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WASHINGTON ENTRIES. Probabiiitien : Weather clear; track fast. First Ba 1 3-4 Miles Over 7 Hurdles. 4-year-olds and nnward. Selling. Ind. Horses, color, sex h pedigret . Wt, Hdcp. PaBsport, ch. g, by Bom-ney, dam by Tele- machus 5.... 151 29390 Very Light 5... 151 . ... 670 29565 Tankard 5... 151 700 29317 Oracle 9.... 151 670 29S652RoyKteror 5.... 151 .. . 690 29390 Mac Foneo 9.. ..151 680 29517 Mr. Stoffel 6.... 151 ..... 685 E9517 Tamarin 4. ...148 675 Second Bace 5-8 Mile. 2- yaar-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Ind. Horaae. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 29542 Hot J 09 710 29551 Missile 109 ... 725 29566 Bruff .109 ,. 710 235S0 Little Arrow 109 700 29554 Alack ..; 109 705 29554 Justice ..109 715 29542 Meistemngar 109 705 29542 Longlove 109 715 295542Letnoyne 106 .. . 790 29554 Gayhilda 106 680 295C5 Francois 106 675 28037 Adelaide Prince 106 6S0 29530 Sinecure 106 .. 710 29530 Droplight 106 680 29305 Wagram 106 705 29530 Bnnny Port 103 695 29194 Mary Gatewood 106 685 29530 Augury 106 710 295a4 The Bandit 106 ..705 29332 Mollie Morris 106 690 Third Bace- 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olda and upward. Belling. 29553 PaBsaio . 5... 112 700 29553 Cormorant 5 ...112 .. 705 29529 r exingion Pirate 7. ...112 .715 29541 Vorify 6 .. 109 720 29569 Ordeal 5... .109 ..... ! 705 29369 Givo and Take 4 . ..109 690 29569 Bastile 5.... 109 ... 710 29541 Gold Lack 4.. ..109 ... 695 29577 Lofter 4.. ..109 "7C0 295S Sir Egea 4 .... 109 700 29553 Jerry Hunt 5 ...1C3 715 295052Delmarch 5.... 107 725 2S5583Bonnteou8 3 ...104 .. 710 9505 Eiizabsth Moan 3.... 104 ...I.. 685 295532Babunta 3.... 104 710 29531 Barbetto 8.. ..104 ..i.,.700 29555 Gwynne 4.... 104 , 705 29567 Idle Ways 3... 102 ..I.I1690 29498 Snark 3.... 99 ......710 Fourth. Bace About 2 1-3 Miles. 3- year-olds and upward, Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, bsx and pedigree. W. Hdcp. 29507Cousin Jess 5.. ..163 700 29D072Conovor. . 5... 156 685 295653Dick Furber 4.... 155 .... 680 295073Boisterous 8. ...119 .. 60 29438 Corrillo 5... .141 ..... 670 Abigail, br. m, by Bigo- letto Winsome 5... 135 28329Diva 5... 1S5 ...." 675 29543 Joe Leiter. 4.... 130 665 29507 George W. Jenkins 3 130 675 Fifth Bace 2 .1-4 Mill s 3-yoar-olda and upward. Allowances, Tho Washington Cnp. 21,500 added. Ind. Horses. Age, Wt. Hdcp. 27817 His Eminence 3.... 114 725 295702Carbuncle 4.... lit .. 750 29570Alfred Vargrave 4.... 110 ... .1730 295442Bafaello 5.. ..110 .. 740 295573Loe King 4.. ..107 735 29558 Ringleader 4.. ..107 710 295572Surmise 3.... 97 .. .. 720 29567 Warranted 3....- 97 735 Sixth Ksce 3-4 Mile. 2-year-oldB. Selling. 295322Hrds Wagner ...102 725 295553Fonsoluca 101 705 29545 Bose of May 99 700 29578 Bed Damsel 99 .. . 705 295812Bijou 95 . 710 l29188Iridescent SI 705 9565 Cornwall 9t .. 715 28581LaDt Knight 94 , 715 29566Geneseo 93 710 29519 Batyah 92 695 WIS oarlindar : Si ::::;.8o iS8?aPpy 86 720 Z9530 Maratrisa . 86 690 Seventh Baca 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Handicap. 295223Unmasked 4 126 m 295802Tho Puritan.........": 3 124 " 725 29463 Bedpath 4 111 """va Sigeon Po3t s.:::io7 ::::.7so 25703Handicapper 4.. ..106 70 9577Ohnot I 104 740 29277Morokanta 4 103 ."" 750 2S5S22Gnes3 Work I 98 ....Jlo Satire S.... 98 ; jg 2S545 uewpy ; 2.... "" 97 , 725 295553FoD8olnca 2 97 7fK 295552Anak .. 2 ."" 97 700 29578Hononlu 2Z. 95 .""JS 29ol Lady Godiva 2.... 92 70 295663Courtenay 2.... 89 :::::: 715