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FALL MEETING OF THE WORTH JOCKEY CLUB SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19. THE BLUE ISLAND HANDICAP. ,000 ADDED. I 1-4 MILES. 15-DAYS RACING-15 October IO to October 26 Inclusive. SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. 2,000 or More Distributed in Special Events and Purses. I MUSIC BY BANKS CREGIERS ORCHESTRA. ADMISSION ,00. 1 WABASH R. R. Special Trains leave Dearborn Station Polk Street as follows 7.55 A.M. Stops at 38nd, 41st and 63rd Sts. 13:55 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN. NO. STOPS. DIRECT TO GEAND STAND. 1-05 P.M. Stops at 22nd, 41st and 63rd Sts. - c, - ofn1 a-iv nT,d BTfl 5t at 41st and 63rd Sts. 12:20 P. M. Stops 22nd, 1:18 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN. NO STOPS. DIRECT TO GRAND STAND. 12:40 P.M. Stops at 22nd, 4lst and 63rd Sts. 1:45 p.m. Stops at 22nd, 41st and 63rd Sts. Regular Bnburban trains to Chicago Bidge at 6:05 and 9:15 a.m. and 1:25, 2:30 and 2:55 p.m. Returning, one special train leaves grand stand after fifth race and the otherB after the races. Bnnday trains to Chicago Bidge at 9:45 a.m. and 1 :25, i :S5, 6:10 and 9:15 p.m. Conveyances connect with electric cars at Mount Olivet, direct to track. Fare or Round Trip on Special Trains 25 Cents. ROBERT A. HILLER, Secretary, Room 30, 170 E, Madison St. THE American Sporty jnaaual For 1901. COPYRIGHTED. A Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison. An Official Compendium of Records. 9 I HllllH Hill til I IMIIMe aM TTMTTiniliiiTiTellMIBBM 1 1 TBI Ml I Running, trotting and pacing, the pugilistic record of 1900, Handicapping and bookmaking tables, " - FOUB HANDICAP WITH KEYS. Summaries fiy Experts on trie Past Years Doings, ... EDITED BY F. H. BRUNELL... m ents in Paper. - . Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., g ents in Soft Morocco, ...124-126 Fifth Ave0, Chicago, I1L.