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AuEEBICIAN SPOKTING JSAWUAX. The Amarioan Sporting Manual of 1991 oos tains all raoing recordi at largra, revind an c omplata up to tha end of 19M; four handiaaji. pin? sjatama with directions for ihalr pracilaaJ application, a table showing how to eoMpsto bookraaking percentages, track raoordi of all the raeogniead tracki of tha country i tha waaV jrn nnd eastern acalsa of waighta, tablsa show ing tha comparative ipaad of traaia, a acmyla! lilt of pngiliitio contaitt of 19N of any aous queasn, trotting and pacing recordi at all die tantsa and a list of tha new 2 :1R fcroitera of 1$ Aloo a complete recordi of parformanoaa at all llaa of billiarrto.