscemaking and the weight was not to her liking. Dr. Lovejoy ran a good race. Ho wes cut off at the three-eighths post and lost three lengths and was in close quarters between Roso of Red and the rail all the way down the stretch. Yarner and Aleda did well after bumping at the start. Mada Bell has tone back. Scratched 28336 Corinne C, 98; 28215 Irosuta, 90; 28335 Nor Maz, 90; 27751 Mazzara, 90. Overweights Yarner, 2 pounds; Arthur Moll, 3. , Kaffir, show, out. R030 of Red, show, out. Dr. Lovejoy. show, 2 to 1. SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selilng. 28387 Ind Horses A Wt Bt K K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28336 BEN DORA 108 8 61 42 31 U Aker H R Rice 8 15 15 6 28194 ANNA ELLIOTT 110 5 3i 3i 42 2i Dale S Pack 7 10 9 3 282S6 FUGURTHA 110 1 22 2 1 82 Howell W M Rogers 3 3 3 9-10 283112LOUI8 WAGNER 105 7 72 5i 52 41 Patton L Thompson 4 6 6 2 28336 STING 102 11 8a "71 6i 58 JHotheVsllC E Jeffers and Co 20 20 16 7 27325 LADY BROCKWAY 104 3 li li 22 6i T OBrien E L Liger 8-5 2 8-5 4-5 28218 MISS GAINES 104 2 4ii 6" 7 7i Michaels S T Gaines and Bro 20 20 20 8 26939 JIM 8CANLAN 110 9 11 81 8i 82 LindBay P Tomlinson and Co30 50 50 15 282182W. L. GEORGE . 113 4 5a 101 93 93 Powell J W Medlin and Co 8 10 10 4 27053 NELLIE BAWN 110 6 103 9i ioi 105 J OConnor H McCarron Jr 10 15 15 6 28335 NORA D. 110 10 9 11 11 11 McCann T H Btevena 100 100 100 40 Time, 12i, 24, 49i, 1:021. Winner B. c, by Bendoran Trinket. Went to poet at 3:05. At post 7 minnteB. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Ben-dora improved suddenly, was best today, came fast on the outsido in clear going and just got up in the final stride. Anna Elliott ran an extra good race at the distance. Fugurtha shows signs of in and out running. Louis Wagner had an easy race. Sting will do at six furlongs in this company. Lady Brockway found it too far. She ia not up to a race. W. L. Georges race was not a true one. He can do much better. Nellie Bawn acted badly at the post and is a likely looker. Overweights Lady Brockway, 2 pounds ; Miss Gaines, 2. Bendora, show, 3 to 1. Anna Elliott, Bhow, 6 to 5. Fugurtha, show, 2 to 5. Lady Brockway, show, 2 to 5. 28388 THIRD BACE 3-4 mie PnrBeS100- 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St X. V StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28088 KAZAN 3 102 5 31 2a 12 12 ONeil T P Hayes 4 5 4i 2 283i0SCHLLLAUFEB4 104 7 63 62 3H 2i Lindsay A Bellew 3-2 2 9-5 4-5 28365 NEAREST 6 105 3 11 la 2i 33 Bell G Dierker 3 4 4 7-5 28314 CHAPPAQUA 5 110 2 2 5 4i 43 Dale P M Civill 3 5 5 9-5 28337 RAGNAROK II. 3 95 6 7 7 7 52 D Hall M A Stevenson 6 15 15 6 282903MHbGLIGHTLY 3 95 8 5" 32 53 6a J OConnor Fizer and Co 6 7 7 2i 28089 THE WAG 4 104 1 Hi 41 6i 73 Watson G D Kelly 20 30 30 10 26109 DIANA FONSO 4 101 4 8 8 8 8 J Jones J J Whitesides 60 100 100 40 Time, 12i, 24, 49i, 1:15. Winner B. c, by Lamplightor Bridget Keaton. Wenlj to post at 3:40. At post 7 minuteB. Start fair. Wonoastly; second driving. Kazan ran a good race and had clear sailing all the way. He interfered with the field when they broke, Schnell Laufer being the chief sufferer by this. The latter came strongly when he cot clear sailing. Nearest ran her race and had no mil haps. Chappaqua wants a longer route. Ragnarok II. finished strong. He can win when properly placed. Miss Golightly ran a good race. She is partial to mud. Scratched-28290 Peter Duryea, 106; 28360Hi Kollar, 104; 283373 Judge Pettus, 103; 28190JFickle Saint, 95. 1 Kazan, show, 4 to 5. Schnell Laufer, shqw, 2 to 5. Nearest, show, 3 to 5, 1 28389 FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purae 00. 3-year.olds and upward. tnd Horses . A Wt Bt K K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C 28337 L. STR ATHMRE 3 103 4 21 1 In 12 ONeil T P Hayes 3-5 3-5 1-2 out 283152KINDRED 4 105 2 1h 2 23 2" Dale E and L Bohlman 2 3 12-52-5 28S37 FOUND 6 102 1 4 4 8 320 Lindsay J Huffman 5 7 7 7-5 21518 NED WICKEB 4 112 3 3i 3i 4 4 Morse EDTurley SO 50 30 8 . Time,18,24i,48,l:01i,l:14i. Winner B. f, by Strathmore Lady Loud. Went to post at 4:15. At post 7 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second driving. Lady Strathmore was virtually left at the post yet won easily. ONeil took a desperate chance at the first quarter and squeezed her through next to the rail when the race did not call for such riding. She got through all right and "walked" in. Kindred had all the pressure he could stand and tirea. Found should have been second by a half length but Lindsay went for hiB whip when the mare was answering a hard ride beautifully and thrice jerked the reins hard. This lost her second place. Ned Wickes showed speed but his wind is bad and condition high. Kindred, show, out. Found, Bhow, 1 to 4. 28390 FIFTHBACK 1 MUe Parse 00, 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Sid Horses A Wt Bt U H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners CHOP 28365 JAKE WEBER 4 109 2 3i 2 1" 13 12 Dale P M CivUl 6-5 7-5 7-5 l-2 28164SYNCOP. SANDYS 99 7 6 33 31 22 21 Lindsay P Kuykendall 10 15 13 5 27803 ZONNE 4 110 3 42 63 63 52 32 Howell M Stowe 9 10 10 4 28195 REVOKE 6 111 1 1 52 5a 6H 4i JHothersllJ F Dockery 3 4 3i 6-5 283643DANDY JIM 3 104 6 52 4a 4 31 5i Bell Hughes and Elliott 4 5 5 2 28316 BELLE SIMPSON 4 105 5 7 7 7 7 63 McCann J Keefe and Co 15 15 15 6 28364 HARDLY 6 105 4 21 Hi 2ii 4i 7 Enos Brumfield and Co 10 12 12 5 Time, 13, 25i, 50, 1 :16, 1 :42i. Winner B. g, by Kingston Carmencita. Went to post at 4 :45. At post 19 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Jake Weber was a very good horse today and won with a lot left. Syncopated Sandy did his best and ran right to the mark. Zonne ran a good race and finished gamely under the whip. Revoke was used too much at the post. Dandy Jim was cut off at the first turn and badly handled all through the race. Belle Simpson Beamingly could not get up an ordinary gallop. Hardly was very sore and lame. Scratched 28219Swordsman, 108. Overweights Syncopated Saudy, 2 ponnds. Jake Weber, show, out. Syncopated Sandy, Bhow, 2i to 1. Zonne, show, 8 to 5. Revoke., show, 1 to 2. 28391 8IXTH BACB 1 1-16 MUeB parse 00. 3-year-olde and upward. Selling Ind HoraeB AWt St K H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28242 GOV. BOYD 6 103 3 6a 2i la 22 12 Michaels W 8 Laird 10 15 13 5 283163MI8S THRE8A 3 91 9 71 4H 3ii 32 2 WinwrightF W Holtgrewe 6 10 8 3 283391T. INCOGNITA 5 110 8 8lf 31 2 H S3 Dale L Lemp 6-5 8-5 3-2 1-2 28364 LA SPAR A 4 106 4 91 62 5 41 42 T OBrien B W Marks 4 4 4 7-5 28316 TEA GOWN 3 102 2 4a 71 62 52 52 Howell Cole and Co 10 12 12 5 28266 BEN OFALLON 6 104 5 2a 8i 83 8S 6a W Narvaez GoodhteandTorriss 80 40 40 15 28339 EUGENIA 8. 5 99 1 1" 5 72 62 7a Powell J K Finley 10 15 15 6 28338 MARG. HAGEMAN5 101 7 SH la 4a 7i 810 ONeil Talbot Bros 6 10 10 4 28290 TOM GILMORE 4 104 6 5a 9a 9k 9ii 94 Lindsay J J Whitesides 20 40 40 15 28291 IGNIS 5 104 10 10 10 10 10 10 McCann L V Bellow 8 12 12 5 Time, 13, 25, S8i, 50, 1 :03, 1 :15i, 1:29, 1:42, 1:48. Winner B. g, by Little Fellow Lizzie McC. Went to post at 5 :25. At post 9 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Governor Boyd was under restraint for the first half and came away when called upon and won with plenty in reserve. Miss Thresa, under indifferent handling, ran well and with a better ride would have been closer up. Terra Incognita ran well, was well handled and had no mishaps. La 8para ran to her form. Tea Gown ban do better on a muddy track. Ben OFallon showed a flash of epsed, but was not ready. Marguerite Hageman showed early speed only and can do better. Pcratched 28339 Monk Wayman, 109; 28169 Kisme,99. Governor Boyd, show, 2i to 1. Miss Thresa, show, 6 to 5. Torra Incognita, show, out. La Bpara, Bhow, 3 to 5.

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