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RY PARK Office, No. 2 Cotton Exchange Building MEMPHIS, TENN fl TO CLOSE JANUARY 3, 1903, FOR SPRING MEETING, I90i and Tennessee Derby and Oaks for 1904. I STAKES FOR 1903. I HOTEL STAKES, ,000 1DDEI. Estimated value ,200. Subscribed to A sweepstakes for two-year-olds, colts and geldings. 0 to accompany the nomina-HDal to start. 81,000 added, of which;00 to second and 00 to third, fourth to save inr Furlongs. Hi E STAKES, ,000 ADDED. Estimated value ,200. A sweepstakes for two-HlO to accompany the nomination and additional to start. ,000 added, of which Hm0 to tliird, fourth to save starting money. Four Furlongs. RFHIS STAKES, ,500 ADDED. Estimated value ,000. A sweepstakes for 0 to accompany nomination and 0 additional to start ,500 added, of which 00 to and to third, fourth to save starting money. 3 lbs. below the scale. Penalty A winner of vane of ,00 to the winner. 3 lbs. selling oxcepted. Allowani ES-Non-winners of ie va ue of each, or one of the value of 00 selling race, purse and stake excepted niaidens 10 lbs. Five Furlongs. TEL GiTOS STAKES, ,000 ADDED. Estimated value ,000. Subscribed to so. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds foals of 1900. 0 to accompany nomination and IHr K o start. The clnb to add ,000. of which 00 to second and 00 to third, fourth to save I A winner of a three-year-old stake, when carrying their weight colts 122, geldings 119, I penalty; of two or more, 5 lbs. Allowances Beaton non-winners in 1903 allowed 5 "od. 8 lbs.: others never having won a twr or three.year-old stake race selling stakes Lived 7 Dourds: if such have never won a race of ihe valuo of 00 to the winner soiling Ise racos excepted, allowed 12 lbs.; beaten maidens 20 lbs. Allowances not cumula-1 SCALE OF THIS BACE. Colts Gelg F Those entitled to no allowance. 122 IIP kWinner with weight up of one 3-year-old stake lia li iiO Tnner with weight up of two 3-year-old stakes... ll i l-Bfiiton non-winners placed in 1903 117 114 11 and Mtaa non-winners unplaced in 1903........ VJ;??? Hi Tin b winners of a 2 or 3-year-old stake selling excepted .115 112 110 ra-winners of a race of the value of 00 " rt 110 107 105 77T eaten MaidenB lc- Sft 7 THE ItONTGOMERY HANDICAP, ,500 ADDED. Estimated value, ,500. Silver Cut Winner. Entrance Free. A handicap sweepstakes for three-year-old and upward. 0 each, half forf mm or 0 if d iclared. ,500 added, of which 5 J to second, and 00 to third, fourth to save stake, mt addition to the stake, the winner will receive a valuable silver cup, donated by the Club. Weights to announced before 9 a. m., February 7, and declarations to be mde on or before February 21, 1935. declarations void unless accompanied by the money. The winner of a race, after the weights iH announced, of the value of 03 to the winner, or two races of any value selling purse raos oxcepte mM 5 lbs penalty, such penalty not to exceed scale weight if handicapped at lsss ; those weighted atraaljp more than scale weight by the handicapper will not be subject to a penalty. The scale to be :Kw,H Jockey Club Scale. This race to be run Che opening day. One Mile and One-Sixteenth. J3HH THE PEVBODY HOTEL HANDICAP, ,000 ADDED. Estimated valuet,500. SnfapRH to by Peabndy Hotel. Entrance Free. A handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and tWiQ 50 each, half forfeit, or 0 if doclared on or before April 9. All declarations void unless accnnandjttfH by the money. ,000 added, of which 03 to second, and 00 to third, fourth to save stake WaflNkH be announced two days before the race. Winners of a race after the announcement of weightsiSlwH race excepted to carry 5 lbs. penalty. One Mile and One-Eighth. mR THE TENNESSEE BREWING CO. ST IKES, ,000 ADDED. Estimated valqaitt Subscribid to by Tennessee Brewing Co. A selling sweepstakes for three-year-olds and upwarqPSH accompany nomination, and 0 additional to start. ,003 added, of which 01 to second, amvjMH third, fourth to save starting money The winner to be sold at auction for ,500; if for lojK?SH allowed for each ?0 to ,000; then lib. for each 00 less to 00. Starters and selling prandfll named through the entry box by the usual time of closing for this days racing, and those so QwMiH liable for starting fee. Seven Furlongs. and"mmm THE COTTON STEEPLECHASE STAKES, ,500 ADDED. Estimated valujl Entrance Free. A steeplechase handicap sweepstakes for three-year-ods and upward. GMfcH forfoit, or 0 if declared on or before April 1. All declarations void unless accompanied by tBHfH ,500 added, of which 50 to second, and 50 to third, fourth to save stake. Weights to be aflPH two days before the race. Penalty Winner of steeplechase selling excepted , after wsflp.aH announced, 5 lbs. Four or more horses of entirely different interests to start or race may be deBr Starters .to be named through the entry-box at usual time of closing the day before the facoflft flH named are liable for starting foe. About Two Miles. MEM STAKES FOR 1904. SPECIAL NOTICE. III NNESsee derby, ,000 added. Estimated valuo ,000. Subscribed to by Q. n0 entry will be received for any of these Btakea except up6n this coaditio8fjH n Entrance Free A sweepstake for three-year-olds foals of 1931. 50 each, 0 for- . . . ... . . il VeAared on or before May 1, lJ03; 5 if declared on or bsfore January 2, 1934. Ail declara- all disputes, claims and objections arising, out of the racing, or With respect toiiM trsePTtikle?ghtr pretatiocs of the conditions of any stake, shall be decided by a majority of tSH L tive Commit ee present, or those whom they may appoint, and their dejisionflfcH I nSSEE OAKS, ,000 ADDED. Estimated value ,000. Entrance Free. A points shall be final. imWimmmW fillies tbree-year-olds foals of 1901. 00 each, 0 forfeit, or 0 if declared on or . AH lot r so if declared on or before January 2, 194. All declarations Void nnless accompan- The club also reserves the right to refuse the entries of any person, or tlHjtrH y 12,10 added, of which 00 to second, 00 to third, and fourth to save stake. f an e. and without nolice. wlH . One Mile. IBii flH ENTPY BLANKS OR ANY INFORMATION ON APPLICATION WILL BE PROMPTLY FURNISHED BY THE SECRETARY. fltfHI KINTGOMERY, PRESIDENT. M. N. MAGFARLAN, SECR