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HEXI "WEEKS LAKESIDE PROGRAM. Tho program book for the remainder of the Boby meeting after this week shows that the Lakeside Jockey Club is fulfilling its announced intention to hang up 0,000 during its fifteen days of racing. The purses in the new book, which Secretary Nathanson brought out yeEterday afternoon, amount tc 4,300, which brings the total dis. burandement of the meeting, apart from entry foes, up to 0,800. The purses for next week and the half week following range from 00 to 00. There are two of the latter figure, each being a handicap, at a mile and a "furlong for throe-year-olds and upward. The daily card will consist of six raceE. ex-c ept the last day of the meeting and Eoason, on which seven will be run, and those who do not secure their getaway money by that time will be up against it. The book contains fifty-five racsB, of which two are for C0, two for 00, and twelve for 00. BesideB theee there are nine races in which an entry fee of 0, 5 or 0 is one of the conditions which tha secretary imposes probably with the hope of saving himself from being overwhelmed with entries.