untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-16


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REYNOLDS and CO. I TUESDAYS WINNERS W. B. GATES 7 to 3 ODNOR ... 2 to I FRANGIBLE 9 to 5 For good honest and reliable information we excel and always have. T f f y we have a moral cinch. The oddB I HURT b0 6 t0 1 or D9tter- Track v w " 1 conditions cut no figure with this individual who is in good hands and all primed up to make a grand killing with. .00 Weekly. Wired at 1 0 a.in. The American Handicappers, Reynolds and Co. 72, 119 Dearborn Street. RESPONSIBLE BETTORS! Can obtain two to four GOOD ONES each weak, between Chicago and Bt. Louis for remainder of season thereafter at California. Thia information from the EIGHT people on certain stablos ONLY, at the HIGHT TIME. No money in advance but parcantago of net weekly profits. Something legitimate and direct from the inside t9 responsible parties, for fnll particulars address P. O. BOX 914, MILWAUKEE, WIS. OnrNeiSysteiiil erating on the Board of Trade or Stock Exchange. We paid investor GGlA Per Cent Net Profit for September. Explanation free to readers of Daily Racing Form. N S Hand and Co ssssessi a, Ui iiuiiu a uui j rark RnT Bid?.,x. y. Bunco-Broncho Information Co. BOOK FULL. One or Two Good Things Daily. Guarantee Two Winners Every Day. With Two Scratches and Three Winners Today. Will Publish Daily Results Every Saturday. REMEMBER THURSDAY REMEMBER THURSDAY ATTENTION to Out of City Clients For my 17 uncovered prepared extraordinary specials send your name and address to my office, 176 S. Clark St., and instead of paying me .00 bet .00 one dollar on eacli wire for me and mail me the winnings of same for each wire. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .00. SIX SPECIALS FOR 0 OR FOR ONE. Wired to any part of the world. May require two weeks to deliver, as only wire horses of odds not hot favorites. H. T. Allard always at office to explain any matter. I with my track man every mornins: as you know. Office 17tf S. Clark 8t. in ticket office. Telephone 2119 Central. On sale at 11:30 a.m. a newsstand, southeast corner of Clark and Madison Sts. Alao on Bala at Red Hot Staad at track. COL. J. C. WOOTERS, MGR., 91 Lincoln Ave. - - Tel. North 1007. RAGE TRACK INFORMATION BOREAO. TUKF CORRESPONDENTS. PUBLISHERS OF FORM LETTER HANDICAP. SUITE 500, 263-2G9 DEARBORN ST. TELEPHONE HARRISON 1580. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Wednesdays Information fHElli 5 TO 13 TO 1 GOOD THING SECOND RACE. PLUNGE THE LIMIT ON THIS ONE Our other two good things will be in the fifth and sixth racoa. 00 placed on each of our good things will make at least 1,000. If you are a Joser playing the races thia year HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET EVEN. FOR - THURSDAY : FRIDAY - AND - SATURDAY Our experts who are located at Worth have advised U3 that the number of good things that will be cut Ioobo and given out by the Race Track Information Bureau will eurprisa evory one. Try ua for a week you will bs convinced that what we advertise is absolutely raliablo and correct. TERMS: .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. READY AT 9 A. M. Race Track Information Bureau, 263-269 Dearborn St. Also sold at Kolmans cigar storns, 267 and 35 Dearborn St., and at cigar stand, Rotunda, Adams Exprest Building, 185 Dearborn St. Alzura, 40-1; Odnor. 2-1; Digby Bell. 1 0-1; Rafaello, 3-1; Whiskey King, 7-5; Roxane, 7-2. We give our customers winning information like the abowe day aftqr dav. Is it any wonder our clients are coining money? At Worth today our 30 TO 50 TO 1 SHOT starts and there iB nothing to it but cash your tickets, Thi3 will win as easily aa Alzura. Gat our specials at Morris Park today and be a aura winner. THURSDAY 10 TO 1 EXTRA 8PECIAL. SATURDAY EXTRA BPECIAIi LONG BHOT. Terms: .00 Daily; .00 Three Days; .00 Weekly. CHICAGO - INFORMATION - CO. WSSff iSMSwaSSu.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901101601/drf1901101601_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1901101601_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800