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BEGINNING Monday next every day at noon you can have a copy of telegram from our correspondent M. D. MILLER now on the ground at FBI3CO giving his SELECTIONS with exact track condi-tious in detail for .00 PER "WEEK .00 Actual cost of telegram from 1 00 to .00 daily. Weekly members will also have benefit of his semi-weekly letters portaining to future events, etc. Call or write at once and be in line to receive this service. AMERICAN HORSEMENS AGENCY, 516, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. Tel. Cantral 3719. Responsible Bettors Can obtain 2 TO 4 GOOD ONES weekly during the California meeting Something LEGITIMATE and DIRECT from the IN3IDE from DIBECT-LY INTEBE3TED parties on certain STABLES ONLY. Sent to reponslble parties for a percentage of nat WPflkly winnincru BVir full par- SS P. D. Box 9 14 flmjgEE tfSE A 4 f to any subcsrihqr who will w - J J prove my COPYRIGHTED TURF GUIDE BOOK will not win 75 to 90 nor cent, of all horses playd with it. Thousands of testimonials from tho"i now using it. Would a reliable publisher off ir you this reward aB 1 have the past two yea, if book was otherwise than .represented. THINK THIS OVER! Twenty years experience. Price 51.00 and is worth 0 to any peraon who follows the D. A. Thurston, Publisher, 7-8 Bennett Ihorso3. BIdg., agency. Detroit, Mich. Kefe fence, any mercantile Partner Wanted To join in turf enterprise paying thirty to fifty dollars woekly. Investigate. References fur- Only reliable parties need answer. inishad. W.S. CURHS, GEN, DELIVERY, CHICAGO. Dnlij System Beating Tlie Races. BOOKLET FBEE, DE3CRlPriON OUB WON-DEBFTJL SYSTEM COPYRIGHTED, NOT A LOSING DAY IN OVER FOUK YEABR OPERATIONS on any regulation track. Want the money daily? My 8yatem" gets it I My System, Co., TJrbana, 111. Race - Track - Information - Bureau Turf Correspondents. Publishers of Form Letter Handicap. Suite 500, 2G3-269 Dearborn St, Telephone Harrison 1580. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. ID TO I GOOD THING MONDAY-EXTRA SPECIAL. You must not miss this one. Our experts advise us that at least 10 to 1 will ba laid against this trick, and if he runs within 10 pounds of his work he should win as he pleases. Thsybave sent us informition about two others that should not be favorites and that should win as easily as KENTUCKY did Friday, when our instructions to our army of pUronswas to plunge to the limit on Kentucky. Whethor you are a winner or a loser you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. These horses having been prepared away from the preBent ecane of racing makes THIS INFORMATION EXCLU8IVE. Special instructions at office when, how, and why to play these good things. Form Letter Handicap on all races ready at 9 a.m. WE ARE THE GREATEST FIRM ON SPECIALS ON LONG SHOTS In this business. We. can beat any man living in this respect, and we bar none, whether ha lives at track or in town. THEBE 18 NONE CAN SHOW BESULTS LIKE WE CAN 3HOV. TERMS: .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. READY AT 9 A. M. Race Track Information Bureau, 263-269 Dearborn St Also sold at Kolmana cigar stores, 287 and 355 Dearborn Bt and at cigar stand, Botunda, Adamn Express Building, 185 Dearborn 8t. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO Federal did not look a well horse -this morning is why if not sick was printed in my sheets and after looking hini Federal over in the paddock I did not like hia appearance, while his jockey felt confident Federal would win, I came in tho ring and advised my clients to play both Henry of Trastamare and Barilla to win and by discussing the false odds with Barney on his block it became a public tip. Barney and 1 alike thought 6 to 1 a good price, much less 80. Attention ! Attention I During thia meeting I want to see all of my clientB at about post time in all conditional racas as you noted today my sheets read Donator is short of a good stiff work out, heace I had every one go to Crosby or Linden Ella a place. The result O.K. I will recognise only holders of my sheets MONDAY I HAVE ONE UNCONDITIONAL SPECIAL. ODDS 4 TO 10 TO I SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL. RACES .00. SIX SpeCialS fOr 0 Or fOr One. Wired to any part ofthe world. May require two weeks Ti f , to Oliver, aB only wire horses of odds, not hot favoritea -. n U. a. Allard ji. always at office to explain any matter. I with my track man every morning as von know. Offico 176 8. Clark St. in ticket office. Telephone 2119 Central. On sale at 11-30 a m at newsstand, southeast corner of Clark and Madison Sts. Also on sale at Bed Hot Stand at track COL. J. C. WOOTERS, MGR., 9i Lincoln Ave. - Tel. North 1007! Henry of Trastamare, 30-1, Was the medium of tha largest and most successful killing that has taken place ou any Chicago track m years. The public, it is claimed, won 0,000 from the syndicati ring We advised over 75 chonts that we saw at the track to play this good thing. Cora Havill II., Nellie Waddell, Burma Bunton, Orontas, Linden Ella, place, our other good things. Can you loaa nlavine infor-mation like the above. Monday at Lakeside in sixth race 25 to I or Better. This horse has bean saved all summer for this particular race and a killing like the one on Henry of Trastamare will go through. If you want to make 300 on 0 investment here is your chance. Also two other good things at 5 to 1 or batter. Got our Oakland and Latonia snneinls At Lakeside Tuesday 15 to 1 shot. Wednesday 30 to 1 or better. Try via I oi a Wirt Ind von wili be a sure winner. Send in your mail order. Terms: .00 Daily; .00 Weekly CHICAGO - INFORMATION - CO. B53andB!fflBandao.