Washington Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-19

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WASHINGTON FORM CHART. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 18. Seventh day. Washington Jockey Club. Fall Moating- I Weattior cloudy; track faBt. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing starts at 2:00 p. in. FIg5T HACE7"8 Mile S30U added. 3-year-olda. Selling. 29181 Ind Horacs A Wt St !4 K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C F 2936C3TODB ICO 2 13 12 16 15 15 Wonderly RWWaldenandBons2i 3 3 5 294182 BALT.OON ico 5 62 4h 82 21 23 Rice Setauket Stable S 4. 2 1 290452RABUNTA 99 6 5h 7i 5i 4i 31 J Martin J K Qarnett 6 20 15 6 29488 GARTER PAN 99 13 9 9 8 7i 42 Michaels J McCanley 15 20 20 6 29415 BOUNTEOUS 103 1 22 3n 41 5h 5 Brennan DavisandVanKeurni5 30 20 8 294403FLARA 99 9 10 84 71 6 6i Weber B Murray 7 8 8 3 293623K1NGS7ELLE 89 S 41 21 21 3 7 Cochran B Bchreiber 3 4 3i 7-5 29438 LAND OF CLOVEB105 7 8 6" 6a 81 81 T Bnrns G H Bcharrer 8 10 8 3 294S8 WOOL GATHERER 99 10 11 11 10 9 9 L Smith H E HanfieldandCo 15 80 SO 10 294183 BEGGAR LADY 99 8 7i 10 H 10 10 Radfern AAntonins 4 8 7 2i 29364 ANNA DARLING 9t 11 12 12 12 11 11 Creamer W C Daly 20 50 40 12 FLORAD 108 12 IS 13 13 12 12 Jone.B H Corwin 100 150 1C0 40 29438 J. A. WARNER 101 4 Sh Eh 9 13 13 Booker E D Morrell 40 40 SO 12 Time, 13, 24 49?, 1 :16, 1 :29?. Winner B. or br. f , by De Beanvoir Bon Voyage. Went to poet at 2:C0. At poet 3 minutes. Btart fair. Won easily; second the same. Tour got away running, showed much speed throughout and was never in trouble. Balloon waB poorly ridden and should have been closer up. She was shut off at the star. Rajiunta finished well. Garter Ban ran a winning race from where she got off, made up a lot of ground and will do to watch. Kingstelle fell away when pressed in the etrotch. Land of Clovor was never prominent. Scratched 291382 Biff, 102. Ovorweights Tour, 1 pound; Bounteous, 4; J. A. Warner, 2. Tour, show, 7 to 10. Balloon, show, 1 to 2. Rabunta. show, 2 to 1. Kingstolle, show, 4 to 5. A Q1 SECOND RACE 6 1-3 Furlongs. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Maidens. 4rO 3 Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt Bt M V: 3f StrFin Jockeye Owners O E O P 29058 WABW1FT 110 2 1 Vi Hi Vi T Burns Turney Bros 2 4 2i 1 29108 JUSTICE 110 5 22 21 22 23 Booker M Bhea SO 30 15 6 . 29382 LON GLOVE 110 4 51 81 32 33 Redfern Pepper Stable 2 2i 2 4-5 28332 SWAMPLANDS 110 1 3 in 41 4H Creamer W C Daly 100 1E0 150 E0 294603MI88ILE 110 3 4i 5J 5i 5h Michaels A Featberstone 2i 6 6 2 29460 LEMOYNE 107 6 7" 6i 61 62 J Martin Mrs B Roche and C08 10 20 8 29331 LITTLE ARROW 110 8 6ii 7- V; 78 Cochran T J Henley 10 12 10 4 290602BRUFF 110 7 8 8 8 8 Beaton R Baker 2i 3 2i 6-5 29460 TRITON 110 9 8 9 9 9 Brennan R Kane GO 150 1EG 50 Time, 11, 24, 49, 10, 1 :09J. Winner Ch. c, by Wawekus Nell Swift. Went to poBt at 2:80. At poBt 2 minnteB. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Waawift was much the best, and was never extended. He is a big, good-looking colt and will probably win more races before the meeting ends. Justice showed speed and quick improvement, but was driving hard at the end. Locglove ran ber race and Bimply could not get up when called on. Bwamplands was beet of the remainder. Brnff did not run his race and can do better. Scratched 29460Anak, 110. Waawift, bIiow, 3 to 5. Justice, show, 3 to 1. Longlove. show. 1 to 2. Brnff. show, S to 5. THIRD RACE 1 Kile and BO Sards. 00 added. All Ages. Allowances. Ind Horses AWtBt M n StrFin Jockeyt- Owusrs Q E G F 292462ANDY VV1LLIAM82 103 4 6U En 4H In lu I Burns E Brown and Co 16-5 5-5 out 2939530HNET 4 112 1 In li H 2 2 Cochran M J Malouey 3 4 4 1 29413 LORD QUEX 2 ICO 9 9 83 62 31 SH Redfern A Bimona 6 10 10 3 29415 RIGHT A WAY 2 100 5 84 71 7 61 4 MichaalB O L Richards 12 15 15 4 293632 PLAYLIKE 2 1C0 8 41 4i Si 5i 51 3hea W H Sands 15 20 23 6 29360 PRESGRAVE S 107 7 31 2i 2 4i 61 Booker - J K Garnett 0 40 SO 10 29417 JAME8 FITZ 2 97 6 51 6U 82 7 72 Thompson A J Joyner 33 . 60 60 20 29417 GOLDAGA 2 100 S 71 9 9 9 83 J Martin A Featherstone 20 100 50 12 2941E3HIMBELF 3 110 2 2n 3 5i S 9 Doggett W C Daly 12 E0 15 4 Time, 12and, 5, 50 Js, l:17Fs. 1:44, 1:47J. Winner Br. c, by Kingstock Carmencita. Went to poet at 2:50. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; Becond sasily Andy Williams ran a good race and was out to the last ounce at the ond. Be is a game little colt and stood a gruelling for the laet half mile, fighting it out in rare manner in the last forty yards. Ohnet outclassed the others, and hie performance was a" good one. Hp hung on well when caught. Lord Quez closed a big gap in the last half. Preegrave showed early spssd. He is working up to a race and will do soon in poorer company. Scratched 294822 Justice, 100; 29417 Blue Ridge, 97. OverweightE Andy Williams, 3 pounds. Ohnpt, show. 2 to 5. Lord Quez. show, 7 to 5. FOURTH HAC:B3"4 Mlle Rddod- 2-year-olds. BallingT 29181 Ind Horses A Wt Ei X StrFin Jockeye Ownsm O H Q P 29H7 ROE OF MAY S4 3 52 32 3H 1 Michaels JJMcCafferty 10 10 4 7-5 294172HANS WA GNER 107 2 22 22 li 25 Cochran J B OBrien S 4 Si 1 294373MTbLEADER 97 1 Hi 1" 2u 3a L Smith ACMcCafferty 8 20 15 5 29415 LOCKET 96 8 7i 61 H 4 Creamer W C Daly 15 30 SO 8 29460 HOT 103 10 10 10 7i Eh RHendersnL Thompson 10 50 30 10 28226JGOLD BRAID 108 4 3 51 5n 6 T Burns WACLanler 3 2 4-5 29437 BUCCASUNNA 89 7 9 8 8 71 Rice A G Wfeton 20 50 50 12 29437 THE P. OF BUHREY 94 6 41 4i 61 Si Redfern W Oliver 8 12 12 4 29437 ERNEBT PARHAM 97 5 8 9 9 93 J Martin TD Sullivan 8 50 40 10 29044 ZORAIDE 91 11 11 11 11 10 DOConnor J B Bratton 100 200 200 68 29363 ATHEOLA 99 12 12 12 .12 11 She W F Presgrave 40 200 200 60 277431LAC 105 9 61 71 10 12 Booker EPetorB 4 8 7 2i Time, 12$, 24, 496, 1:1 Winner B. f, by Gold Crest Faithful, by Longfellow. Went to post at 3:20. At poBt 4 minutes, Start poor. Won driving; second easily; Rose of May ran a good game race and finished strongly through tho last furlong and just got up in time. Htna Wagner was all out when challenged from racirg with Misleader. The latter is 6peedy but a quitter. Hot closed a big gap and would have been third with a good ride. Gold Braid probably nooded this rac6 and will do to watch. Lac found the company too warm and was eased up in the Btratch. Scratched-29488Andy Williams, 107; 294173The Four Hundred, 100; 2S417 May J., 94; 29483 Playlike, 92. RoBe of May, show, 7 to 10. HanB Wagner, show, 1 to 2. Misleader, show, 2i to 1. Gold Braid, show, 2 to 5. 291 Hp g.SACS 1 I-IO Milea. 00 addodt S-yaar-olda and upward. Ind Horses A Wt St and jj i StrFin JockeyB Ownorn O E O P 294163WABRANTED 3 98 7 6i 4e 42 ji 13 Bedfern TEMannixandCo6 10 8 S 294E91WYNBEER 4 108 S 72 Sa 3n 3i 2n Doggett E J Shipeey 7-5 8-5 4-5 1-3 294E9PIEDER1CH 3 101 8 gn En 6" 4i 3J Booker H C Scbnls 4 6 5 2 29440 PUNCTUAL 3 95 5 4 61 E 5H 4i Michaels O L Richards 20 SO SO 10 294863 GRAY DALLY s 99 6 3h 2 2H 2 5H Weber F HoBgan 10 12 10 4 29886 JACK MGINN 3 101 4 2i H 1 6i 62 Cochran J E Gardner 15 15 15 4 29418 RINGLEADER 4 103 9 9 8 8 71 72 Brennan J A Bennett 10 25 15 6 29C95 BPBY . S 96 10 JCm 7 7 8 82 Crsamar J E Lane and Co " SO 60 CO IB 29418 WHISTLING CON6-1C1 S 5 9 9 9 9 D OConnorF Lindinger 60 230 100 40 294E9 AVATAR 4 1C6 1 li 10 10 10 10 McQuade T D Sullivan 20 40 SO 10 29436 LIZZIE A. 3 SO 12 12 11 11 11 11 Shea E Whalen 10 15 10 4 21678 FLAX SPINNER 6 S8 11 11 12 12 12 12 L Bmith Hawthorne BtabletJ 80 23 S Disqualified for foul. Time, 12, 26J, 51, 1 :18J, 1 :4Eand, 1 :52b. Winner B. c, by Guarantee Clifho Chapman. Went to post at 3:40. At post 4 minutes. Btart good. Won easily ; second driving. Warranted was the best and drew away easily in the stretch. Mynheor ran to his beet form. Piede-rich interfered with Punctual at the stretch turn and was dieqnalifled. Punctual had a rough 1 voyage and should havs been sreond. Gray Dally and Jack McGinn showed speed but tiled. 6cratched-k94622CurtBey,104; 2B39! Arganauta, 95; 29S933Snark, 0; 29440 Vesnvia.81. Overweights Mynheer, 2 pounds; Gray Dally, 1; Avatar, 3. W arrentgd, show, 7 to 6. Mynheer, show, out. Punctual, show. 5 to 1. j0g SIXTH RACE 1 3-10 MLU.es. 5400 added. S-year-olda and upward. Ind Horses A Wt Bt Bt Vt StrFin Jockeya Owners PROP 294412CAHBDNCLE 4 117 2 21 22 H Hi 12 12 Cochran T J Healoy 1 18-105-5 out ; 29441POTENTE 6 126 1 H la 2 25 28 26 Michaels JJMcCafferty I 1 9-10out ; 291243 RAFAELLO 5 113 33 3 3 3 3 3 Booker 2 Tabor f 10 8 8-5 Timo, 13, 26, 52, 1:18, 1:44 2:04. Winner B. g, by Stuyvseant Garnet. Went to post at 4:15. At post 1 minute. Btart good. Won easily: second the same. Carbuncle ran a good race, showed the most Bpeed and was never was in trouble. Potente waB beaten after going seven furlongs and ran nowhere near the form he displayed last week. Bafaello is not near himself and could not keep up, although the pace was very slow. Bcratched 291632The Puritan. 120; 292802Lucky Star, 117; 29S02Trebor. 114; 29l633Roxane, 113; 29365 Fatalist, 108; 294413Alfred Vargrave, 102; 2948320hnet, 100; 29163 Handicanper, 9$; 294593Snrmiae. 98. ;

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901111901/drf1901111901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1901111901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800