untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-22


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FALL MEETING OF THE WORTH JOCKEY CLUB 1 15-PAYS RACING-ls October IO to October 26 Inclusive. x SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY, BEGINNING AT 2:00 -P.M. 2,000 or More Distributed in Special Events and Purses. PTUSIC BY BANKS CREGIERS ORCHESTRA. ADMISSION .00. WABASH R. R. Special Trains leave Dearborn Station Polk Street as follows 7:55 A.M. Stops at 22nd, 41st and 63rd Sts. 12:55 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN. NO STOPS. DIRECT TO GRAND STAND ips t ivf si anH ;?s it i,?f ss 1x11 ssssiimmt grand stand. 13:40 P.M. Stops at 22nd, 4lst and 63rd Sts. 1:45 P.M. stops at g3nd 41st and 63rd sts Begnlar Bnbnrban trains to Chicago Bidge at 6:05 and 9:15 a.m. and 1:25, 2:30 and 2:55 p.m. Batnrniog, od a special train leaves grand stand after fifth race and the others after the races-Sunday trains to Chicago Bidge at 9:45 a.m. and 1 :25, 4 :S5, 6:10 and 9:15 p.m. Conveyances connect Vfith electric cars at Monnt Olivet, direct to track. Faie foi Round Trip on Special Trains 25 Gents, ROBERT A. HILLER, Secretary, Room 30, 170 . Madison St THE - American SporHixg jnanual For 1901, COPYRIGHTED. A Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison. . An Official Compendium of Records. "TTIMTT IBHIIIII II II IMllMilBIMIIIIMIilllMBW I 1 Running, trotting and pacing, . The pugilistic record of 1900, Handicapping and bookmaking tables. S"OUB HANDICAP XA3BWSS WITH KEYS. riTTTTTII Hi IITTTtrmTTimTI llll HI II 1 1" Till II II II HI HHHIH 111 1 Summaries du Experts on trie Past Years Doings, ...EDITED BY F. H. BRUNELL... m ents in Paper. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., m gents in Soft Morocco. ,.0I24-126 Fifth Ave0, Chicago, 111,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901102201/drf1901102201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901102201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800