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WASHINGTON FORM CHART. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 87. Fifteenth day. Washington Jockey Clab. Fall Meeting. Weather clear: track fast. Presiding Jndge. Clarence McDowell. Starter, Mars Casaidy. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. 29577 FIHAUo5Se76 1-2 3B,urlonS8 added 3-year.olds and upward. Ind Horses A Wt St 14, StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O K S5i9ET t J!!t 4 Sh 3s 814 M Bedfmn M J Maloney 1 11-101 2-5 29529 TOUB 3 98 3 21 Hi H 21 Wonderly 7 J H Carr 5 7 6 2 2?fv2I3VIALLEYS 97 1 lH 21 2 33 Phea BTWihonJr 10 10 7 2 29522 BIM8ELF . 3 103 2 4h 4ii 4 4h Brennan W O Daly 30 40 40 10 and1and23andT LILY 4 104 5 6H 610BH58 Cochran SB Tracey and Co 4 4? 3 1 KiFSP HS4 5 52 5H 5h 62 8eaton EBeynoJoV 20 40 SO 6 Slnnlx,- III1 Dapsman H J Morris 12 20 15 5 29529 PBOB1T 4 104 8 8 8 8 8 Thime J K Garnett 50 100 100 30 . . Time. 11,25, 49, 1:16,1:23. w. Winner Ch. g, by Conrad Lncy P. Went to post at 2:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won riddon ont; scond easily. Ohnat had mnch to spare at the end and should have won more easily, but Bedfcrn did not want to Bhow him up and I waited to tho JaBt moment to make his run, being compelled to ride out. Tour ran a good race, displaying his usual speed. He racd Lady of tbo Valley iDto submission, but had nothing lift to stall off Ohnet. Lady of the Valley did her best. Scarlet Lily could have been handled to bettr advantage. Kahf is capable of a better performencn. abB29.5n63n8Koreham 107 : 29277Morokanta. 107: 295573Lee King, 104 ; 29569 Bastile, 104 ; 28551 ,or m Teddy, 104; 29569 Alpaca, 104; 29522 Lord Pepper, 100; 29555 Oudenatdo, 100; 295532Babunta, 97 Overweishts Tour, 1 pound; Himself, 3. hnet show ont- Tour show, evens. Lady of the Valley, show, evens. Scarlet Lily, show, 2 to 5 29378 BEC0ND BACK-B 1-3 JFnrlongs. J4C0 added. 2.year-oldB. Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt Bt 34 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P S2HONOLULD ioHo s 2 1- V Pochran A Miller 2i 2 11-57-10 win p?np4ApmfnM4 JS I J ?? I2 ndJy Albemarle Stable 3 3 2 7-10 !wi ww8SAQnTw0NA Ml I l il 4i !h HBooter J W Schorr and Co 10 20 20 6 29520 FEME SOLE 120 3 21 32 Si 41 Doggett J J McCaffertv 5 V 10 S 8and5?andandFiB 1 4" 51 S Sedfern Si m is 4 oSr?i,M8EL HI ! S 61 6i 6i hangman G C Johnson 5 8 7 2i nS6BDAmul, 6 7 7h 7 7 BHendrsnG Borkel 15 50 30 10 ffi4nLAinAHEBMAN ,5 5 5 5 Maels F Gardner 10 20 20 8 959, 95 2 10 9 9 9 Beaton S S Tracey and Co 10 15 10 4 29556 EABLY EVE 106 8 11 10 10 10 Heyden J Gardner 10 5 20 7 295428WAMPLANDS 103. 9 9 11 11 11 BrVnnan W C Daly 30 100 60 20 Time, 12, 2t,iS, 1:03, 1:10. TO. Winner B. g, by Star Buby Baby. Went to poet at 2:!P. At post 3 minnles. Ftart good. Won easily ; second the same. Honolulu ran a cracking pood race. Crcwded out at tho start he made upground fast and waB going away at the end. Lux Casta showed ary speed but weakened in the Isst furlong. Bbe has lost her beet foim and can bsattbis kind when right. Flora Pomona flniehed strongly. Feme Solo tandsUandfandV 25520 FrPic,106; 29.96 pVixiandS. Overweights 8wamplands, 1 pound. Honolulu, Bhow, 2 to 5. Lux Casta, show, 2 to 5. Flora Pomona, show, 3 to 1. 29579 THIBdHnACK-1 60 J300 addBd- S-year-olds and upward. Ind Horsee A Wt St and j StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO" SDKbLEY SiE i S S S S S Sffi? ITSS? TFIT 3S ffiS??S8Bmi M I ? i1 521i S Sdorly lfJSi k o I 29555 IYB fcHENA 5 112 2 3h Ai 4 5 5 Black Plate and Co 10 10 6 1-5 . J1me., 5, 5 1:17, 1:45,1:48.6 nj Winner B. D by c, WawekuE Puritan Lass. Went to post at 2:55. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. WelleB-ley far outclassed bis company. Be drew away easily when called on in the Btretcb. He is a good big colt and capable of a better performance. Death was speedy and did bis best, but in only a iBir riater. MjEheer was ridden hard all the way, but the company as too much for him. Lady Choiieter was outrun throughout. Tyr Shona showed early speed, but wbb oui.iwmsmBu. overweighted. Bcrstched-29541 Marothen, 104; 29416 Annie Thompson, 104. Tirellesley, show, out. Death, show,. 2 to 5. Mynh6er, show, out. 29580 F0URTH BACK-7-8 M"6 5100 added. All Ages. Allowances. nd Horses A Wt St K StrFin Jockeys """OwneTs O H O P 295E6EXT1NGU1SHEB2 105 4 2" 214 21 1 14 Ccchren T Sbiels 1-2 7-1DVS nnt 295222TB E PUB1TAN 3 128 2 4 44 31 31 23 Domitt JJMcrafferty 3 4 4 ik 29493 PIGEON POST 3 128 1 12 12 Shcell Fkifes n and 2 H M 0 60 60 oO 50 8 8 29555 BEB. MCABTH Y 2 102 3 Sh 3h 48 415 420 Wonderly jhc8 29542 LITTLE ABBOW 2 98 5 5 5 5 5 5 Bhea TJHealey 50 100 100 20 Time, 25, 51,1:17,1:30. Winner nr- t, B. c, v by Candlemas r, Mapgie Mitchell. Went to post at 3:20. At post 2 miDutes. Start good. Won easilj; second the same. Ex-tingnishir Improves with each race. He ib a good colt and bad plenty to spare at the end. His Thlthlt P 1Dpthf firBt Partf the race, but he flniehed strongly and was oafily the brstol the others. PigecnPcBt P-ltaD was speedy, but biB weight told on him at the end. Bessie noaeio McCarthy quit after going well for a half mile. Bcratched-29557 Lemp oLee, 128; 295683Andy Williams, 105; 9498Lady Godiva. 102 The Pnntan, show, ont. Pigeon Post, Bhow. 2 to 1." BesBie McCarthy, show, out. 29581 FIFTH BACK6 1-8 FarlonS8- 5300 added. All Ages. Selling. tod Horses A Wt St M K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 29532LABT KNIGHT 2 91 1 1h 1h h 1 1h B BendeonL Thrmnson Ti 5TRlf 2S417B1J0U 2 100 7 5h 5h 2h 214 22 Bedfern G B WaFters 8-5 BJ5 tIb 29557 LAMP OLEE 3 126 5 61 4 3 314 31 Doggett A Feathoretono 10 10 f I 29554 ILLUMINATE 2 91 3 8 7 7 4 41 Cochran FH Milden Jr 6 10 8 li 2S498LADY QODIVA 2 95 4 Sh 3 m 6l El K HendscLF B Hitchcock 2 ? IM 29518 LOCKET 2 9 2 21 21 41 E- 63 Creamer W CDaly 10 20 so r 29532 MAY J. 2 85 6 71 8 8 71 73 OVErion J A Fickott ICO 100 ICO vo 295S0 CLEABFIELD 2 85 8 8 lhvn 11 4Jt g 100 200 1C0 40 Winner Br. c, by Free" Knight Nilety. Went to post at 3:45. At poet 2 minutes. Ftart good. Won driving: second eaailv T.nnt Knight was Incky at the start end cleverly bandied all the way. Henderson f pStlnJ sood flnith and the colt outgaming Bijou in the. closing strides. Bijou ran he? race Lamp 11 a oLee SlSr m the early Eta6eB- IllnmiDat8 -ada-p"oun5JL9 Scratched 29193 Satire, 120; 29578 Bed Damsel, 100. ehowlBtoni8ht,ELOTlt02 Bi3n ehW 1 10 3 LRmp ,Lr9 Bhow 7 t0 5- Lady Godiva, 29582 m?aV,.00T,,dg- edd0d- "-oldBandupwara. Ind Horses A Wt Bt U X X StrFin Jockeys Owncre OHO P- 29541 MAHOTBEN 3 0 2 514 51 4h 42 1h Thompson G A iiuller and Co 8 is 12 a sssas ,"a t !i a i? a s sjia r I 29116 AN. THOMPSON 3 90 7 64 61 63 62 62 Michaels JJMcCafferty 8 8 8 5 29497 ALTBFA 5 98 5 72 8 8 8 71 Beaton E Bwnolds 8 10 3 2 294592CHEBI8HED 3 90 8 8 7 7 7 8 Shea OLHichards 8 15 16MB 12 5 Time, 12,25, 51, 1:18, 1:15,1:52. Winner Ch. f, ,.-,. by Eothen Mary K. Went to post at 4:10. At poet 1 minute. Start fair. Wen driving; second the same. Mnro-tbefin.BciDC Vw.S Jt"f tLOBghnttoiLeranin the left fnrlongand Thompson put a up gcod flniEh. Gnr se ork rae eteedy and 1 ung on gemely in the final strides but forcinp the pace told cn her at the end. BireBtelle was messid ebont and wonld have bten the winner with JSUhtandTJlSiUPa IBCiCg 10 th Stl6tCh 8Ed QDit the same may bo Marothen, show, 2 to 1. Guess Work, show, 2 to 5. Kinsstelle, show, 8 to 5. 29582 1-2 8EVENTH BACB-S-8 Mile. Match. Ind Horaea A Wt Bt M X StrFin Jockeys Own. O H C P 1S 5 Winner-Cb. f, by Terrifler-Acheah: MJLJj It was only an exercise