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Special-Today-Special In the first race at Lakeside a stake horse in with a lot of dogs, will have a compsteat rider np and bo at least 5 to 1 in the battiag. If there ever vthb a mortal cinch this is onn. We have also THREE CINCHES AT LATONIA We advise all our old clients to call today and get in on these royal good things. .00 Weekly. Wired at 10 a.m. THE AMERICAN HANDICAPPERS Reynolds and Co., 73, 119 Dearborn St. BEGINNING Monday next every day at noon you can have a copy of telegram from our correspondent M. D. MILLER now on the ground at FRISCO giving his 3E LECTION J with exact track conditions in detail for .00 PER WEEK .00 Actual cost of telegram from .00 to .00 daily. Weekly members will also have benefit of hie semi-weekly letters pertaining to f atnre events, etc. Call or write at once and bo in line to receive this service. AMERICAN HORSEMENS AGENCY, 516, 167 Daarboro 8t., Chicago. Tol. Cmtral 3719. x g aOi to any subacrihor who will 9KJ mJJ pmvfl my COPYRIGHTED TURF GUIDE BOOK will not win 75 to 93 per cent, of all horses play ad with it. Thousands of testimonials from those now using it. Wonld a reliable publisher o.ffir yon this reward as 1 have the past two yearn, if book was otherwiRe than represented. THINK THIS OVER! Twenty years experience Price f 1.00 and is worth 0 to any person who follows the horses. D. A. Thurston, Publisher, 7-8 Bennett Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Beference, any mercantile agency. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO John A. Clarke, 15 a place, a good thing, giving nothing to win, Pronta 2-3; Pay the Fiddler, special; besides The Butcher, Boomerack, Olekma, scratched, Kentucky, Amote, Lysbeth. TODAY - - SATURDAY - - TODAY As advertised, my Latonia goad thing, shipped there for a killing. Also Lakeside stake and handicap winner, odds 4 and 6 to 1. Also in first and last races a good thing, odds 5 to 15 to 1. Guarantee to run 1-2 3. Attention, next Thursday at Latonia another one. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .00. SiX SDeCialS fOr $ ! 0 Or fOr One. Wired to any Partof the world. May require two weeks r, ,, 7, . J, f , . to deliver, as only wire horses of odds, not hot favorites a. T. Allard always at office to explain any matter. I with my track man every morning as you know. Office 178 8. Clark St. in ticket office. Telephone 2119 Central. On sale at 11:30 a.m. at newsstand, southeast corner of Clark and Madison 8ts. Also on sale at Bod Hot Stand at track. COL. J. O. WOOTBRS, MGR., 94 Lincohi Ave. - - Tel. North 1007. Race - Track - information - Bureau Turf Correspondents. Publishers of Form Letter Handicap. Suite 500, 2G3-3G9 Dearborn St. Telephone Harrison 1580. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Kentucky, 6 to I, Won, was Our Extra Special. We told you that this one waB sav id t i i ira us it .9 f :r hi3 Btable and if his latest move can be relied upon he and his stablo matn wi I h iva fall s.omicha all winter, while our patrons will have full pockets. Kentucky was off iis h 1 aad under 11 cima the " wire vy to eased 0ttBOa un up in 1:139. Our other two horses were BEN CHANGE N O FRANK M. SATURDAY ANOTHER KENTUCKY 8 TO 20 TO I GOOD THING. In special training for six weeks to win this particular race. If you will stop at our office before going to Lakeside today wa know of at lnast three others which will win to a certainty. One of them ws said would be as good as KENTUCKY, has bean secretly prepared for an OLD TIME HOG KILLING. VVe are confident that he is twenty pounds bsttor than hia last public form indicates. We will instruct our clients to raise their limits and bet as long as they can find takers. This horse alone will bs worth the price a hundred fold. By playing our three horses today our clients will win more money than they did any day this year and we have made aB much as five hundred 00. TERMS: .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. READY AT 9 A. 31. Race Track Information Bureau, 263-269 Dearborn St. Also sold -at Kolmans cigar Btnroa 257 and 355 Dearborn St., and at cigar stand, Rotunda. Adams Express Building, 185 Dearborn Bt.