Gossip of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-19


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GOSSIP 02" THE TURF. This is the trne story, says the St. Louis Be-public of November 19, of bow Hnghie McCarren, who needed both the money and the mare, sold the mare Wine Press for ,000 and got her back again, keeping the money. Hnghie had had a bad season and the ,000 was of use to him. , "One day, toward tha close of the Fair Grounds fall meeting, the mar a Wine Press ran in the name of Paul Miles and won, The previous day she ran in the namo of McCarren, whose property she hcd been for years. Mr. McCarren sold hor to Mr. Miles between two days for 31,000. When she won McCarren startled the track habitues by bidding her up from 00 to ,200 and getting her. "Miles complained that McCarren had, in the classic phraseology of the stable, "done him dirt" by fairly Belling him tho mars at private sale and then boosting her on him, particularly as it was McCarren who had hr ontered for 00, not Miles." It appears tho nest day after Hnghio sold her she was entered in a race in which tho only horse that had a chance to beat her, Loone, was Ecratchsd. Hnghie bet the SI, COO Miles had given him for the mare, winning ,200, the amount ha ran the mare np to when she was knocked down to him, so he quit 51,000 ahead and still retained Wins Press. . .According to present plans a hundred dajB meeting will be given at Charleston, 8. C, beginning December IS. Although the track is only a half mile in circumference .races at all distances between thrza-aighths of a mile and a mile and a half are announced. The track b fifty-five feet wide, there are no sharp turns and it is thought contests can be arranged that will prove quite as interesting in their way as can be seen upon any racetrack at this season of the year. There are now 2C0 stalls for the accommodation of thoroughbreds -and 500 more can be placed in roadinoss for occupancy without much delay. Five races will be run every day and no purse will hs less than 00. Charley McCoy will probably be the presiding judge, but nothing definite has been decided upon in the matter of appointing associate judges and startor. There will be no syndicate looking. The privilege of making book is open to any reputablo bookmakers.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901111901/drf1901111901_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1901111901_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800