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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART. WESTCHESTER, K. Y., October 2 3. -Thirteenth day. Westchester Racing Association. Fall - Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge. Clarence McDowell. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing Btarts at 2-00 p. m 9.ftQO FIR8T BACK About 2 Miles. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. jandKCj J tJJ Allowances. Steeplechase. Ind Horses A Wt St 3 6 9 12 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 287562M. MITCHELLS 155 3 81 31 25 23 23 12 Mara J E Widener 2 25 18-51-1" 28828 LINSTOCK 6 158 4 U 12 18 J 8 1 28 Green T Hitchcock Jr 6 10 10 3 288282SALE8MAN 6 158 2 42 42 31 36 330 310 Brazil M Jordan 21 9-5 V5 28891 CLA8HER 3 132 1 5 5 4 4 4 4 Haider HBPage 20 30 20 6 288823KING T. 8 158 5 22 26 Fell. Barry HW Smith 2 21 2 7-10 Time, 3:55. Winner B. m, by Candlemas Maggie Mitchell. .e?,ttopo,Btat,2:?0, A POBt 2 minutes. Start good. Won eaaily; second the same. Miss Mitchell was cleverly handled and waited with for the first mile under a stiff pull but waa fully extended to get to Linstock, after which ahe came away impressively. The latter ran a speeds-and good race and was a greatly improved horse over his last eaBay. Salesman tired in the last half. King T. fell and broke his neok. Scratched 288913Curfew Bell, 155. 1 to 3LISS Mitcbel1, show 1 to, 3- linstock, Bhow, evens. Salesman, show, 1 to 4. King T., show, SECOND KACB Last 6 1-2 ifurlongs iSctipse Course. 600 added! iflOtfOl 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. v Ind HoriaT A Wt St X. i4 J StrFin Jockeys Ownera 6 H C P" 28503 CHEBRIE3 3 89 2 31 H H H Bedfera L Wilson in 15 i- 1 2881430BEAD 4 92 4 2U 2H 21 21 Thompson P Belmont 6 8 6 27112 FLABA 3 84 6 61 51 8 8 Creamer B Murray 40 100 100 4ft 28814 MAROTHEN 3 95 8 71 71 51 41 Wonderly G Miller , 5 10 -gf 28816 TOUB 3 99 11 41 41 41 51 Donegan A G Weston 12 15 11 fi 27805 AVATAB 4 97 16 5 61 61 61 L Smith K J Murpby 40 100 100 40 21604 KIMBERLY 3 92 9 8 8 71 71 Cochran JBandF PKeane 5 7 21 1 S!DALIST f tSS $ ll I1 I HHondersnFHMildenJr 30 60. 60 20 S8830 ASHES 3 107 7 9 9 9 9 Odom W Showalter 7 v m 2 28721 HIS B. HIGHNSS4 90 12 12 11 11 10 MulhollandH Campbell 5 7 6 21 28597 GLENGAB 5 llo 3 10 10 10 11 T Wahh J J McCafferty 1" 20 0 8 28850 HUITPOCHTLI 5 107 17 17 14 12 12 KinseUa MF Stephenson 60 60 60 20 28503 MAYOB GILBOY 4 104 15 15 15 13 13 Bhaw GEBmith 4 6 5 22135 PBINCESS H. 3 99 14 16 16 16 14 McKee J H Harbeck 40 300 200 60 28596 NANINE 4 92 10 13 13 14 15 J Martin W Oliver 30 40 20 8 28814 D. HEN BIETTA 3 103 13 14 17 17 16 Mounco J Boden 60 100 100 40 28795 BINGLEADEB 4 102 5 11 12 15 17 Brennan Mrs B Black 15 0 20 8 28553 TONICUM 3 92 Left at the post. Wilkerson H T Griffin 50 100 100 40 . Time, 1:05. Winner B. f, by Tenny Puffer. Went to post at 2:30. At post 7 minutes. Start bad. Won ridden out; Becond drivine Cherries was lucky, ran a good fast race and finished stoutly. She usually comes to hand lata" and la evidently good. Oread was probably best, but Buffered from interference in the laat quartor. Flara ran in much improved form. Marothen and Tour flniahed fast. The latter waa a good filly badly ridden. Kimberly waa short and can do much bettor. He had worked six fnrlonga in 1 :14 for thia race. Scratchad-19240 Fly by Night, 110: 18709 Wellesley, 107; 24969 High Jinks, 104; 28352 Sir Eges, 104; 28760 Mark Jiane, 104 ;. 28528 Cheval dOr, 101; 28912 Bappenecker, 101; 28849 Shoreham, 95; Brownhenge, 95; 27473 Cherished, 89; 28596 Kingstelle, 89; 26640 Admiral Dewey. "1 89- 26166 Monmouth Boy, 87. leaverweightB Avatar, 5 pounds; AaheB, 3; Huitzilopochtli, 3; Donna Henrietta, 1; Bing- Cherries. Bhow, 21 to 1. OreadBbow, 6 to 5. Flara, show, 20 to 1. Kimberly, show. 4 to 5. CONTINUED ON THIBD PAGE, . MORRIS PARK FQBandt CHART CONTINUED QQOQQ THIRD BACH Last 5-8 Kile Errtlpse Course. .flOtO 2-yoar-oldB. Fillies. Selling. The Castleton Btakos. ,000 added. Ind Horses A Wt St hi hi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28519 PROPHETIC 105 2 Hi Hi 12 H Shaw J G Lyman 1 7-511-101-2 2879320CTOROON 106 7 6h 51 21 2 Monnce A Belmont 6 12 10 3 28794 LADY QOD1VA 99 6 5i 6n 5i 32 Redfern W C Whitney 7 12 10 3 287222LIESCHEN 94 3 2i 2i 31 4 RHendersnW T Ryan 6 8 6 2 28831 T CT 99 4 7 7 61 52 Cochran G F Johnson 8 12 10 3 28793 WILD BESS 106 1 3 31 41 62 OConnor A Foatboretone 6 8 7 21 28847 VIRGINIA GRACE 100 8 41 41 72 7 Brennan MrsAGoldsborgh 50 luO 20 7 "28847 ZIRL 94 5 8 8 8 8 Dnnn B Schreibor 10 15 12 5 Time, 593-g. Winner Ch. f, by Kingston SeeroB?. Went to post at 3:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Prophetic was Incky at the start and showed the moBt speed throughout. Octoroon got away poorly, closed a big gap and finished very f aBt nndor punishment and was a good filly in this race. Practically the tame applies to Lady Godiva. Liechen and Wild Boss quit at the end. Tact was going well in the last furlong. Zirl has trainod off seeminaly. Scratched 289l4Feme Sole, 109; 28914 Pearl Finder, 99. Overweights Virginia Grace, 2 pounds. Prophetic, show, 1 to 5. Octoroon, ehow, 8 to 5. Lady Godiva, show. 7 to 5. FOURTH BACK Withers Jflite. S700 added. 2-year-olciB. Allowances. 2303 3 Ind Horses AWt St hi hi and StrFin Jockeys Ownors O H O P 28757 PENTECOST 110 2 5 41 2h 2h H T Hums J E Madden 3-5 7-1C9-201-6 28370 LOMBRE 107 1 H la U la 2 Shaw Mrs R Roche 4 5 5 9-10 284503PORT ROYAL 110 4 2a 3 31 3 35 Mounce J R and P P Keene 6 10 7 v 7-5 288853CAUGHNAWAGA 110 3 3a 2a 41 4 41 Wonderly W H Bealey 4 10 10 8-5 28895 GLEN WATER 110 5 4a 5 5 5 5 Bnllman Tnrney Bros 15 50 E0 10 Timo, 25?!, 51, 1:16,1:42. Winner B. c, by Hastings Tarantella. Went to post at 3:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; second driving. Pentecost was favorad by waiting on the slow early pace and loft Lombre in the stretch at the end of an early drive. The latter was at a great disadvantage as the pacemaker and was outsprinted in the stretch by the winner, but ran a lino raco. Port Royal pat up a fast and game race and is an improved colt. He is a grand looker. Caughnawaga failed to stay and ran badly. Glen Water has improved, bnt is best in mud. Scratched 28829 Francesco, 110. Pentecost, show, out. Lombr, show, 2 to 5. Port Royal, show, 1 to 2. QQQQj FIFTH EACH Withers Mile. 00 added. 3-year-olds aidupward. OOJT Maidens. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt Bt hi hi and StrFin Jockeye Owntra O H C P "28887 KALI If 4 110 1 H Vi 12 Hi Vi McCue H J Morris 5 8 31 6-5 287243 LAMP OLEE 3 108 2 2i 31 23 2 21 OConnor A Featherstone 4-511-101 2-5 28480 I KNOW 3 101 4 51 4i 45 32 3 Redfern Nagle and Mannix 15 20 8 3 288983ANNA DARLING 3 102 3 4a 5 31 48 412 Miles WCDaly 10 15 12 3 287202THE DRIVES 4 109 5 3a 2a 5 5 5 Wonderly J R Reard 5 6 6 8-5 28558 COUNCIL. TOM 3 103 8 6a 6 Fell. J CallahanCahill and Andersonl2 40 30 10 28810 J. OF NAVARRE 3 101 6 7 7 Fell. Cochran J H Harbeck 30 50 40 12 28810 TIMOTHY FOLEY3 104 7 Fell. Olson P H Sullivan 1C0 150 100 40 Time, 25, 50, 1 :17, 1 :43. Winner B. g, by Executor Kisbern. Wont to pose at 4:05. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; Becond driving. Kalif easily held the lead throughout and was boat. Lamp oLeo did his best, but he has developed into a quitter, but will do better on a baavy track. I Know finished strongly and will be heard tfrom. Overweights Kalif, 1 ponnd; Lamp oLee, 2; Anna Darling, 1; Councilman Tom, 2. Kalif, show, 3 to 5. Lamp oLee, show, 1 to 5. I Know, show, 7 to 5. OQQQf SIXTH RACE 1 l-a lies. Withers Course. ,000 added. 3-year-olds jQ tiOO and upward. Handicap. Ind Horsog A Wt Bt Bt hi hi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 1 P "288B63HERNANDO 3 107 1 2a 32 22 31 21 la Odom W H Laudeman 5 5 4 7-5 28886 ADV. GUARD 4 116 5 6 62 52 52 43 21 T Burns CarthersandShieldE6 8 8 2 28886LAT80N 6 113 6 3 2 32 21 H 30 Wonderly G Walbaum 6 10 8 21 2S88S RAFAELLO 5 95 7 7 7 6 6 61 4h Mnlholland J Tabcr 15 20 20 8 28887 A. VARGRAVE4 90 2 41 5i 76 710 78 52 Redfern F Bruhns and Co 15 25 20 8 288503K. OF GARTR 7 92 3 11 12 12 1 5 610 Cochran P B P Randolph 20 40 40 10 28774 MMKEKIN 4 126 4 f.a 4i 43 42 31 73 OConnor W M Barrick 1 6-5 9-101-2 .28851 SADIE S. 3 98 8888888 McGinn P H Sullivan 12 15 15 5 Time, 25, 50, 1:15, 1:43, 2:08, 2 :34. Winner B. c, by Hanover Retrieve. Went to post at 4:35. At post 3 minutes. Start good, Won driving; second handily. Hernando was perfectly handled and luckily placed throughout and appeared a certain winner in the stretch, but was strongly challenged by Advance Guard and only lasted long enough to win. The latter finished with a tremendous rush and, along with tho winner, showed to good advantage on the level Withers Course. Latson ran a hioh claFS race and was the only other serious contender. Rafaollo will do on a heavy track. Alfred Vargravo ran well. Knight of the Garter went finely for one and a quarter miles. McMeekin broke down in the stretch. Sadie S. must have mud or a slow track to do well. Scratched 28916 Carbuncio, 113; 289153Dublin. 108. Hernando, show, 3 to 5. Advance Guard, show, evens. Latson, show, evens. McMeekin, show, 1 to 4.