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PEDIGREE BLANKS, On liuea paper, artistically edged in colors, ruled and arranged for six generations of sireo and dams of individuals and their ancestors. Ten cents each, .00 per dozen, .50 per hundred, No owner of a stallion should be with; out a Bupply. DAILY RACING FORM, 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. THE Saratoga flssociaiion For the Improvement of the Breed of Horses. Stakes to Close on NOVEMBER II, I90I. To.Be Runl902. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS IN I902--NOW YEARLINGS. The United States Hotel Stakes of 0,000. J tional. To the winner ,000, to the second ,0CO, and to tne third,,000. Winners of two raceB of the value of ,000 each, or of one of ,500, to carrySlbs. extra; of two of ,500, or one of ,500, 5 lbs. extra. Non-winnera of ,0CO allowed 5 lbs. ; maidens allowed 12 lbs. Five ana a Half Furlongs. The Grand Union Hotel Stakes of $ 1 0,000. g JsS-ftggf To the winner ,000, to the second ,000, and to tne third ,000. Winnera of two races of the value of ,000 each, or of one of ,500, to carry 3 lbs. extra: of two of ,500, or of ono of ,500. 5 lba. extra. Non-winners of ,000 allowed 5 lbs. ; Maidona allowed 12 lbs. Six Furlongs. Thp Flash Of SIR flin By subscription of 0 each, or 0 if declared by June 1; 1903. BtarterB l! i l .UUU to pay 00 additional. To the winner 54,000, to the second 00, and to the third 00. Winners of a race of the value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs. extra ; of two racea of 000 7 lba. extra. Non-winnera of ,500 allowed 7 lb3. Five and a Half Furlongs. The Soinawav of ,000. For Fillies. ?y Bnj"pHn each, or 5 if declared by inn upiiiuiiuj ui vu, vuvi 1 ui 1 iiiiboi June 190;Ji lf atartera to pay 00 additional. To the winner ,000, to the eocond 00, and to the third 00. Winnera of ,500 to carry 3 lbs extra. Non-winnera of ,000 allowed 7 lbB. Maidens allowed 12 lba. Five and a Half Furlongs. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS IN I902--N0W TWO-YEAR-OLDS. The Travers of 0,000. ir.ffl0a.ttwS;,8SiiSS ,000, and to the third, ,000. Winners in 1902 of two races of the value of ,500 each, or of one of ,000, to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1902 allowed 10 lbs.; of ,000. 15 lba One Mile and a Furlong. Thfi KPMlPr Ul flf Sfi nflfl By subscription of 0 each, or 5 if declared by June 1, 1902. Starters "j161 to pay C0 additional. To the winner ,000, to the second 00, and to the third 00. WinnerB in 19o2 of two races of the value of ,500 each, or of one of 000 to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,C00 in 1902 allowed 10 lbs. ; of 50 15 lba. One Mile and a Quarter. Thfi Alabama ttlflWfllllfl UI Of Sfi tfJ,UUU. flflO TUI For NIIICD. FilllPS ?y subscription of SaO each, or 5 if declared by Jnne i, 1902. starters to pay 00 additional. To v the winner ,000, to the second 00, and to the third 00. Winnera of ,000 in 1902 to carry 3 lba. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1902 allowed 5 lbs. Maidens allowed 15 lba. One aiilo and a Sixteenth.; Entries should be addressed to the Secretary, the Windsor Arcade, 46th street and Fifth avenue, New Xork. W. C. WHITNEY, H. K. KNAPP, H. D. MclNTY.BE, President. Secretary. Asst. Secretary