Gossip of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-22


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GOSSIP OF THE TURF. J. B. Keenes former champion, Foxhall, is atill alive and well at the age of twenty-five and is one of the sires standing at the Mentmore Stud. The Mentmore Btud was owned by Baron Botha-child and came into the possession of the present Lord Bosebery when he married Hannah, the only child of the baron. The late baron was an ardent admirer of King Tom and nearly all the Mentmore pedigrees trace to him. It was in deed owing mainly to the King Tom blood that the blue, yellow cap of the big banker was so successful on the turf, the Derby winner Fa-vonius and many other good ones being eons of his. The Mansion at Mentmore stands on a hill overlooking the vale of HyleBbury, and the paddocks at the foot of the hill are plainly visible from tho houeo. An enormous bronze etatue of King Tom was placed immediately in front of Mentmore by the late baron, in order that the descendants could have continually a good view of their ancestors before them. It ie plainly visible in making the railroad journey from Liverpool to London by the L. and N. W. Bailway. Hart Gibson, Jr., is suing the Latonia Jockey Club for 2,003 damages, alleging the death of his thoroughbrod Pirate Belle, by Pirate of Penzance Alma T., was caused by an obstruction in the track that should not have teen there. It will be remembered that in the fourth race at Latonia on November 10, 1900, a handicap at a mile and an oighth, Pirato Belle, rid-den by Michaels, fell and broke her neck. Gibson shortly afterward icstitutod suit for 2,000 against the j jckey club, setting forth in his petition that a plank was protruding from the fence and that the filly ran against it. Michaels deposed that the filly stumbled and butted her head into the fence. The flrat petition waB dismissed without prejudice on application of the plaintiff, and a second petition was filed. It will come up for trial at the next term of the Kenton Circuit Court.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901112201/drf1901112201_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1901112201_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800