untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-06


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Events to Close Monday. November SB, 1901. POR THP IIINF MFFTING 1902 ownor, notice in writing to that offoct accompanied by the payment of all forfeits being given u 1 i "i-v lkjj. jSwithin three months after tuch domiso. Six Furlongs. The Foam, , GOO added. Estimated value ,000. For two year-olds foals of 19C0. BjJ f . fh,. ... . ... .. ,, Bubscription of each for startors; 5 forfeit, or 510 if declared out by May 15, 1902. WitU 1 " flg CBIilUm. SBO.DDO. u , a andB3, FZ upward, now year- S1 500added of which 50 to tha second and 150 to tho third. Winners of ,500, 5 lbs.; of ,000, 3 ,. uum"and lss aud npward. By subscription of 0 each for horses now 7 71bs.extra. ThV fixtra Maidens aiaidons allowed anoweu 5 0 lbs. ids. -Pive Furlongs yearlings; or 1 each for horses now two-yoar-olda and upward ; tha only liability if declared by May 15, 1902; or SG0 oach for nil ages if declared by November 1, 1902; or C0 if declared by Feb- The Surf, $ i,500 added. Estimated value ,000. For twc-year-olds foalB of 1900. By ruary 2, 1S03; or 150 if iofc in after iha last montionjd date. Each starter to pay 5200 additional, subscription of 0 uacti for starters; 5 forftdt, or 0 if dsclared out by may 15, 1902. With Guarantoed cash value S20.000, of which 5,000 to the winner, ,000 to tie second, ,500 to the 5C0 added, of whicn 50 10 tho socoud and 50 to tha third. Winnara of ,500, 5 iba. ; of ,000, third and 00 to the nominator of tin winner. One Mile and -a Half, or of the Foam Stakes, 7 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. J?ive and a Half Furlongs. FOR E AUTUMN MEETINGS 1903 AND AFTER. FOR THE JUNE MEETING 1903. FOB KOW WBAKL1SGS AND lEABLIKflS. oniyTaba TftB Animal GHaiqpinn, 585,000. trtriisand declared ouAy February 1,1903, or 00 If left in after the last mentoneddate 15 To bo Juu darig thTautumu mtoiings. Conditions oK flSSsE NominaS asToam: to pay 50 aduitloaal. Guaranteea cash value S20 L00, cf .which 5,000 to the winner, ,500 to By subscription of each to accompany tho entry, tho only liability if declared out by Novem- tha second horse: ,il0 to tho third h?rs; C0 to the . Lomuatur of tno winner ; 00 to the nomi- bar 15 o tne year in which lho joa,. lf leftlQ after that date thoro shall be addi- nator of tne second horsa and 00 to the nominator cf the third horse. Colts, 12b lbs. ; RoldiuRB, tional C0Bt8 aB f0nowa: ?25 if declared oat by July 15 or tho year in which the hone is two 123 lbs. ; allies, l-l lbs. amc .ma a yuaricr. y6are old. if aoclaiod out by February 1 oi the yaar in which the horse ie three years old, or The aiermaid, ,250 added. Estimate value SCCO. For fillieB three-year-olds foals of 50 if left in aftor that date. By tiling prior to November 15 of the year in which the horse is 1900. By subscription U 10 each for starters; 0 forfeit, or only 0 if declared out by May 15, two years old un accepted transfer of the FOAL KNXitY, accompanied with all forfeits to that 1902 or 5 if declared out by February 1, 1923. Vith ,250 added, of which 00 to tho second date, the nominator will be rolea6d from farther liability, conditions for Houses Nomi- and 00 to the third. Non-winners in 1903 of ,200 allowed 5 lbs. ; of C0j 10 lbs. nated as eaelings : By tubficription of $;0 each, the only liability if declared out by July 15 One Mile and a Furlong, of tho year in which tho hoxsa is twoyearB olds, or 00 if declared out Ly February 1 cf the year mho T Dt?nTi7ntinn 0,000 ADDED. Estimated valuo fS0,C00. For Ajij,? is lilea J ears olds, lf left iu after that dato 50 each. bTAHllIUS TO PAY niirrDTiHD TI1B LaWlBIiGD nudllZallUii, noises now yearlings. For threeyoar olds loale of 19C0. Cu AP-Plil0,A,f; Qnarautoed cash vaiua p,000, of which 0,000 to tho winner, ,C00 to tho A eUoeDBtakts by tho following resptctive subscriptions: For hoises cnttrad as foals ty Novem- second horao, 50 to the third horse, fl,M0 to tho owner of winner at timo of entry, 00 to tho her 15 I9C0 "o each, or only 0 if declartd out by November 15, 1E01, or 5 if dtclared out by owner of eecoiid horso at time of entry, V;0 to tho owner of third horse at time of oatry, and 00 NoWmber ft : 1902 lior horses nominated as yearlings by Iovemher 18. liOl,when the to tne trainor of winner at time of race. Three-year-ohls, 112 lbs.; Four-year-olds aud XKes shallleelosed,00eachor0 il Ueelared out by November 15,1902. EAbtl "Hard, 124 lbs. sex and geldings allowances. Vihinera of any raco, when throe-year- hiARTlitt to nai 50 additional, all of which shall go to tee second and third UorsiS as farther tias and upward, of the value of 14 two to cany 3 Ids. extra; non-winners of any raco, when nrovided Tho Coney Island Jockey Club to add teu thousand dollars 0,000. The second to t"" ft ar-oids and upward, of the value of 6,000 to ba al owed 5 lbs.; non-winners of any race, nceWfl f 500 of the Idded money and two-thirds of tho starting monej ; lho third 50 of the when three:yoar-old9 and upward, of the va no of ,000 allowed 10 lbs.; winnings in handicaps added moiS and one-third of the starting money. The nominators of the winner, of the second when eiitsgH iigtil for age, shall net ba considered. Two Miles and a Quarter, horeo and oi tho third horse, to receive , 10 and 00 of the added money respectively, bPECiAL condition s-1 ho entry of a horse for this race as a foal or yeurling shall qualify whether they lio the owners of the horses when the race takes placo or not. The trainers of tho Bch lf not declared out, to start for the race when throe years old, and each year thero- winner of the second horse and of the third horse, namely, tho trainers at tho tima of the race, after, on payment of startiog f so in each event. Should a subscriber or transferee die before tho to deceive t0. 50 and 00 of the added money, wsptctivoly. Colts 126 lbs. ; geldings 123 lbs. ; fac8 ih? eutry shall not be void, provided it be assumed by the then owner of the horse, notice fllliaa 121 lbs Ntn-inneiB at any time of ,CC0, allowed 4 lba.; of ,CC0, 7 lbs. ; of ,100, 10 lbs. la writing to that effect, accompanied by the payment of all liabilities, being given within three By tiling on or bXrNovcmber 15, 1981. with the Coney Island Jociey Club an accepted transfer mmths aIter such demise. of the foals entry, the original eubtcriber will bo released from any liability as to the engage- meat of said entry except the first forfeit of 0, leaving the purchaser liable for Bume unless T-NIT FOR THE JUNE ITT.T MEETING 1904. dnlv etrnck out. should a subscriber or transferee die before the race the entry shall not be , .. . voia. piovidod itboaseumeQ by the tLen owner of the horse, notico in writing to that eflect, fflB LflWrBLDB nBandIlZiitlflil 0000 4D?;Lf;0 Estimated valua 0,000. Forthree-accoknanied by thopaymentof all acemtd liabilities, being givau within three monthe after 1HU "Q,I1"li.u" HUOllflUUUH, jear-olds Uoals of 1901. A sweepstakes by the following - tnM,lZr One Mile and Five Furlongs, respective BubscnpticnB: For horseB nominated as foals by November 18, 1931, each or only eucn demise. 0 if declared out by November 15, 1902, or 0 if declared out by November 17, 1903. For horses I-lrC POR THF inn AUlumix AUTUMN MEETING moDiinu 1903 iwo. uomiuatea as yearlings by November 17, 1912, whon the. stakes sliall bo clOBed, 50 each or 5 if declared out by November 17, 1903. iSACU aTAUTER to pay 50 additional, all of which shall Kha Profit Plllll QfCJPQ ,000 ADDED. Estimated value $:0,CC0. For failles two- go to the second and ttiird horsoa, as farthar provided. Tha Coney Island Club to add ten thoUB-llltt UluUl I Illy UlQfVUDj year Oids foaib of 19ol. By tubtciiption of each toaccom- and dollars ,C00. The eocond to roceivo ,500 of the added money and two-thirds of tha pany the entry, tho only liability if d6cJartd out by November 1,1902; ana 5 eich if declared out starting money ; tho third 50of tho added money and ono-tbird of tho starting money. Tho by !tio.y 15, 19j3; orL0 it declared out by July 15, 1603, oi if left in aftor tlielast mentioned date, nominators of tne winner, of tho second horsa aud of tho third horso to roceivo 00, C0 and 00 liALii btLAHliSU to pay 50 aaditional, wUich shell be divided between tho nominators of the of tho added m-moy respectively, whether thoy are tho owners of tho horses when tne raco takes nllieB placed fli et, fecond and third, as further provided. Tho Coney Island Jockey Club to add placa or not. Tho trainers of the Mincer, of tuo eecond horsa and of the third horso, namely, tho Ea CC0 of which ,250 to tho second aid 0 to the third. The nominator of ths winner torecoive trainors at timo of race, to receive 00, 00 and 00 of the money added, respectively. Colts opir cant of tho additional fees paid for ttartmg; the nominator of ttie Eecond 0 per cent and 1261b.; geldinga 123 lbs.; Allies 121 lbs. Non winners at any timo of ,000, allowed 4 lbs.; of the nominator of tho third 20 per cent. Vriunoie of tvtorncseof ,C00 or one of ,000, 5 lbs. ,000, 7 lbc; of ,000 10 lbs. By tiling on or before November 15, 1902, with the Coney Island extra - two of ,0CO or one of 0,tC0, 8 lbs. extra, lf sire or dem has not procucod a winner prior Jockey Club an acceptod transfer of ihaforls entry, iho original subscriber will ba released from to Ni vembar 1, 1901, the fiily villi be allowed 3 ibs. for either or 5 lbs for both, said allowance to any liability as to tho engagement of said ontry except the first forfeit of 0, leaving tho pur-be claimed at time cf entry. By hlling on or before November 1, 1902, with the Clerk of the chaser liable for same unless duly struck out. ahould a subscriber or transferee die before tho Coureo of lho Conty Island Jockey Club an accepted tn.nsfor of engagement in this stake THE racs entry ehall not bo void, provided it bo assumad by the thou owner of the horsa, notice in NOiilNAIOK wlLiL BE RELEASED FhOM. FOUTHEB LIABILITY, fchculd a subscriber writing to that effect, accompanied by tho payment of all accrued liabilities, being given within oi transferee die before the r.co. tho eLtry shall not be void, provided it be assumed by the then threo montho after ench domise. Ono Mile and Fivo Furlongs. The Rules of Racing and subsequent ninendments thereto adopted by The Jockey Club govern all races and racing of The Coney Island Jockey Club. THE FUTURITY FOR 1904, estimated value 5,000, will close about January 2, 1902. Nominations to be addressed to the Clerk of the Course, Coney Island Jockey Club, Windsor Arcade, 571 Fifth Ave., New York,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901110601/drf1901110601_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1901110601_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800