Charleston Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-27

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CHARLESTON FORM CHART. CHARLESTON, S. C, December 86. Tenth day. Charleston Racing Association. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track slow. Presiding Judge, J. B. Morrow. Starter, W. F. Bruen. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. 29954 FIHBT BACKr5"8 Mlle Parse. 00. All Ages. Allowances. nd Horses A Wt Bt 34 H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 299053POTABI 3 102 1 H 13 13 12 Kuan F A Harold 2 11-511-54-5 29871 DIVA 5 105 4 31 32 35 21 Mosier J Cochrane 5 5 4 8-5", 29931 GALE TODD 3 1054 6 24 2U 22 36 Castro J W Medlin 6-5 2 2 3-5 298873SWAN DANCE 2 91 2 41 43 414 44 Redding B T Gainea and Co 3 6 6 2 29924 HACO 7 100 3 7 7 62 51 J Brown H L C Moore 10 15 15 6 29890 LAURIA 3 1044 8 54 64 7 6" Powell R C Causey 10 15 15 6 29905 EN BLAZE 2 97 7 61 51 51 7 C Murphy WCWestmorelndlO 15 15 6 29934 BROADWAY 3 108 5 8 8 8 8 May J T Sims 5 7 5 24 Time, 264, 524,1:07. Winner B. g, by Tattler Reform mare. Went to post at 2 :59. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving ; second the same. Potasi showed the most speec and Kuhn took no chances. He rode him hard all the way. Diva ran in greatly improved form. Gale Toad tired in the rnn for home. Swan Danes ran a fair race. The others ar not of much present account. Corrected weights Swan Dance, 91. Overweights Gale Todd, 34 pounds; Lauria, 44; Broadway, 3. 1 Potasi, show, 1 to 3. Diva, ahow, 4 to 5. Gala Todd, ahow. out. SECOND RACE 1-2 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 29955 Tad Horses A Wt Bt 34 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 298903TOUT 105 4 U 12 13 Powell W A Rinehart 4 5 5 8-5 299 H3TRI3TRAM 111 1 2 21 22 Enos MrsEEaos 6-5 6-5 1 1-4 29921D. NIGHT SHADE 111 5 5H 34 34 W White Barker and Brattou 6-5 24 24 3-5 OHIO KING 1C0 2 32 41 43 Mosier H Cheek 6 15 15 6 29870 FRIEND JACK 98 6 6 6 5h MJohnson R FJynn 7 15 15 6 28257 JAN1E SEAY 1084 3 , 4h 51 6 .May F J Pons 3 44 44 8-5 Time, 13, 26, 52i. Winner B, g, by Badge Mamie B. Went to post at 3:25. At post 6 minutes. Start poor. Won easily ; second the same. Tout ran all around his field on the turn. He assumed the lead after going the first quarter and was never fully extended after that. Tristram hung in the laEt sixteenth and is getting stale. Deadly Night Shade was ahy on early speed. A let-up would do him good. Ohio King ran green. He is a good looker and should improve from this race. Scratched 29869 Lady Riley, 95. Overwoighta Ohio King, 2 pounde ; Janie Seay, 34. Tout, Bhow, 3 to 5. Tristram, show, out. Deadly Night Shade, show, out. . THIRD RACE 7-8 tllle. Puree 5200. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. 29956 orf Horses A Wt Bt 34 hi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O K O P 29886QUEBN L. 5 104 2 14 U4 14 13 13 David R Johnson 3 5 5 7-5 29868 INCANDESCENT 5 107 3 3 2h 24 21 23 Mosier W R Littrell 3 3 2 4-5 299072ELLIH 6 109 1 21 4 34 34 314 32 May H Mack 3 4 3 4-5 29923 JUL1ETTA B. 3 1044 4 4 4 4 4 4 Alarie E B Marshall 6-5 24 24 4-5 Time, 26, 52, 1:21,1:36. Winner Br. m, by Buckler Lulu Belle. Went to post at 3:59. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; aeconddriving. Queen L. waa allowed to open up a lead which could not be overcome. Incandescent was under restraint the first part, but quit when called upon. May used bad judgment in taking Ellis into the deepest going. With better handling he should have been second. Julietta B, ran below her form. Scratched 29931 Sauce Boat, 101; 29903 Elaie Venner, 101. Overweighta Julietta B., 24 pounds. No show hutting. FOURTH RACE 4 l- Furlongs. Purse 5200. All Ages. Selling. 29957 lad Horses AWt St 34 H X BtrFin JockeyB Owners O H O P" 2990SHDY HAYMAN 3 104 1 H U U Castro M C Kelley 1-2 1-2 2-5 out 29933 PETRONIU3 5 109 4 34 214 23 Patton G Kelly 5 5 5 1 299243CERTAIN 4 109 2 24 S3 32 T Walker Home Btnble 6 8 8 2 299:0Ef.LISON 2 104 5 45 44 46 Alarie E S Marshall 6 7 7 7-5 29907 ROYAL HOVER 7 109 3 5 5 5 Moore TL Emery 15 15 15 6 Time, 254, 51, 584. Winner B. f, by Tristan Coruna, Went to post at 4:27, At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Ladv Hayman had to be hard riddn the lest furlong to stalloff Petronius bid. The latter finished strongly. Certain quit when tbe pinch came. Ellison ran green. 8cratched-29334Veutoro, 109; 2990323uttee, 109. No show betting. 60CPj FIFTH BACK 6 1-2 Furlong?. Purse 00. 4iyear-olds and upward. cd Horses A Wt Bt 34 V X BtrFin Jockeys Ownoro O H O P 29922 DO MINIS 6 99 4 2" 1 13 13 Hosier F Boversmith 4 7 7 2 29872 PASSAIC 5 109 2 13 22 214 2 T Walker M C Kelley 1-2 7-107-101-5 299223 FRANK B. 8 1044 3 35 3h 31 31 4 Alarie C Hawk 2 4 4 6-5 299073T WO ANNIES 4 102 5 45 42041045 W White S E Finley 2 3 3 1" 293163PAN CHARM 6 109 1 5 5 5 5 Dugan J C Ferris, Jr 8 10 8 3 Time, 26, 524, 1:224, 1:284. Winner Blk. h, by Himyar Lady Agnes. Went to poBt at 4:57. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. Dominis showed a surprising reversal of form over his previous effort. He snowed much epead and went to the front In the first quarter, only cantering the rest of the way. Passaic went lnme after going a half mile, but stood punishment gamolv. Frank B. ran a good race and finished stoutly. Two Annies has possibly had too much of it. Pan Charm is not ready yet, Scratched 29935 Al CaBkey, 106. Overweights- Frank B 24 pounds; Two Annies, 3. Dominis, ahpff, 4 to 5. Passaic, show, out. Frank B., show, out. Two Annies, show, out.

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