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TOBONTO ENTRIE3. Probabilities : Weather clear ; track fast. First Base 5 1-3 Furlongs. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. 28405 Young Henry 3.... 113 705 28052 Edin borough . . . . 4 .... 112 725 283332 rhe Boer . 3.... 109 705 28405 Midnight Chimes 4... .109 700 28410 Euclaire 4.... 109 710 24553 Rising Bun 3.... 108 680 283592Myrtle Van 7. ...108 695 27302 Devils Own 4. -...107 690 28S59 Olea 4.. ..107 , 695 28184Ordeal 5.. ..107 720 21449 Springsteen 6.... 107 680 28213 Prince Plausible 5 .... 107 ...... 705 274213 Violent 6.... 107 700 283093Bister Kate II 3.. ..106 710 25491 Andrattus 3. ...105 715 28S05Dandie Belle 3... 103 695 28237 Delia Cee. 3.. ..103 690 28358 Appreciation 3... .102 700 27574 Street Boy S.... 96 685 255512 Phoenician 3.... 96 715 Second Bace 1 Mile. j S-year-oldi and upward, Allowances. 28405 Beguile 6.... 112 720 28405 Bir Vere de Vere 4.... 106 700 283562Colonel Ballentyne 3.. ..106 715 28405 Baesverine . 3.. ..106 705 28370 Spry 3... .103 725 27898 M. Murphy 4.. ..102 700 270843Choir Master 8.... 93 710 Third Bace 4 1-8 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp, 283693 J. Patrick .119 705 28406 Meditation 116 715 26962 Miss Lobster 113 700 27022 Orla .....113 710 28306 Miss Blarney 113 685 27662 Bedlington 104 690 28406 Prancer 104 695 Mesmerist II 104 Pictime 104 Dnbois, b. c, by Sir Dixon-Morgan Girl 104 28406 Bed Car 101 700 284062De Milsom 101 725 Hazy Dream, b. f , by Derwent- water Pibroch 101 28355 Latch String 101 720 Jack McGinniss, ch. c, by Prince of Monaco-Palmetto 101 25483 Sir Clifford 101 ... 710 28855 Per Centum 101 .715 28406 Fairfield 101 705 Fourth Bace 1 1-16 Miles. 3-yaar-oldn and upward, Selling, Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 28108 Rush Fields 7. ...116 715 284082Topmast 8.. ..114 725 28371 Waterhouse 5. ...Ill ?.720 28368 Advocator 3.... 109 705 283682Gray Dally 3.... 105 715 Fifth Bace 1 3-4 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. The Green Hunters Steeplechase. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. 14459 Galahad 5.... 177 670 14321 V. R. Customs 6. ...177 660 18228 Gordon M. 5.. ..177 655 19445 Pete KeUy .. 5....177 650 Piratic, b. g, by Marauder Athena III... 6.. ..177 241983Palatial 4.... 177 665 26035 Lady Dainty 9 .... 177 675 27421 Barley Sugar 3.. ..167 665 28407 Billy 6... .162 650 Sixth Bace 6 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-oldi. Allowances. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 28405 St. David 112 725 27960 Magnus Troil 108 710 27765 Lifeline 108 705 28368Curtsey 105 720 27267 Colonel Borer 105 700 28189 Warranted 105 715 25286 Miss Durham 102 695 28356 Flaneur 102 705 280183Drogheda 102 715 Temple . ..102 283582Boidle 102 700 25635 Daddy 102 695