Probable Inaugural Riders, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-28


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PROBABLE INAUGURAL BIDEKS. The New Orleans Picayune of Novemdor 26, has this to say of the probablo riders in tho Inaugural Handicap: "Winfcfleld has been engaged to ride George Arnold; Qormley will pilot Little Jack Horner, and Cobnrn, Bnrnie Bunton. There is likely to be some trouble over the Bennett jockey riding tho last-named, Owner Newman is said to have engaged Van-dusan to pilot his horse before he loft Chicago. "Vandueeh claims that he has reduced to ride the mare, and that he has also refused mounts on other likely starters. He was surprised yesterday to learn that Newmans trainer had he supposes, without Newmans knowledge arranged with Coburn to ride the mare. Naturally, Yandnsen is much wrought up over the matter, and it certainly looks as though he had baen treated very shabbily in the transaction. "Several of the inaugural eligibles received their final trials yesterday. The Morris pair, Choice and Fake, were sent the Inaugural roate threa-qaartara and their trials stamp them as having a chanca second to nono. Choices work was as folio wa: 12, 24, 361, 49, l:03i, 1:16. Fakes fractional time was: 12, 24, 3S, 59, 1:17. Add worked with the latter and finished oat the six furlongs in 1 :18tc. "Mint Sauce was only galloped slowly. Ha will get his final prop this morning. So will George Arnold. Savoy was said to have worked six and a half furlongs early in the morning in 1:23. The Bush worked three-quarters in 1:17. Fremont Sloans Wiedemann worked from the three-quarters post to the grandstand in 1:17. Bummer want over the same route in 1:22. He is still sore and goes very "proppy." Free Pass worked once around the track in 1:47. She went the first half in 51i seconds. Nellie Waddell was Bent a half at a good stiff gait. She covered the laet quarter in 25 seconds. Prince Blazes, with Willie Nutt in the saddle, worked a mile in 1 :47. He pulled up very tirtd. "Several jumpers were schooled over the ateeplechaee course. Dangerline and Manheim went a turn of the field together. Both jumped well. Ellison was on Manheim and Tanner on Dangerline. McLamore went over the course twice. He was very rank, but jumped well. Lairds jumper, Bauber, while being schooled by jockey Gormley, came to grief at the jump near the five-eighths post. In taking off, the horse slipped and fell. Gormley was unharmed, but the horse was knocked out for a few minutes. It was thought for a time that his neck was broken, but he finally-scrambled to his feet none the worse for his tumble. "George C. Bennetts string, in charge of Trainer Henry McDaniels, arrived from the farm late Sunday night, Coburn, the stables rider, came along with the horses. The string numbers eleven, and is made up as follows: W. B. Gates, El Caney, Handsqueeze, Mjra Morella, Seguranca, Little Scout, Queen W., Brewer Schorr, Cadet, MonoB and Aransas. "Six of Fred Cooks string are here : They are Tayon, Alee, Fullen, St. Wood, Small Jack, and Oliver Mc. "G. W. Bishop Poole has seven here this winter. Here is a list of them: AdmetuB, Al Brown, Blue Lick, Kohnwreath, Lovable, Lord Boberts, and a bay yearling colt by BusboII Florence P.

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