untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-21


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HAWTHORN C 0110390 jOGGlJ "WE SATURDAY, SEPT. 21. The Iro- - MONDAY, SEPT. 23. The Au- THURSDAY, SEPT. 26. The quois Stakes Handicap for 3- tumn Stakes. Handicap for 3-year- Endurance Stakes Handicap for year-olds. 1,000 added. One olds and upward. ,000 added. 2-year-olds. ,000 added. One Mile. Two Miles. . Mile. AUTUriN riEETINQ SEPTEMBER 16-25. MUSIC BY CICERO ORCHESTRA. Six Races Daily, Beginning at 2 p.m. . i f ADMISSION .00 lllinrtic fntrl trains leave Bandolph street at 9:40 a.m. ,12:80, 12:50, 1:05,1:15 acd 1 :50 The Metropolitan and Lake Btreet Elevated, and Madison Bt., Ogden Ave., 12th Bt. and 22nd Bl, IIIIIIUlO VdlUCll p.m., stopping at Van Bnren, Park Row, Halsted street and Ashland lines connect with electric cars every Beven minntes direct to gronnds. Are. : returning B at i :89 p.m. and after races. Do not stop at Ashland Ave. . , , , .... , D n Bpecial electric cars leave State and Van Bnren BtreetB at 12 :50, 1 :00, 1 :10, and 1:15 p.m., stop- , ping only at Canal, Halsted, Ashland and Ogden Aves., direct to track in 40 minntes. On Wednesday and Saturday only. CD r. rv trains leave Union Depot at 12 :15, 1 :05, 1 :28 and 2 :10 p.m. .stopping at Sixteenth Metropolitan express trainB leaving Pacific Ave. ana Van Bnren St. at 12 :41, 12 :S1 and 1 :01 p.m. - X Vr St., Bine Island and Western Aves., returning after races. stop at all stations on Loop, Franklin, Halsted and MarEhfleld Ave., reaching track in 27 minntes from Franklin St. Fire For Round Trip on Special Trains 25 Gents. Sheridan Clark, Secy, Room 403, Monadnock Building j HOW READY - THE I NOW READY American Sportiag jnamial For 1901. COPYRIGHTED. A Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison. An Official Compendium of Records. . Running, trotting and pacing, The pugilistic record of 1900, Handicapping and bookmaking tables, .TOTJB HANDICAP TABLES WITH WETS. iumrnaries By Experts on trie Past Years Doings. ...EDITED BY F. H. BRUNELL... so ents in Paper. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., SO gents In Soft Morocco, j ...124-12.6 Fifth Ave;, Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901092101/drf1901092101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901092101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800