untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-06


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1 1 Lakeside Jockey Club rOBY RACE TRACK, ROBY, INDIAN A 1 1 P. and F. W R.R.1 15-Racing Days-T5 I I " Central R. R. 1 leaves Union Depot Specials from foot of at 13:30, 12:50 and Randolph St. leaving: 1:10 p.m., stopping Van Buren St. two at Archer Ave., 41st -J C1V J AQ QR M UAnr 0 R E nRnrC RACES nMIV DAILY, S- St. and Englewood. 13 :45 and 1 :15 p. m Regular train at 1 :55 P fi M M FN P I N fi AT 9PM stoppingatParkRow p.m., stopping at all UU 111 111 Ull U 1 1 U HI . I . III. . . . Central Station, stations. Faro on all 22nd, 39tli and G3rd trains for round trip Sts. Fare for round 25c. jlft I 0 A I I 4 trip 25c. Parlor cars l. s. and m, s. October 28-November 1 3 Depot VanBuren St. W ft. V M W and W 11 W I VIIIU1 VI H V burban trains be- 1 and Pacific Ave. Beg- tween Central Station I ular trains leave at and 63rd St. will take 0 7:45 a.m. and 12:05 a r A f T CT T TT TE- passengers on race 1 p.m., stopping at all J lJlVV.ll VyJLN . OG. tickets. Transfer to I stations. Returning race trains being H at 4 :19 p.m. made at 63rd St. 1 A,,ey L" sPPinS at a" ,0P staons t0 63rd street connecting with surface .. B L S.and co nil HI. S. odd K.n. I electric cars direct to track, Ail trains leave track immediately after races. III. p LentrSl n. R. I Fare lor Round Trip on all Trains 25c, I, Nathanson, Secy, 815 Merchants Loan and Trnst Bldg., Chicago, j I Perfectly Edited. Fully Reported II IK OuIolOOo HuuDGl Oil 0 Tl numm i mmm For the Improvement of the -Breed of Horses. I I Stakes to Close ora a ii I I LAILY NOVEMBER II, 1901. Be Runl902. ITo FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS IN 1902-NOW YEARLINGS. . . , . - - w. tional. To the winner 7,000, to the Becoad ,000, and to the third ,000. Winners of two races sIsooVlljiexL two of ,500, or one of MMMaMMg. a Uiti lmrtM!!ss!sv W 8 mal nB R owa " DSl c ant . , Half Furlongs. v The Grand Union Hotel Stakes of 0,000. ItSandt Form-Sheets I Ul-I I I OI ICOU ai and IU LI Entries III ICi Telegraphic I CICgl aJI ll, VAJJ Correct- I Cl, To the winner 57,000, to the second ,G00, and to tae third ,000. Winners of two races of the value of ,000 each, or of one of ,500, to carry 3 lba. extra : of two of ,500. or of one of ,500. 5 .. .. " lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 allowed 5 lbs.; Maidens allowsd 12 Va. Six Iurlongs. . Expertly Indexed. Concise, m Comely. The Flash of S5.000. py subscription 9f 9 each, or 520 if declare, by juna i, 1902. startera V !" , to pay 00 additional. To the winner M,000, to the second 00, and to . ,., the third 00. Winners of a rac of the.valna of ,000 to carry 3 lbs. extra ; of two races of S5 000 Xpainjng SjeWS a Specialty extra. Non.winnor3of,500allowad71b3. Five and a-Half Furlongs. ; : . The Spinaway of ,000. For Fillies. fLZtffiPSandS 5d?3ad and . . -- the winner ,000, to the second 00, and to the third 00. Winners of ,500 to carry 3 lbs. extra tti 1 A LI TYT. L T " 1 tit "L Non-winners of ,000 ulloweo. 7 lbs. Maidens allowed 12 lbs. Five and a Half Furlonss. Official - of the Western Glut, Organ Jockey for three-year-olds in mm two-year-olds. The UB TraVPR l,flc,aul flf 0 IUUUUI 000 5y subscription of 00 each, or 0 if declarod by Jnns 1, 1902. Starters Ja pay 50 additional. To the winnar ,000, to the second OFF OUR OWN PRESSES . BEFORE C00, and t0 the th v wTTi-. ivuuu v of ,000. to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1902 allowod 10 lbs. ; of 000 1 15 lba - One Mile and a Furlong:. THE CHICAGO DAILIES. . , . Thfi KPlMPr nf 000 By Babscription u of 3 each, or 5 if declarod by Juno 1, 1902. Starters i to tho third 00. dinners in 19u2 of two races of the value of SJ.500 each, or of ona of S3 003 to - oauarterb3 6Xtta Non"winnera of 2C0 ia 1902 kuwod 10 lbs.; of 50 15 lbs. One Mile and a SENT AS Subscription MQnths 75A ctAS9 The Alabama of ,000. For Fillies. LtTfl ry vJI A I IVJI III IO .vJV the wiuner ,000, to the second 00, and to the third M. Winriara of h 000 Tin 190 to carrvS Price r 4 A r IN PLAIN lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1902 allowed 5 lbs. Maidens allowed 1 15 lb One Milo and L Une Year 14.00 envelop. aMi Entries should be addressad to the Secretary, the Windsor Arcade, 46th strsot and Fifth avenue, New York.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901110601/drf1901110601_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901110601_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800