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THE LAKESIDE PROGRAM, The program book for tho first week at the Lakeside Jockey Clubs fall meeting, which opens next Monday, is already out and shows an increase in the purses commensurate with the usually good cIbbs of horses which will be racing at the Indiana track during the next two and a half weeks. All the strongest stables, such as Bennett s, Byans, Tichenors, Careys, etc., will be at Boby, so good class sport seems aBBured to the close of the local racing soaBon, which ends NOn the opening day the principal race will be a handicap for three-year-olds and upward at a mile and a sixteenth, each if not declared, 515 additional to start, with 00 added. Besides this there will be two 00 pursas on Mondays card, and a glance through the book shows two or three races worth from 00 to S700 each day of tha first week. Tho attention of owners and trainers 1b par-ticulaily called to the fact that entries for Mondays handicap to which 1800 is added will close today, Thursday. Weights and declarations will be announced Saturday. The book alBO contains a special notice warning owners not to send horses to the LakeBide track for stabling without having previously obtained Btall orders signed by Secretary Na- thTheLakeside Jockey Clubs entry clerk will be at Worth Saturday morning to take entries for Mondays races at the Indiana track, where the telegraph office will be opened Saturday morning, bo that owners may be able to wire entries to the secretary. After Baturday all entries will close at the Lakeside track. The demand for stabling Beams to have been phenomenal, and in the Secretarys office 200 horses more than can get stalls at the track have been registered. Sunday special trains will carry the horses from Worth to Lakeside, the railroad officials guaranteeing that all shall roach the Indiana track that same day. Many ownerB and trainers, however, are likely to walk their horses over, as the roads are in oxceilent condition and the trip can be made in four hours. Colonel Hamilton will prosida in the judgos stand, where he will be accompanied by Messrs. Chivington and Nathaneon. 8tartor Dwyer will drop the flag, Jamea Loughman will be in the timers stand and Hugh Keough will continue as patrol judge.