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CALIFORNIA STAKES 30 CX.OSE. Monday next is the last day for making entries to that division of tho big list of stakes offered by the California Jockey Club, which are to be run off after January 1, 1902. This division comprises the richest prizes of the coast turf campaign, notably the Burns Handicap, the Thornton Stakes, the California Derby, the California Oaks, the Watorhouse Handicap and the Gebhard Handicap. They cater to all ages and classes of thoroughbred and owners who intend taking part in the racing at Oakland, Ingleside and Tanforan during the season of 1901-2 will be timply foolish if they neglect to enter their horses liberally in these attractive events. Entry blanks are ready at this office for all who may require them. The list of stakes to close Monday is as follows: The Barns Handicap, 3-year-olda and upward, 0,000 guaranteed ; 1 1-1 miles. The Thornton Stakes, 3-year-olds and upward, ,000 guaranteed; 4 miles. Tho California Derby, 3-year-olds, ,000 guaranteed; 1 1-1 miles. The California Oaks, 3-year-old fillies, ,500 guaranteed; 11-8 miles. The Waterhonse Handicap, S-year-olds and upward ; ,500 guaranteed ; 2 miles. The Palace Hotel Handicap, 3-year-olds and upward, ,000 guaranteed ; 1 1-8 milos. The Bell Stakes, 2-year-olds, ,000 guaranteed; 5-8 mile. The Pacific-Union Handicap, 3 year-olds, ,000 guaranteed ; 1 1-16 miles. The Adam Andrew Selling Stakes, 3-year-olds and upward, ,500 guaranteed ; 1 1-16 miles. The Lissak Handicap, 3-year-olds, and upward, ,500 guaranteed; 1 mile. The McLaughlin Selling Stakes, 3-year-olds and upward, ,503 guaranteed; 1 1-8 miles. The Naglee Selling Stakes, 4 year-olds and upward, ,500 guaranteed; 6 1-2 furlongs. The GuQst Handicap, 3-year-olds and upward, ,500 guaranteed; 1 mile. The Follansbee High-Weight Handicap, 3-yoar-olds and upward, ,500 guaranteed ; 7 furlongs. The Gebhard Handicap, 2-year-olds, ,000 j guaranteed ; futurity course.