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Pally BaoingFomi IBBU3B 3VBBY DAY. Western dooxeij Qlufi Bulleiin O77I0IAIi OEGAN OF THE WEST33N JOCKEY CLTJ3. 2DITCK AND PB07BI3T03, F. H. BBUNEIiIi. ASSOCIATE SDITCa, CliIHTOH 0. RlLET. BEOKKTAIW, MBS. F. H. B3TOSLL. Sftiertd In the Pcj Omce at Chicago as sscond class matter. 3AILY RACING FOSM PUBLISHING CO. A Dally Bcfisciicn of the Amsrican Turf by Talagraph. 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. COPYRIGHTED. SaSsred according to Act of Congress, In the year 1931, by Frani H. Brunall, in the office of tho Librarian cf Congress at Washing-ion, D. 0., TJ. S. A. . Cfha chart and index numbers and t track form t of Daim Baoimq Fobm must not be used. They are copyrighted daily and will b keenly protectsd. SINGLE COPY 5 GENTS. Sdbsobiftionb Hdst bk Paid in Advahob. TSBMB: Per Month 8 1.25 Half Year .JM One Year 14.00 She aboye ratea are for single copies as sealed letters flrsi-clasa mail. , , , , SJaily Bacing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single coDiee as first-class mail in all sasei. , , ioeal subicriptiona oussiae the down town district will be declined at other than first-elass mail matter rates. AT HOT SPRINGS, ARK.: . F. C. Boving, 418 Central Avenue 2o be considered and answered all queries to Daily Racing Fobm must be sent over the full name and with the name of the writer. Thoao names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. 2T, LOUIS, MO., OFFICE-19 N. BBOADWAY, Basement. M. Murphy, Agent. On Bale at 8:30 a.m. Dailt Raging Fobm can be delivered to any address in St. Louis. Saek numbers can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can be left at the Bt. Louis office for telegraphic transmission. OBTBOIT OFFICE 139 Grlswold Street. Frank E. McDonald, Agent. On sale at 9:00 a.m. 3IN0INNATI OFFICE-408-410 Vine Street, J. B. Hawley, Agent. On Bale at Noon. . BUI I" AT MEMPHIS, TENN. : B. M. Hansford Co. 3. H. Clarke andBro. CHICAGO, ILL., NOVEMBEB 2, 1901.