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Responsible Bettors Can obtain 2 TO 4 GOOD ONES weekly during the California meeting domething LEGITIMATE and DIRECT from the INSIDE from DIBECT-LY INTERESTED parties on cartain STABLES ONLY. Sent to reponsible parties for a percentage of net weekly rinningi. For full par- Seasrss P. 0. Box 914 MItrEE Race - Track - Information - Bureau Turf Correspondents. Publishers of Form Letter Handicap. Suite 500, 363-369 Oearborn St. Telephone Harrison 1580. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Zack Phelps, 3-1 place;was our Extra Special, Omflurman Won. The above two horses were our good things Thursday. 10 to 20 to 1 Good Tiling Second Race. Plunge the Limit on This. This one has been saved to earn winter oats for his stable, and if its latast mora, which was as good as ever shown over the Lakeside track, can be relied upon, he and his stable mates will have full stomachs all winter WHILE OUB PATRONS WILL HAVS FULL POCKETS. There aTO at least two other horses whose chances we are so confident that WE SHALL ADVISE A PLUNGE ON THT5M. They nrohably will notbi more than 3 to 1 but we feel confident thty will win. DO YOU KEALLT WANT TO WIN? Yes, you say. Well thm, let us, min who have made a life loog stnay of the sport of racing, men who daily are spending large earns of money for information, and WHO HAVE MADE OTHER MEN WEALTHY, advise yon Try us for a day or week -yon will never regret it. SATURDAY 10 to 1 or batter in special training for six weeks to win thus particular race. . TERMS : .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. BEADY AT 9 A. M. Race Track Information Bureau, 263-269 Dearborn St. Also sold at Kolmane cigar store, 267 Dearborn 8t.,and at cigar stand, Botunda, Adams Express Building, 185 Dearborn St. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO Guy H., 5-1, a stake horse today regardless of his bad race yesterday, a limit bet, special. Hermencia, 3 to I, special. Zack Phelps, 2nd, at last in a soft spot. Harry Herendeen, 7 to I, place. TODAY-ANOTHER GUY H. -TODAY Odds 4 to 10 to 1. AIbo two 2, odda 7 to 5 to 3 to 1 and no contest. Each a limit bet Praying for rain. If it will only rain. My book is foil of mud horses. Bemembor at Latonia nrxt Saturday. Also Lakeside atake winner same day. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .00. SiX SpeCialS fOr S 10 Or fOr One. JJ6?- toanypartof the world. May require two weeka H. T. Allard always at omw to explain any matter. I with my track man every morninir aa vnn know. Offi- 176 i. Oiark St. in ticket office. Telephone 2119 Central. On sale 3 11-30 a m a newsataud, son east corner of Clark and Madison Sts. Also on Bale at Bed Hot Stand at track COL. J. C. WOOTBRS, MGR., 91 Lincoln Ave. - - Tel. North 1007.