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A FEW BOOKS OF LOCAL FORM FOR SALE; FROM JULY 1 . . . . .00 " AUGUST 1 . . 2.00 HENRY and GO. 161 THIRD ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. Will receive commissions by telegraph, mail or express upon all races and other sporting events, and wid place them in Louisville according to directions of sender. Honesty,- accuracy and dispatch in all transactions. All communications confidential . . . HENRY and CO. REYNOLDS and CO, I 73nEABBOKNST We gava our clients four winners again at Oakland yesterday. 1901.sh0 forfeited if any statement made by us in this paper is not correct. BEMEMBEB No guessing in our camp. The bast of reliable information and expert handicapping by wire from out experts at Oakland daily. Weekly. Wired at 10 a.m. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO Waswift, 10-1, Again Today. Lode Star, 7 to 1. ATTENTION On account of rain on a heavy track my Thursdays good thing1 never having faced the starter was declared oil" as my sheets read hence I redeem all sheets sold yesterday. TODAY ONE ONLY ONE BUT GOOD ODDS. REMEMBER SATURDAY. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL BACES .00. Six Specials for 0 or for One. 25Sand?Xw H. T. Allard a wayB at office to explain any matter. On saleatll:3U a.m. at office 176 8. Clark St., in ticket office Phone 2149 Central. Newsstand southeast corner Clark and Madison fits COL. J. C WOOTERS, MGR., 94 Lincoln Ave. - - Tel. North 1007. cTenilal. Turf Exchsng COMMISSIONS ON ALL RACES. Stations. I Firet ISecond I Third Train Train Train SPECIAL TRAINS TD1IUP nil ON Lv.Hand lph Bt .. 12:05 12-35 1-30 3 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RY. 0 Et! .8!r 83 S3 11 " 39th Bt 12:15 12:45 1:40 Beturnins; Trains at 4:40 and 5:30 p. m. " 63rd St 12:20 12:50 1:45 and after last race. Grand Crossing 12 :25 12:55 1:50 BOUND TBIP, - - 35 CENTS. Kensington... 12:30 1:00 1:55