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OAKLAND FORM CHART OAKLAND, CAX., November a. First day. New California Jockey Club. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Racing otarts at 2 :05 p. m. 29X29 FIKS IlhiACi!-5 13 Furlonstu eurB0 S400- 3-year-oldo and upward. Ind Koraea AWtBtM K 1 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P" 260492DOUBLEt 4 117 1 la u Ink i Hoar D S Fountain 5 8 8 3 24780 JOE FREY 3 115 3 41 41 41 2 J Woods J W Schorr 2 13-52 4-5 28661 S. FOR SCANDAL3 107 6 71 51 31 S Birkenruth F W Doss 5 7 6 2 26S903FRANK BELL 5 117 5 21 22 22 45 WinBlett J W ONeall and Co 5 8 8 3 VARRA G. 3 107 4 51 82 82 5 Howsoc Miss C Gibson 20 63 60 20 2E978 PREJUDICE 4 107 7 61 61 61 61 Ransh BurnsandWaterhse 5 7 7 2 264852YELLOW TAIL 4 110 8 101 7 71 73 Vititoa J Hackett 12 20 15 8 252592 A liTICUL ATE 3 115 9 11 91 9a 81 See W C Do B Lopez 8 15 15 6 285542SCORPIO 4 117 2 31 31 51 92 J Mathews W H Ketchiman 10 12 12 5 25413 MEEHANUS 5 120 10 81 103 103 105 Ruiz c Young 4 12 10 4 286S0 T. OH" CANDLES 3 112 11 91 11 11 11 Ransom J Gardner 4 5 5 ?, Time, 111, 231, 49, 1 :001, 1 :07. Winner Ch. g, by Domino Lucy Wallace. Went to post at 2:21. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won with the first four driving hard. Doublet, away clear of the others and in his stride, was under a drive throughout and stood it gamely. Jo Frov ran a fine race, but was the least bit ehort. School for Scandal ran a good race and will do better. Meehanus iB of no present account. Tower of Candles got away poorly and his rider never tried to make up the ground. Frank Bell ran a fine race and with a stronger rider might bavo won. Articulate ran poorly. Scratched-28697 8harp Bird, 120; 28278 Icicle, 102. Doublet, show, 3 to 2. Joe Fray, show, 2 to 5. School for Scandal, show, evens. 29 ISO 8EC8U-D KACK3"4 flUle JPunsa. 3-year-olds and upward, tea Korscn A Wt St H. V 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H CP 25941 VANTINE 4 109 4 21 21 U 12 J McCarty G W Snyder 3 3 21 1 24095 NELLIE FQHEST3 104 5 4a 41 51 21 J MathewB W P Magrane 8 15 15 6 26003 MONDA 5 109 7 8a 71 4a 3 ColliB W P Fine 15 30 30 12 26049 ALAS 4 109 9 103 82 71 4a Tullst E C Ahlers 12 20 20 8 20047SLOU CLIEVEDEN4 109 2 31 3" 2a 52 Ransom J C Nealon 15 30 30 10 26052 EINSTEIN 6 109 6 11 92 92 63 See L Levy 12 20 20 10 E69S7 BEDNER 5 107 8 SI 10 10 72 Birkenruth P Byan 6 6 6 2 17530 BTRONGOLI 5 109 10 62 61 81 8 Ruiz E W Purser 15 20 20 8 22180 PANAMINT 5 112 3 52 51 3 9 J WoodB BurnsandWatarhee3 31 2 4-5 25S773BONITARY 3 104 1 12 11 6110 Vititoe HERowell 60 100 100 40 25412 HIKE ETRAUSS 4 109 11 7a 11 Bled. Hoar W E Cotton 2 21 21 1 Time, 241, 491, 1:151. Winner Ch. f, by Anchorite Vestina. Wont to post at 2:45. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Vantina wed speedy and in cood form and best today. Nellie Forest ran well and finished very strongly. So did Monda. Lou Clieveden and Bonitary showed a lot of early speed. Panamint was short and did not run his race. Scratchod-23810 Gold Baron, 109; 260483Catherino Bravo, 104. Vantine, chow, 1 to 2. Nellie Forest, show, 3 to 1. Monda, show, 6 tol. Panamint, show, 2 to 5. Mike Etranss. show, 1 to 2. OOjl ? THIRD RACE Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purae 00. jj O JL QJ L. 2-yoar-oIds. Allowances. Ind Horsea AWtBtii hi Z StrFin Jockeye Owners O H C P 28276JHOMEBTEAD 113 2 U 22 21 In J Woods G B MorriB 7-107-102-5 1-4 28662 MAGI 115 1 2a la 25 Hoar W E Applegate 5 6 6 7-5 250472 WATER BOB ATCE 115 3 42 3a 33 33 Collis GSummersandCo 10 20 20 8 OONTIKUED OK FIFTH PAGE, WS OAKLAND FORM CHART-CONTINUED. FLOURI8H 110 4 51 Si 45 45 Birkenruth H Wilson 8 8 8 2 258793BOT.NY 110 7 62 75 75 55 J Mathows E E Edwards 10 20 20 6 25803 8ILVA ORUZ 113 6 32 42 fi2 61 Ransom E J Baldwin 10 30 SO 8 25806 LOU WELSEA 115 5 75 63 51 75 Ruiz Doble and Campbell 5 7 7 2 .26176 PIRATE MAID 110 8 8 8 8 8 Stuart M E Frost 15 40 40 12 Time, 21i, 45, 1:10. Winner B. c, by Candlemae Sweet Home. . Went to post at 3:15. At post 2 minuteB. Start good. Won in a hard drive; second easily. Homestead was bast, but had to be driven out and swerved in on" Magi, which ran a game race, although she wa8 beaten at the time. Water Scratch ran a good race. 8ilva Cruz showed early i3peed. Louwelsea was short and made no showing, but can do muca batter. Bcratched 28714 LandBeor, 115. Homettead, show, ont. Magi, show, 3 to 5. Water Scratch, show, 4 to 1. Cp FOURTH BACE 7-8 Mile. Puree SlVO. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt 34 ft X StrFin Jockeys Ownera OHO P 2869631 M HBO 31PTU -8 110 6 54 43 31 11 12 BirkenruthF W Doss 5 5 5 2 25909QUSTO 4 115 4 H 12 U 22 22 Logue P Howley 10 10 10 4 , -74719 EONIC 3 107 2 2a 32 , 45 45 3" Hoar A J Stamler and Co 7-5 8-5 8-5 4-5 25909 MIKE RICE 8 112 7 71 55 55 5 42 Romero T E McLaughlin 15 20 20 8 22463 LODE STAR 7 112 10 6a 71 6i 62 52 Stuart D OKeefe 10 15 15 6 63902BEN LEDI 5 112 5 4i 61 72 7i 61 Winslett G W flcott 10 12 12 5 25S3S3QOLDONE 4 115 8 81 81 82 82 71 Fauntleroy J Coffey 6 6 6 3 259102QIBR ALTAR 6 115 1 35 24 2 Sh 85 J Woods BurnsandWaterhse 3 31 31 6-5 23649 COMING EVENT 4 112 12 12 91 102 92 92 Boas C Earl and Co 12 15 15 6 5910 POSITION 4 112 9 91 101 9 10 101 JMcCarthyJ Crealy 15 20 20 8 "4116 KOENIG 5 112 11 11 112 H5 us H6 See Jacobson and Co 30 40 40 15 28482 C. BALLENTYNE 3 110 3 12 12 12 12 12 Adams D Whaelihan 7 15 15 6 Time, 13, 24, 48i, 1 :15. 1 :28. Winner B. c, by Crescendo Amida. Went to post at 3:40. At post 5 minuteB. Start perfect. Won easily; second the same. Impromptu was bist seasoned and best today and had the race won all the way. Gusto showed flue speed early, but tired in the stretch. Eonic was interfered with m the stretch. Gibraltar showed early speed, but sulked. Goldone got away badly and was badly ridden. Miko Bice ran 13 gImprromptn, show, evens. Gusto, show. 2 to 1. Eonic, show, 2 to 5. Gibraltar, show. 3 to 5. CtTf TOO FIFTH BACK 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward, j 1 OQ The Opening Handicap. Value S1.500. Ind Horses A Wt Bt M ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O K C P 26049HAGEBDON 4 106 5 12 15 15 13 12 Vititoe HL Frank 6 6. 41 8-5 28472OBIA 3 101 4 51 61 41 41 2- BirkenruthP Ryan 8 12 12 5 255212BOSORMONDE 6 101 6 62 5 31 3a 33 Btuart J N Burk 10 15 15 6 2605238IE HAMPTON 4 107 2 2t 21 23 21 45 J Mathews George Miller 7 12 12 5 28633 AUTO LIGHT 3 10S 11 91 81 52 52 51 Ransom G B Morris 6 7 7 21 237753BANGOB 5 98 7 81 91 91 61 i Ranch BurnsandWterheel 6-5 1 1-2 24070 MORINEL 6 95 1 71 10 5 71 71 Adams M Storn 10 20 20 8 23428 FLUSH OF GOLD4 107 9 41 31 72 81 81 Hoar Owen Bros 6 10 10 4 28123 FAVONIUS 5 112 3 31 4" 810 92 93 J Woods BnrnsandWatrhsel 6-5 1 1-2 26644 VARRO 3 100 10 10 71 10 10 10 See Hutchinson and Co 12 12 12 6 257S51EL B. SHANNON 4 108 8 Fell. Fauntleroy TpaonandHagman 6 8 8 3 Coupled in betting. Time, 24, 491, 1:14, 1:401. Winner B. c, by Esher Lady Richmond. . . Went to post at 4:10. At cost 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Hager-don was easily the best, led all the way after the first few strides and won easing up. He is in fine form and an extremely speedy colt. Obia ran a good raco and finished strongly. Bosormonde ran an excellent race. 8ir Hampton ran well to the stretch but tired in the last furlong. Auto-liaht ot off poorly and made up much ground. Flush of Gold and Favoniua showed early speed. 8cratched-28231NoneB, 110; 28594Janice, 106; 28408 Bush Fields, 103; 260493Byron Rose, 101; 28278 Icicle 95. Hagerdon. Bhow, 4 to 5. Obia, show, 21 to 4. BoBormonde, show, 3 to 1. The entry, show, out. B1XTH BACH 1 l-lO miles. Puree 5400. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling ind Horsoa AWtBtK ft StrFin Jockeya Owners OHO P 259103DECOY 4 107 5 12 H 12 12 12 j Mathews George Miller 6 8 8 3 287192BONNIE LISSAK 3 100 1 Si 21 32 22 2 BirkenruthEzell and Lazarus 3 3 8-5 4-5 24974LIZELLA 6 1C9 9 71 81 61 31 35 J Banch J Weber and Co 6 6 4 8-5 280583TONY LEPPING 3 103 3 2 4b 21 41 42 Winslett NewmanandEgan 15 30 30 10 26052 CA8TAKE 6 111 6 51 31 51 62 5" Bomero O W Boesecke 10 15 15 6 24486 SEA LION 5 116 2 6 7 7h 7 6h Bniz C Young 5 10 10 4 229872QAHNTHUS 3 100 4 4 51 41 5 73 Fauntleroy J Coffey 6 8 8 3 285333FREE LANCE 7 112 10 81 91 81 81 82 AdamB W H Ketchiman 8 8 6 2 259093TOB8IDA 6 109 7 92 10 9 9 9 J McCarty J McGovern 5 8 8 3 17710 MISS VESA 4 107 11 10 11 10 10 10 See DunlapandMcDnld25 25 12 6 25939 WHALEBACK 5 105 12 11 61 11 11 11 Logue H Whitman 20 30 SO 12 25912 MONT EAGLE 4 105 8 13 12 12 12 12 Sheehan C P Fink 60 100 100 40 17711 GRADY 7 108 13 12 13 13 13 13 Hoar Oweu Bros 15 25 25 10 257663PING 6 107 Left at the post. 8tuar.t C W Chappell 15 20 20 8 Time, 7, 24. 501, 1:16, 1:42?, 1:481. Winner B. g, by Deceiver Nantucket. , , - . Went to post at 4:35. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Decoy is in good form, showed the moBt speed throughout, but was tiring slightly and had to be shaken -np near the end. Bonnie Lissak did ber best and finished stoutly. Lizella made up much ground. Miss Vera was vary badly handled. Tony Lepping ran a fairly good race. Decoy, show, 8 to 5. Bonnie Liesak, show, 2 to 5. Lizella, show, 4 to 5.