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INGLESIDE FORM CHART. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., November 27, 1902,-Eleventh day. New California Jockey Clnb Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter, J. J. Holtman. No recall flag usecT Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. j indicates whip, 5 pnra. blinkers. " 36461 FIRST KAGJfi7"8 Mil Pn"0. S-year-old. and upward. Selling. Ind Horse A Wt St H Yi StrFin Jockeys Ownen O H C P 362 ILLOWAHO 5 3 107 5 63 11 Hi li H J Kanch W H Ketchiman 5 S M. w in !SSr9ne , 1 B S S 8 SSP Wifef- iW SS8and8and. i I IS! I ff S 8. 8 S Jw8 5 iWand, ? V 0 5 S64182 KICKUUBOB 5 5 109 1 1 4" 3 43 61 BurlingameElks Stable 10 In k 24957FORTE 7 109 47 1 JJ Goldln B SchreiSr g and and J, Winner Br. c, by Iroquois Sif, Jr. trained by H. Stover. Went to post at 2:06. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won easily; second the samo Tllo.i. suddenly improved, broke flatfooted, but went to the front with an unexpected burst of .peed his advantage without urging and was much the best. Milas ran well and itood a lose final and drivn held gamely, but was no match for the winner. Azarme wai 1 outclassed, but is in fins form and Jood race. Halmetta closed a big gap from a bad atart and flnnhed like a flash. Matin Rm1 w,, ran v a strongly at the end. Kickumbob retired after going a good half. Forte is not ready, buTOu SotS " " "nprove and wants a longer race. 8cratched-J6430 King D.llis, 112; 36430 Katie Walcott. 109; 36421 Tower of Candles, 1C9. Illowaho, show, 1 to 3. Milas, ahow, out. Azarine, show, eveni. 3646 SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. S-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St jj Yi X StrFin Jockoys Owners O H C P 34910 HUACHDCA V 3 103 2 5 2 2- 11 J Ranch G W Baldwin T TTTTT 31976 GOLDEN LIGHT 4 107 3 3 43 3 2 Bowman P E Smith and Co 4 I 1 5t- 86421 JARRETIERE DOR 3 105 4 Hi 12 11 3 Cobura JPAtkin LL- ,?1 31928 WOLHURST 9 8 107 5 610 620 615 4 Kelly W B Sink Jr 10 n Ik Z F6423 GOLDEN COTTAGE 3 3 97 1 22 3- 411 511 W Dly M J Daly 15 n in 2591530LINTHUS BJ 6 104 6 41 51 51 610 L Jackson H WEyle 12 15 12 4 FRANK MAYO B 4 99 7 7 7 7 7 Dyer Zahn,BaldwinandCo60 200 200 50 Time, 12, 241, 50, 1 :151. to- t. t. Winner B. c, by Emperor of Norfolk La Plata trained by G. W. Baldwin. 1,, v flDtto .p5st 2:?,4,J At Pk 2 minutes. Start eood. Won driving; second easily. Huachuca n?W anaif00t RDd aiid t0ih-8 attch, where ho moved up fast, taking the lead a furlong out, appar-r!Zi andDe?sJ Y11nn?r but 7s driving hard at the end to beat Golden Light. The latter was always prominent, but lost ground in making a wide stretch turn, then closed up with a tremendous rush afto? ind Sdtnrn"07, dOr dispiayed brilliant early speed, but fail to stay fniiiSPJ ti, Wolhnrs. away slowly, closed a gap and wants a longer race. Golden Cottage nnif quit after f t-r following the pacemaker for a half mile. Olinthus is short, but looks grand. Huachuca, show. 1 to 3. GoldenLight, show, 2 to 5. Jarretiere dOr. show. 1 to 4. 36463 THIRD HACJ53- Mil Parse S50. 2-year-olds. Handicap. tnd Horses A Wt St M V H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 63ls3GOLDABELT H l U li It Connelly QR Morris 21 18-531 6-5 ??RonJvrnir ! l 9 2 1$ 2l 31i 2i Coburn J F Schorr 3 4 4 7-5 S oAvm.DS ? ??2 I 2.1 2h 2h 3" J Ranch BurneandWaterhse3 41 4 8-5 1 I 5$ W 5f Jksorx ABSpreckels 21 21 11-54-5 36342wARTF NICHT MI im i Battiste w pi imp S i 5 il 58 HEKowell 6 6 41 8-5 36435 CLAUDE R 105 6 6 6 6 6 W Daly M J Daly 20 30 30 10 . Time, 241, 48, 1 :15. Winner Ch. c, by Arkle Kitty B. II, trained by G. B. Morris. Went t" post at 3:03. At post 1 minute. Start bad. Won driving; second the same. Durazzo eofc away running and made most of his advantage, forced the pace throughout, stood a ton stwtch drive gamely, is steadily improving and was best. Gold Bell, lucky and given a vigorous ride wis alwavs in flnSf0n?KentlT,ad fi,nffh,t 0Ut thS ?nlsa .like 8taye.ri Polonius ran a game race GavYota mde up ten length! on the leaders from bad ia start, made a wide stretch turn and was given a weak finish Warto Nicht failed to stay, dislikes weight and is best in mud. Claude was always outrun Dnrazzo. show, 1 to 2. Gold Bell, show, 3 to 5. Polonius, show, 3 to i! Qaviota, show to 5. 36464 FODRTH BAC1S-5- Mile- fnrae00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. . Ind Horses A Wt St 3i Y StrFjn Jockeys Owners O H C P E61218AD SAM N 4 109 1 15 14 121 121 J Banch J H Brannnn 5 5 ?17T S6410IRENE LINDSEY Hj 4 110 5 21 22 2H 21 Coburn CLina and Co Mi 9nM 319283PRINCESS TITANIA f 4 104 4 I 31 3 33 L Jackson C Yonne 8 n I 36410 MEEHANUS BJ 6 113 2 41 5 4 4 McCue FW Dom I 7 7 L- 36121 BARD BURNS U 4 107 3 5 43 5 5 Adkins D S Fountain 20 40 40 " V , Time, 24, 48, 1:141. to- Winner Ch. g, by Rancocas Heeley trained by J. H. Brannan. Wept to post at 3 :29. At post 4 minutes. Start straggling Won easily; second the same Sad Sam ikh?T,braaH erVobtalTn.,da ?ning advantage at the start, forced a terrific pace and 1B easin- right at the end. Irene Lmdsey broke slowly, was under an unavailing drive from the start to St up SS and, tiring at the end, was all out to beat Princess Titania. The latter made a wids qtXh nrn Jrf ffiwLoMSS M"hanusserionsly -"h at 1tol I Scratched J64452Tho Pride, 107 ; 364212Stuyve, 105. Sad Sam, show, 1 to 3. Irene Lindsey, show, out. Princess Titania, Ehow, evens. S CKA-fKK FIFTH BACE-l 1-8 Miles. 2-year-olds and upward. Tho Thanksgiving Handicap. ,009 added. Net valne to winner S030 Ind Horses A Wt St St X Yt X StrFin Jockeys Owners "0 H C P SOgRERO 3 122 8 5i E- 41 31 3i 1 Donnelly G B Morris 9 2 7. 7 ln 36350 AUTOLIGHT BS 4 110 5 1" 11 li 2i 1h 21 McCue W HKntrh iman 7n ?9 ?o -363502CORRIGAN WSB 3 115 2 61 62 5 61 2 31 J Ranch BurnsandWatMhfi I ? 36408FRANK WOODS 5 111 4 S 8 8 72 7 4 Lewis QarflnCttvStahlSS 7 ? 01 364S5VESUVIAN 5 120 3 7 71 72 51 61 E5 L Jackson W B Jenninsq i ? ? ft S63503HE FBETTER IS 6 111 1 41 4 61 41 4i ft Coburn F J ORourke 5 8 8 11 S6435 LORD BADGE 3 105 7 3 3- S U 5 7 Battiste W L Oliver in ?n I l 364342ELR. SHANNON SI 6 US 18 8 8 ffrsYcXy 30 40 lo 2 Winner Ch. c, by Star Ruby La Toquera trainedby G.B." Morris. Went to post at 4:02, , At post 1 minute. Start straggling. Won driving; second the Snm brero broke sidewise and worked a rough paasage for the first half, but when with Tclear sailing same n?mn tAhneff-llOT.d,UPi ,a,-fr a?d C3Uffht Aolieht a furlong out. after which he came away a decisive Ser Autohght suddenly displayed amazing, good form, forced the pace almost throughout and stondTw; drive gamely. Comgan interfered with repeatedly, finished with a rush and S second 1 best Franf Woods, away poorly, trailed to the far turn, where he went hopelessly wide, but closed stronelv and up a8rtC,i? tOAh0 Ut ,ths ?onajl V8U7ian nnderapull.washopSlypLketed middle half and was not keyed up for so long a journey. The Fretter failed to rtJv TnK i nearly left, raced into the lead in the first half after losing six lengths y a wide firstlnrn hnfBc iJ short and can do much better. El Rio Shannon sulked after being carried toolast the first first tnVn turn. - Scratched-34117 Nones, 118; 36445 Diderot, 100; S64J0 Imperious, 100? Sombrero, show. 1 to 3. Antolight, show, 2 to 1. Corrigan, show, 3 to 2. 36466 SIXTH RACB1 MiIe nrsa800. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St 14. K X StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 H P p 36446MOUNTEBANK W 5 104 3 13 15 H Hi It Battiste M Finlen and Snn g g . !61083bRCHIN N 5 109 2 41 S 31 21 2 Bell DP Co 1 ! w ? 36432 GAWAINE 4 104 1 2 21 2 Sn 31 Donnelly WE Cotton and m R q I I S61232DOREEN IS 3 96 7 68 67 45 45 45 W Waldo E M 0?Brien R s 9i ? .612230SO 5 104 5 51 51 53 55 56 Lewis FD Black in ?l ?J I 364323BANGOR S 6 107 6 7 7 7 6 6 J Ranch CMHolIenhenk I l n. t r 36433 FONSOVANNAH BJJ 7 14 4 3H 4U 6 Broke do we uCoburn D HolHday i i 11 H Time, 251, 50, 1:161, l:42i. St 7-3 Winner Ch. g, by Montana Pert, by Glenelg trained by T. H. Ryan. Went to poit at 4:37. At post 1 minute. Start bad. Won driving: second nnnilv Mnnnt 1. r away running and a fa.t breaker, quickly stole a tremendous winning if ad and?under SVi SSflntah lasted the journey and ran a great race for a npnstayer. Urchin, poorly handled, finished yJrv and is in great form. Gawame was a lucky third. Doreen, all but left, ran a remarkahln ramarkable J f tmn-li? 8 y best. Oso failed to atay. Bangor was practically left and sulked throughout raC9 and -? was FonfoAiZol!02 Urcpshool0. Qawaine, show, 7 to 5. Doreen, show, 1 to 2.