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Da Racing Form IS8UBJD iVEKY DAY, Hatera JocKey Club Bulletin ornoiAL orqak or SHS WESTERN JOCKEY OLTJB, Bfjsrron amd Peopkibtor, F. H. BnnNELL. iasooiATH Kditob, Cliwtoh O. Bilkt. SKOSETABT, MB8. F. H. Bkdnbll. Hif rad in the Post Offisa at Chicago at aeoond lan matter. SAIL! BAGING FOBM PUBLISHING CO. IS4-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. JL DatlT Baflectlon of the American Turf by Telegraph. G0FYHIGHT3B. gaiszsd aesordlng to Act of Congress, In th ?sar 1BS1, by Frank H. Brunell, in ths pfflot bi the Librarian of Congress at Washing, ton, D. 0., TJ. 8. A. Shs hart and index numbers and track form of DAHii Baoimh Fokm must not ba naod. Ihay ara copyrighted daily and will ba keenly prctasted.j EosaoBiPTioMD Must be Paid im Abvahoh. TBBUB: for Month 8 Half Year 7. One Year UM 3and9 aboTa rataa ara for single copies as staled letters first-class mail. 3andily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single conies as first-class mall In all saias. , , ioaandl snbscriptions ouisiae ihe down town district will be declined at other than first- alais mail matter rates. SINGLE COPY S CENTS. So be considered and answered all Queries to Daily Racing Foem must be sent over tha Jnll name and with the name of tha writer. Those namos and addresses aro subject to a local and foreign directory test. t9, LOUIS, MO., OFFICB-19 N. BROADWAY Basement. M. Murphy, Agent. On Bale at 8:30 a.m. andIZjT Baoinq Foem can be delivered to any address in St. Louis. 2or numbers can be promptly supplied, "liars for advartlsamonts can be left at the St. Louis office for telegraphic transmission. CHICAGO, ILL., DECEMBER 27, 1901.