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WORTH FORM CHART "WORTH, ILL , October 23. Twelfth day. Worth Jockey Club. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track faBt. Presiding Judge, M. N. Macfarlan. Htarter. Richard Dwyar. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. OQQ A FIB8T BAGS l Mile. Puree 400; 5 to eecond; 5 to third. 1kSjJ Jtz 3-year-oIda and upward. Belling. Ind Horaes AWtBtX H X StrFin Jockeys Owncra O H O P i2f!?3i9,MDTE5MAN 3105 lH 41 ! 55 22 H T Knight HermannandCaEBin 8-5 8-5 8-511-20 28874 EVA BICE 6 100 7h 1h la a n 22 L Jackson C K Bnrdean 6 9 8 31 28888 MONOS 3 103 2h 311 32 3 52 3 Cobnrn G C Bennett and Co 6 81 81 21-28815BAIBD 4 105 6 6h 6h 7 72 4h Otia Keating and Hecker2 21 21 7-10 28822BEN CHANCE 4 103 4- 8 8 8 8 5H Mnnro R M Westerfleld 10 25 25 8 28786 QBEETINQB 4 100 8 53 531 4" 41 6a J Hicks Wdf rdandEvermn 30 50 50 15 28911 JOHN GBIGSBY 4 103 3h 23 23 22 3n 71 Dominick J J Murray and Co 20 40 40 12 2888S3CHOBUS BOY 5 1021 oh 7 7 63 61 8 Robertson H RobinBon 8 15 15 5 Apprentice allowance. Time, 25, 49J, 1 :14, 1 :41. Winner Ch. c, by Oddfellow Birdeeye. , Went to post at 2:10. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the earns, Om-durman came fast through the laet Quarter and waB much the best. Eva Rice ran in much improved form and is ready to win when placed right. She hung on longer than usual. Monos tired rapidly in the last eighth. Baird failed to show bis usual Btretch buret of epeed. John Gngsby ran well for six fnrlonga and then quit badly. Chorus Boy was Btiff and eore when going to the post and should not have been allowed to start. Scratched-28892 Edith Q., 95; 28825 Pay the Fiddler, 101; 28859 Moroni, 98; 28755 Miss Dooley, 95. Ovorweights Chorus Boy, 21 pounds. Omdnrman, show, 1 to 4. Eva Rice, show, 8 to 5. Monos, show, 11 to 10. Baird, show, 2 to 5. O Q Q O K 8ECOND BACK-3-4 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to second ; 5 to third. jJ Q J l fj 3-year-oldB and upward. Allowances. i Horsea A Wt St X K 3 StrFin JockeyB Ownara O H C P 0fTOMlNGSIYlbTi 32 11 12 i Hshberger WHWillmsnandColO 12 9 41 HS5SSXJ??A? 4112 51 5H 51 41 2H Cobnrn BCHildreth 3 4 4 9-5 28860 BUMMER 5 105 21 21 31 31 32 Basainger J F Holt 10 15 15 5 28685 SLY 7 106 41 43 41 52 41 Landry D M Hanlon S 7 41 2 28823 LENNEP 6 102 6 61 6 71 53 L Jackson G and M Foater 20 60 0 20 28889 PIGEON P03T 3 1031 910 82 75 63 61 Dominick H M Skiles 10 20 20 7 288J431F YOU DARE 3 100 1h H 22 2 7h T Knight Bolich and Sweet 21 3 14-51 28891 FANCY WOOD 3 97 71 915 82 85 81 o Bice W S Barnes 20 25 20 8 28031 PI BATEHQUENS 99 81 711 915 910 gio otia J Arthur and Co 60 100 100 40 288892SEA QUEEN 5 11410 10 10 10 10 JWinkfield J A Lewis 8 8 7 21 Timo,24, 47,l:13. Winner B. g, by Free Knight Cassandra. WeDt to post at 2:35. At post 12 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second eaaily. Tom Kingaley showed a fine order of speed and ran to hie beBt form. He waB tiring at the end and had to be hustled out to stall off Vulcaina bold bid in the closing strides. The latter began slowly and was taken wide on the turn for home. Bummer ran the beat race he has Bhown here this year. He 1b at his best now. 81y ran at an even rate throughout and is not the Sly of laBt year by any means. Lennep ran well and is ready to win in the mud. If You Dare quit when a furlong out. Sea Queen was as good as left at the poBt. Scratched Taurus, 105; 28844 The Bush, 105. Overweights Pigeon Post, 31 pounds; Tom KingBley, 1 ; If You Dare, 3; Pirates Queen, 2 ; Sly, 4. Tom KingBley, show, 2 to 1. Vulcain, show, 4 to 5. Bummer, ehow, 21 to 1. If You Dare, show, 1 to 2. , OQQi THIBD BACK 5-8 Milo. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. " andCjJ andJ 2-year-olds. Selling. Tnd Horses A Wt St 24 K i StrFin Jockeys Owners O E v C P 288583BAG TAG 103 2h 31 31 6 11 JMclnerny J T Stewart and Co 4 7 5 2i 28890 BRAGG 103 5 71 71 51 21 Dominick T Bowe 6 7 6 3 28208 MIRACLE II. 100 7 5" 5" 2 31 Seaton Mrs B Bradley 8 12 9 4 28568 BUZZES 104 61 62 61 31 4h Vickery T H Ryan 6 10 10 4 28840LINGO 93 1h 95 93 81 51 Bice E Trotter 15 25 25 10 28890 QUEEN W. 102 91 41 4 41 6 Coburn G C Bennett and Co 3 4 4 8-5 28840 HEKBE 100 41 H 1 1 71 L Jackson F Grady and Co 20 30 30 12 287733HEBODES 95 31 21 21 92 82 Helgeson B Nicholson and Co 20 30 16 8 28890 DARK SECRET 103 8 81 81 71 96 T Knight HermannandCassin 6 7 6 21 28858 BEET SARGENT 103 10h 11kH1 101 101 J Hicka Mra W Hoffman 30 40 20 8 28752 MABY PINE 100 12 121 121 111 Hi Otis J J McCarthy 60 100 100 30 1 28858 LY8HETH 101 13 13 13 12h 12 Blake J B Lewman 15 30 25 10 28605HOWENDOBLEB 95 101 101 101 13 13 Does C B Campbell 60 0 20 8 Apprentice allowance. Time, 12, 24, 48, 1 :01. Winner B. c, by Margrave Begalia. Went to poBt at 3:15. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won handily; sscond the same. Bag Tag closed up with a rush next to the inside rail in the last eighth and waa going away at tho finish. Bragg flniahed fast and strongly. Miracle II. seemed to be a winner when a sixteenth out but faltered in the closing strides. Bnzzer was right there and deserves consideration from now on. Queen W. tired badly when the pinch came. Herso and Herodes showed oarlv y BDaed pBea Scratched-28606 Hat Mitchell, 95. Overwoights Buzzer, 4 pounds; Queen W., 2; Lysbeth, 1. Bag Tag, Bhow, 6 to 5. Bragg, show, 3 to 2. Miracle II., show, 2 to 1. Queen W show, 3 to 5. Q QQ Q rT FOUBTH BACK 7-8 Mile" PurBe 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. jZA O J l m 3-yaar-oldB and upward. Allowances. Ind HorsoB A Wt St 3 J4 5 StrFin JockoyB OwnerB O H O P 288912 V. J. DEBOE 3 94 51 52 41 45 Si 1 L Jackson J Arthur 4 5 Wl 288602SEVOY 6 100 2H 2H 2" 23 21 2 T Knight J Call 4 5 51 9-5 28860 MONEY MUSS 3 106 3 33 36 In 11 83 Dominick FTxWood 4 7 7 11-5 28889JTBE PEIDE 5 101 1h H 1h s 45 4 Coburn T H Byan 114-5 1-3 28889 BEN BATTLE 4 96 62 6? 620 5 51 5 j Hicka WdfordandEvermn20 60 60 15 28625 MAST. MABINEB6 96 4 41 53 6i006l006i00Helge8on J F Holt 15 50 E0 10 27401 ROWLAND PCE 3 91 7 7 7 7 7 7 Seaton H T 8anford 100 400 400 100 Time, 12, 24,48, 1:14, 1:26. Winner B. c, u by v. Kismet l a Solitaire. Went to post at 3:45. At post 12 minnteB. Start good. Won driving; second easily. W.J. Deboe finished with a fine rush, jnst getting up in time to nip Sevoy on the post. Tho latter showed more gamenesB than usual, but the winners detormined bid was juet a shade too much for him. Money Muse aa usual ran his" honest race. He showed all his customary speed, but began to tire after aix and a half furlongs had been run. The Pride quit with surprising suddenness after five furlongs had been run. He performed nowhere near his true form. The others were never serious contenders. Overweights Sevoy, 4 pounds. W. J. Deboe, show, 2 to 5. Sevoy, Bhow, 8 to 5. Money Muse, show, i to 5. The Pride, show, onti ft Q 9 Q FIFTH BACK 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. i O J O 4-year-oIda and upward. Belling. Ind HoraeB A Wt St St H. X StrFin Jockeya Ownera O H CT 28862 ORONTAS 4 100 4h 6 5h 5h 5 31 1" Blake G W Cook 2 12-59-57-10 S8862HEBMNCIA4 102 2- 31 3" 3h 41 21 22 Coburn W Cahill 21 3 13-54-5 S,5i,B5?EON 5 97 1" 2H 211 21 2U 11 35 J Hicks P J Garrisran 30 30 25 8 cBABE 4 97 6 51 42 41 31 4 41 Ke J B Lewman and Co2 21 21 1 288623JE8. JARBOE5 102 51 1k 12 1U 1h 5 Be McCann Mrs M Goldblatt 8 15 15 5 28873 FRANGIBLE 4 97 3 41 6 6 6 6 6 L Jackaon F D Boaz 10 20 20 6 " . . Time, 12, 25, 49, 1:15, 1:4 1:53. TOJ Winner B. c, by Azra Q Starlight. Went to post at 4:20. 09 at the firBt break to a good start. Won driving; second eaaily. Orontas aaved ground by skimming the inside rail in the laat quarter. He flniahed faat and strongly and was the best at the end. Hermencia ran a good race and finished well, but was not quite good enough to beat the winner. Harry Preston ran the bast race of hie career and only weakened in the last sixteenth. Kentucky Babe ran far below her last good performance. Jessie Jarboe showed speed for Bix furlongs, but quit in the last quarter. Overweights Jessie Jarboe, 5 pounds. OrontaB, show, 1 to 3. Hermencia, Bhow, 3 to 10. Harry Preston, show, 21 to L Kentucky Babe, Bhow, 2 to 5. QQQ yQ SIXTH BACjS-l 1-16 Miles. Puree 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. dKDJ CJ 8-year-olds and upward. Belling. Ind HoraeB AWtBt K K and StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 28888 C. B. CAMPBELL 3 109 H 1" H 1 12 Coburn W Cahill 8 j 6 21 28826 RA8BELA8 3 112 9 81 71 32 21 26 BobertBon TJOHearn 6 6 41 9-5 288882LOBDBOBERTB3 113 2h 21 3 2 33 81 T Knight G W Poole 2 11-52 4-5 28874 HAN8WUR8T 3 112 41 Si 2a 42 42 4 Dominick T Licalzi 8 15 15 6 288i5ZACK PHELP8 3 104 3 71 6 61 51 51 1 Hope J J Ogles 20 70 70 0 288933JOE COLLINS 3 104 5 5h 9 76 76 61 Otis J Arthur 3 4 4 9-5 5HS4P5N?B 8111 81 61 78 It Jackson W Carroll 6 10 10 3 28893 ELMER L. 3 112 7" 9 8 8 82 82 Landry E A Parnell 20 30 15 6 25918PHIDIA8 5 113 6 6 5- 9 9 9 Helgeson V Hughes and Co 20 50 50 20 Apprentice allowance. Time, 12. 25, 50, 1 :15, 1 :41J, 1 :47Jg. Winner Ch. g, by King Regent- Gold Bond. Went to post at 4:45. At post 5, minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. C. B. Campbell showed to much advantage over his last performance and simply played with his field Basselaa ran right to the mark and waa much the best of the others. Lord Roberta had enough when a quarter out. Hanswurst ran well for seven furlongs. It was a very poor field outside of tne nrst three. 109 Bcratch8d-28845 Chauncey Fiaher, 118; 28374 Little Singer, 113; 28805 Hoai, 113; 25935 Form, C. B. Campbell, show, 6 to 5. Basselas, show, 4 to 5. Lord Roberts, show, 2 to 5. Joe Collins Bhow, 4 to 5.