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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. I.OUIS, MO., October 4. Fifth day. St. Louis Fair Association. Fall Meeting. Weathor clear: track fast. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. 8tartar, A. B. Dade. Racing starts at 2 :00 p. m. " 28655 FIHST HACE-5-8 Mile. PurBe 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. fad Horses A Wt Bt and hi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P" 285802JIGGER. 100 3 511 52 23 1e Fauntlerov Wheeler and Co 8 8 7 2 rTSSSilS V 12 12 2i TroXer0yMDQatLandrage 3 4 4 7-5 tvk o5tTTTMDBCH B0 1H 2 44a 58 Dnan ACahn 8 8 6 2 J8a80 OAKLING 111 1 31 31 31 43 Dale C Roberts 4 2 S3yjE?ABACK JJKJ 21 22 41 58 WNarvaez TP Hayes 15 20 20 8 285803 MAZZARA 100 12 10 101 92 6i Bloss OWoardman 10 13 13 5 www KIAr 125 5 S 72 62 72 O Neil R K Lewis 3-2 2 2 1 wfnpnrw ,S U 8i Thielen W Forman 40 60 60 20 9i Stcbv1?8, a 10 11 112 102 93 Kuhn C P Kenndy 12 15 15 6 ISSI mKbnv I 9 93 123 101 Bonn8r MartiD and pa"n 100 100 100 40 , 28534 CONNOR BOY 103 8 72 65 72 112 Qivens F M Connor JO 15 15 6 !An5INA JSi JJ J? 12113 12 WinwrightF W Holtgrewe 40 40 30 12 9fiQ 26926 TOUT 108 14 14 13 11 13 L Daly J E Lane and Co 20 25 25 10 LUNA P AXTON 108 13 13 14 14 14 Lindsay J K Hughes 15 20 20 8 , . Time,121,24i,49,l:02i. ,T7. Winner Ch. g, by 8t. Julien Princess Himyar. Went to post at 2:08. At post 14 minutes. 8tart good. Won driving; second the saire. Jig-ger rai-wnll, finished strongly and was beet ridden. Mr. Timberlake ran a good race and did his ui KlImanaBcharo was probably best but was badly handled. Dugan pulled him up at the Btable turn and jerked him all over the stretch. Pink Tea was a false, alarm. Hcratched 28580 Tenme F., 100. Jigger, show, evens. Mr. Timberlake, show, 3 to 5. Kilimandacharo, Bhow, evens. Pink Tea, snow, and to a. 28656 8EC0ND KACB1 Mlle Pnrsef400. 3.year-olds and upward. Selling. lad Horses A Wt Bt hi hi 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H r P TKUCERE I S it f f i? FauntleroyMandWLDeathrageS 15 6 2 " 28583 MOOS xaUlitSti fi 6 iin 110 3 2a 31i2 la 21 Troxler W WORnrn f!n I X 8 1 286023TULLA FONSO 5 109 1 12 11 1 32 31 Dugan JHuffman 31 I8-5I 3-2 28581UOE DOUGHTY 5 110 2 311 5 820 62 4a Dale JP Hirth 4 41 1 85 286022THE CAXTON 3 98 9 71 62 52 43 58 ONeU TalbotBros I 18-581 6-5 S MrRrLHLEYf Ji? I I SnS"6" 61 GKWimams 10 10 "J V 28600 DR. CLARK 4 107 6 6 820 7h 815 73 Clark W McLemora 100 l50 mn 0 28581 ELEVEN BELLS 4 107 4 42 2 3H 71 815 Watson T A Da vtea 10 0 18 6 28508 SILVEB GABTEB4 110 8 9 9 9 9 9 LDaly M J Daly 20 60 60 15 Time, 12i,24i, 49, l:15i, 1:401. w D , u . Winner B. f, by r Lettoon Anvolee. Went to post at 2 :52. At poBt 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Antolee came to life, aB was expected, was under restraint all the way, came on fast in the stretch and won pulled up. Teucers revival was also startling. He ran last in five seconds slower time when last out before. Tulla Fonso ran her race. Joe Doughty did his best. W eVenS" Tencer Bhow 6 to 5 Tnlla Fonao, show, 3 to 5. The Caxton, show, 3 to 5 2865 7 THIBD KACK5 1-3 ""ong8. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. SeUing. Ind Horses AWt Bt hi hi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 284381SOUNDLY 104 2 16 110 16 15 Troxler Mensel and Co 1-2 1-9 nnt SfeATHBTAHH iolMl f MatouH9rjohu8on So 60- 6Q- 20 Z8600 HENGI8T 107 7t 10 10 92 41 3 ONeil F Burks fi f5 fi-K SrIEW ?nf "5 U R i if J Clark WMcLemore 60 60 IS 20 2rn pSBIt, JSJ 5a f V V-15?1 M A Stevenson 4 6 6 6-5 Ssmrir wnSnnMD Vand t 5? fS 6l Mndsay ST Gaines andBro 20 30 30 6 M8 pnRwiPPfp011 IS? ? ? J? o9,8 J,3 Watson BC Evans 40 50 50 15 9mi nnf S?wnJB I S S1 S! S,a?ntleroy HWWallhserandCo40 50 50 12 MAVNVTn?WT I WinwrightF W Holtgrewe 60 200 200 60 28238 MAY VIOLET 104 9 85 10 10 10 BIosb P McGuire 15 30 30 7 Time, 12, 241, 48i,l:01i, 1:081. to- Winner B. f, by m Wood Jm, Mosb Sound. onM.?i.,0i!tJ5tS:54, At P?t 2 minutes. Start fair. Won eaBUy; second the same. Soundly was much the best and won pulling up. Lelia Barr was as easily second best. Hengist, off poor- iM?CMZandfiandV2h- Bana,:ok bowed his usual apeed, but quit in the stretch. Little Onico ran a fairly good race and should improve. 281693CFlSeDal888arViVe, 107? 28604 Battu8 105 276752Tenny BeUe, 104; 27031 8,104; Lelia Barr, show, 6 to 1. Hengist, show, 1 to 2. 28658 F0UBTH BACE-6 1-2 FurlonS8 Purse 00. 2-year.olds. SeUing. nd HoraeB A Wt Bt hi hi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 286o2SAMRON l?fl f f l I" S1?6" T P HaB 9-5 9-5 9-5 3-5 fflBBandB8 S S S g rr aroyMnsonof ? ? ? Timo.12,241, 49, l:14i, 1:211. to- Winner o Br. u t c, by Lamplighter Emma III. oTO,oott0-Pi0B-tat?i-5, APostlminnte. Start good. Won in a drive; second the same. Jor- rt.nnrt w f I i1D- hvW BJIld$ cameuth,.8 ort way, was well handled in the stretch and Ttridt f iat f!, 8iimbo-7BJ! hai W?B P at the start, thrown out of his nrt hm stride and did nnt not gat to going well until he traveled three furlongs. He came very fast in the nf wrtaSrhW.? Wldn an? ha7e wo,n in another Btride- A"Ue Bhowed a fine ordSr ThBPotheS were ouclafs"d! Q hr JordaaBot P sh would probably have won. Jordan, show, outSambo, show, 2 to 5. Attalle, show, 3 to 5. 28659 FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-oids and upward. BeTIin7. ni HorsoB A Wt Bt hi hi StrFin Jockeys OwnlFi O H C P 286S90E3SIE JABBOE 5 1C6 2 17 110 13 16 13 Dugan L Goldblatt "bI?2 v FT 28583 PICADOR 3 108 8 31 42 4H 85 22 Dalo T H Stevens 10 0 1 1 SVVTNF PRR i I I- 5" T011 HnKheaandEUiott 5 51 5 3-2 fiqilonNnR lnvr I iH f1 J PConnor H McCarren Jr 15 20 20 8 18391 GOV NOR BOYD 6 im k 103 5 51 6 6 6 6 Lindsay VV 8 Laird 7 7 4 9-5 . Time, 12, 24i, 491, 1:15, 1:41, 1:471. to- o u Wmner-B. m, by Eothen Ida Glenn. Tprandiio andi!a4:25.; At Post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Jessie iinTinttiia ad th.rac8 safe throughout. Dugan took no chances and kept his S2S ?l m ront a11 Ahe M1?,8, LPlcado nnder a eod ride ran in much improved form. Beana tired and h as she seemed a little short will do to watch. The othor three can all do batter. 4 to 5 18 8how 1 10 3l plcador. show, 3 to 2. Beana, show, 1 to 3. Governor Boyd, snow, 2 8 6 60SlXiH BACE7"8 Mile P,arB0 510- 3-year-olds and upward. AllowIrTcW. Ind Horsea A Wt Bt hi hi StrFin Jockey Owners O H C P SpIlRSfhH A Hollow 2 21 21 4-5 28o64 FOURLEAF C. 5 107 1 51 52 4a 3a 23 Dale K D Orr 2 2 7-; 7 in " S2BEM8RToHYBE8A IJ?n2 f ? i" f 5 WinwrightF W Holtgrewe. 15 L a ifmFnTTnW-nv JS 5 6, 6 , 6 420 J OConnorB V Crosby 60 100 100 25 2,J9VBLAIY o 3 I02 6 3a 31 3H 23 5 Givens J N Miller and Co 4 4 41 7-5 28190 LADY BRAMBLES 102 3 11 la 2H 41 6 ONeil A P Gooding 5 5 31 6-5 . Time, 25, 49i, 1:15, 1:281. TO. o L winner B. c, by Deceiver Anna Gray. HMn toPOB;at4:56. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won in a terrific drive ; second easily. Hcnneil Laufar ran a tremendous race. He ran Lady Bramble into exhaustion in the first half, tnen came on and won under an energetic but poor ride. Fourleaf C. was well handled, did her pest and would have won in another stride. Mies Thresa finished strongly. Lady Bramble snowed speed, but gave it up when challenged strongly. Our Lady is an uncertain proposition ana by no meanB ran her race. Scratched 28638 The Golden Prince, 102. BramWe6shown3eto 5Bh0W 1 F?url"af C" ehow ont MiaB Thresa, s 2 lo 1. Lady