Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-22


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1 i i J I j , j 1 NOTE8 OP THE TURF. Judge George G. Perkins will leave Cincinnati in a few days for New York. He has taken quarters for the winter at tho Berkley Hotel. He will attend the meeting of the Western Jockey Club here on December 9, and will return to New Yort to remain until spring, when he goes to San Francisco to attend the wedding of his son. He will return to Covington, Ky., a week or so before the opening of tho spring meeting at Latonia. E. H., Chicago. Your dilemma is one which you must decide yourself upon the basis of what yon think is strictly right under all tho cir-cnmstanci s, There is no rule governing such a case. Abaut the only point is that your list of scratches was plainly incorrect and if jou cannot get such information correctly you should not publish any. Fcmdling, dam of Imp, has been booked to Wagner for the season of 1902. In a letter to Mr. William Field, Jr., Mr. Harness says: "I have been working out Scioto sister to Imp. She is a better yearling than Imp was, and the best I over bad anything to do with." Muresca, which showed so well in the mud here this year, iB repeating her parf ormances in California. She has startad but twico since her arrival at tbe coast and won both races. Both victories were scored over a muddy track. Seven furlongs appear to be too far for Educate. Abcut Bix furlongs is her clip, especially through soft.golng and with anything near 100 pounds on her back. Both her, last racas at Oakland were good. - Favorites were again beaten at Bennings yes-terday, but one crossing the line first. Backors of first choices at the Washington course are not meeting with success as but one has scored in two days. Handicapper Miller, who met with succsbb here this year, is now in San Francisco. He has sent two or three winners at fair prices to a few Chicago friends in tlie last week. George C. Graddy, of Versaillas, Ky., has sold to Richard Berry on private terms the eeven-tesn-yoar-old bay stallion King Midas, by King Ernest Mimi, by Eclipse. Much important business will undoubtedly bo transacted at the annual meeting of the West-i ern Jockey Club, to be held hers Dscember 9. fc Meehanus is in good form just now. He won hiB last two races with odds as good as 6 to 1 against him each time. Leo Mayer, the well-known bookmaker, is back in town again, F. Erb., Peorin, 111. Place odds Bedeck 3 to 10.

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Local Identifier: drf1901112201_3_3
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