Captain Rees to Preside, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-19


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CAPTAIN REES O PRESIDE. According to the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune of Sunday: "There will be new officials in the judges stand when tho Latonia Jockey Club holds its next meeting. Judge Bees, who has a national reputation as a racing official, will be found at tho holm next spring, and the matter of whom his assistants will be, has not yet been decided. "That a change is necessary Jwas decided by tho powerB behind the throne at Latonia. Tho discontent of the public over numerous happenings during the mooting just closed, of which no cognizance was taken by the officials, urged the men who have their money invested in the track to arrange for a change. LatoniaB fall meeting proved, beyond any Questionable doubt, that racing is by no means dead in this section when it is conducted on a high scale and not the slightest shadow is allowed to hang over anything that occurs at the track. The meeting of the past three weeks encouraged the backers of Latonia. It is believed that with proper handling racing can be brought back to the high standard which it occupied here some years ago, whon Cincinnati was one of the biggest racing centers in the west. Shady transactions, syndicate books and other methods which stained the sport killed the game here. The past meeting was the first in many years during which the bettiDg ring was something like an open one. Just as soon as the public was satisfied as to this large crowds turned out, and the betting was brisk. "Judge Beess reputation is that wherever he presides there is clean raciDg, for he never hesitates to take action when there is the slightest chance for suspicion. When Judge Bees is in the stand men who, under other officials, would not hesitate to turn a trick, hold themselves as straight as a rule, for they realize that any suspicious action may terminate their career on the turf if Judge Bees is an official of the track. For this reason, if no other, arrangements have been made to have Judge Bees preside at Latonia in the future. The past meeting has Bhown that clean, strong racing will pay here, and Judge Reoao is picked aB the man to make it such."

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