untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1903-01-04


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The Washington Park Club" CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stakes to Close Thursday, January 15, 1903, for the Summer Meeting of 1903. Beginning Saturday, June 20th, Ending Saturday, July 18th. Overnight Handicaps SI, 250 and upward. No Selling Purses Less than 00; Other Purses 00 and Upward. CflD TUDCC VCAD fll flQ CftR TUDCC VC4D 01 tlC AWP1 MPWARII to the second and 00 to the third horse, and 00 to the third horse. A winner of a rUn InnCC-I tAn-ULUO. run InnCt-I tAn-ULUO AHU UrWAni1. Weights to be announced three days before stakes of the value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs.; of j, THE AMERICAN DERBY 5 000 Added THE MIDWAY STAKES, ,000 Added. A the race. A winner of any race after the two such stakes, 5 lbs.; of three or more such A sweepstakes for three-year-olds 5 to ac- selling sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- weights are posted to carry 5 lbs. extra. One stakes, 7 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. pnmnanv thp nomimtinn nriditionnl to ward; 0 to accompany the nomination, 5 Mile and a Furlong. Five Furlongs. rt-frt OOf l aflflPfl of whlrh OM to thqtS additional for naming to start; ,000 added, of THE GREAT WESTERN HANDICAP, ,000 THE MAYWOOD STAKES, ,000 Added, ond and 5000 to the third horse A which 00 to the second and 00 to the third Added. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds and A sweepstakes for two-year-olds; 0 to ac- n thrpp vpAr niri tnVp! nf thp vilnp of 000 horse. Weights, 5 lbs. above the scale. The upward; 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 company the nomination, 0 additional to to Srry 3 lbs of two such stakes or one of winner to be sold at auction. Those entered additional to start; ,000 added, of which 50 to start; ,000 added, of which 00 to the 000 5 lbs of three or more three-year-old to De sold Sor ,000 to cary full weight; if for to the second and 50 to the third horse, second and 00 to the third horse. A winner tnirU nf thf viIiia nf onn pnph 7 lhq pxtri ,000, allowed 5 lbs.; then 3 lbs. for each 00 Weights to be announced three days before of a stakes of the value of ,000 to carry 3 Maidens allowed 7 lbs To be run the first to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 to ,000. Win- the race. A winner of any race after the lbs,; of two such stakes, 5 lbs.; of three or j tv, mo0Hnn- nnp AfHn inri i Wiir ners of a stakes this year, after the closing of weights are posted to carry 5 lbs. extra. One more such stakes, 7 lbs. extra. Maidens al- xuJ culmAM c! , entries, and prior to June 7, when carrying Mile and a Half. lowed 5 lbs. Five Furlongs. THE SHERIDAN STAKES, 4,000 Added. wejght for age or more, not to be entered for THE YOUNG HANDICAP, ,000 Added. For THE EDGE WATER STAKES, ,000 Added. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds; ?10 to ac- less tnan 5400; after June 7, ,000. Starters, three-year-olds and upward; 0 to accompany A sweepstakes for two-year-olds; 0 to aceom- company the nomination, 5 additional to with seiiing prices, to be named through the the nomination, 5 additional to start; ,000 pany the nomination, 0 additional to start; start; ,000 added, of which ,000 to the sec- entry box at the usual hour of ciosing the added, of which 50 to the second and 50 to ,000 added, of which 00 to the second and -ond, and to the third borse. A winner 01 day prior to tne More than two can be the tnird norse. Weights to be announced 00 to the third horse. A winner of a stakes a tnree-year-oid staites ot tne value or ,anduu to named by the same owner, but only two in three days before the race. A winner of any of the value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs.; of two fnn r iV?3" i sucn stake or one ot the same interest can start; but the start- race after the weights are posted to carry 5 such stakes, or of the Lakeside, Kenwood or ?4,0U0, o ids.; ot tnree or more tnree-year-oia ins fees must be paid for all named. One lbs. extra. One Mile, One and One-half Fur- Maywood Stakes, 5 lbs.; of three or more such stakes of the value of ,500 selling stakes ex- Mile and a Furiong. longs. stakes, 7 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. cepted, or of one of the value of $,000, 7 lbs THE AUBURN STAKES, ,000 Added. A THE WHEELER HANDICAP, ,500 Added. Five and a Half Furlongs. exra- Maidens allowed 7 lbs. One Mile and seiiing sweepstakes for three-year-olds and A sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- THE QUICKSTEP STAKES ,000 Added, a Quarter. upward; 0 to accompany the nomination, 5 ward; 0 to accompany the nomination, 25 A sweepstakes for two-year-olds; 0 to accbm- THE ENGLEWOOD STAKES, ,000 Added, additional for naming to start; ,000 added, additional to start; ,500 added, of which pany the nomination, 0 additional to start; A sweepstakes for fillies, three-year-olds; 0 of which 00 to the second and 00 to the ,000 to the second and 00 to the third horse. ,000 added, of which 00 to the second and to accompany the nomination, 0 additional third horse. The winner to be sold at auc- Weights to be announced three days before 00 to the third horse. A winner of a stakes to start; ,000 added, of which 00 to the sec- tion. Those entered to be sold for ,000 to the race. A winner of any race after the to carry 3 lbs.; of two stakes, 5 lbs.; of three ond and 00 to the third horse. A winner of carry weight for age; for ,000, allowed 5 lbs; weights are posted to carry 5 lbs: extra. One or more stakes, 7 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed a three-year-old stakes of the value of ,500 to then 2 lbs. for each 00 to ,000; then 1 lb. Mile and a Quarter. 7 lbs. Four Furlongs. carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes, 5 lbs.; of for each 00 to ,000. Winners of a stakes THE HYDE PARK STAKES, ,500 Added, three or more such stakes, or one of the value this year, after the closing of entries, and FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDSi A sweepstakes for two-year-olds; 0 to accom-of ,000, 7 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 7 lbs. prior to June 7, when carrying weight for age, pany the nomination, 00 additional to start; One Mile. or more, not to be entered for less than ,000; THE LAKESIDE STAKES, ,000 Added, A ,500 added, of which ,000 to the second and THE DREXEL STAKES, ,000 Added. A after June 7, ,000. Starters, with selling sweepstakes for fillies, two-year-olds; 0 to ac- 00 to the third horse. A winner of a stakes sweepstakes for three-year-olds; 0 to accom- prices, to be named through the entry box, at company the nomination, 0 additional to of the value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs.; of two pany the nomination, 0 additional to start; the usual hour of closing, the day prior to the .start; ,000 added, of which 00 to the second such stakes, 5 lbs.; of three or more such ,000 added, of which 00 to the second and race. More than two can be named by the and 00 to the third horse. A winner of a stakes, or of the .Edgewater Stakes, 8 lbs. 00 to the third horse. A winner of a three- same owner, but only two in the same inter- stakes of the value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs.; of extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Six Furlongs, year-old stakes of the value of ,000, or of est can start; but the starting fees must be two such stakes, 5 lbs.; of three or more such THE LAKE VIEW HANDICAP, ,000 Add- 1 three or more such stakes of the value of ,500 paid for all named. One Mile and Half a Fur- stakes, 7 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. ed. A sweepstakes for two-year-olds; 0 to each, to carry 5 lbs. extra. Non-winners of long. Five Furlongs. accompany the nomination, 0 additional to two three-year-old races of the value of ,500 THE OAKWOOD HANDICAP, ,500 Added. THE KENWWOD STAKES, ,000 Added, start; j000 added, of which 00 to the sec-each, allowed 3 lbs.; of one such race, 5 lbs.; A sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- A sweepstakes for colts, two-year-olds; 0 to ond and 00 to the third horse. Weights -to of one of ,000, 8 lbs.; of one of 00, 12 lbs. ward; 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 accompany the nomination, 0 additional to be announced two days before the race. Six Maidens allowed 17 lbs. One Mile. additional to start;- ,500 added, of which 00 start, ,000 added, of which 00 to the second Furlongs. uDCPIftf NHTIPC No entry will be received for any of these stakes except upon this condition: That all disputes, claims and objections arising out of the racing, or with, respect to UlLUiML ISUI SUE the interpretation of the conditions of any stakes, nhall be decided by the Racing Stewards pr sent or those whom tliey may appoint, and their decisions upon all points shall hv final. Please note that the entrance fee must accompany nominations. Turfmen falling to receive entry blanks can obtain them by application lu r ihw secretary, to whom all communications should be addressed, or at tlie office of the Daily Itacing Form. JAMTCS HtWltU, 8ECHETARY, SIXTY-FIRST ST. AND aOUTH PARK AVE , CHICAGO. Brooklyn Jockey Club OFFICE, 399 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. RACE COURSE, GRAVESEND, L. I. , SSf.B"G TO CLOSE ON MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1903. J FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. The May Stakes. -fS . , , i ci-nn If for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to ,000. Half of selling surplus to go to the owner of the 1 TUp RrnnHvn HanHirn with SIO 000 added Estimated Value 7,500, second horse and the other half to the Race Fund. Selling price to be stated throHgh the entry-box ine DrOOKlyn ndnUICdp, Willi 4IV,UUU C1UUCU For three-year-olds and up- when entries close on the day preceding the race. The winner of any stake race at the meeting not to be ward : 00 each, half forfeit, or only 5 if declared by February 20; with 0,00 added, of which ,000 entered for less than ,500. About Six Furlongs. to the second and ,000 to the third. Weights to be announced February 2. One Mile and a Quarter. ., wi- . and each, 5 forfeit: with ,000 FOR i WO-Y EAR-OLDS c. Ctoloc For three-year-olds upward; 0 1 1 W l LMn WLUg, The Standard MaKeS idded, of which 00 to the second land 50 to the third. Weight forage. One Mile and a Half . The 1 ClOVer StakeS PS-Wri 6arS o1a ; H5 .each, 0 forfeit; with ,500 adde4, of TuTRnM Hanrllran For three-year-olds and upward; 0 each, or only 5 if VT FnVlniS which d0 to the second and 50 to the third. Non-winners of ,000 The DrOOKdale Handicap tho with allowed 7 lbs. Five Fnrlongs. declared by2p. m. on the day preceding race; 500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced by 12 m. on the Tf-.fi ManhanSP.r Stakes Fo w0.:oar:old3; 3 each, 0 forfeit: with ,503 added, of dav before the race. Winners after announcement of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and a 1 ,a " ,ullVl , " , w,ulcl1 a0 to the second and 5Q to the third. Non-winners of Furlong ,000 allowed 7 lbs. Five and a Half Fnrlongs. TU p,rl.,0., HanHiran For three-year-olds and uy ward; 550 each, or only 5 if Up HanDVPr Staked For two-year-olds; each, 0 forfeit; with ,500 added, of which I he I rKWay nanalCap declared by 2 p.m. on the day preceding the race; with ,500 MIC f lOIIUVCl OCOtVCi 50 to the second and 3U to the third. The winner to be sold at added of which 00 to the second and G0 to the third. Weights to be announced by 12 m. on the third auction for ,000. If for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to $ J,003; then 1 lb. for each 00 down to dav beforo the race. Winners after annouocement or weights tacarry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and a ,030. Half of selling. surplus to go to tho owner of the second horsa, and the other half to the-Hace Sixteenth Fund. Selling price to be stated through tho entry-box when entries close on the dav preceding the race, -ru M 4l C l,o For threo-year-olds and upward; 5 each, 0 forfeit; with ,500 added The winner of any stake race at the meeting not to be entered for less than $,000. Five and a Hn If I he rlyrtle MaK.eS of Which 50 to the second and 50 to the third. The winner to be furlongs. sold at auction for ,C0O. If for less. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to -,C00 ; then 1 lb. allowed for fhp Redfnrd Stakf; For two-year-olds; 5 each, 0 forfeit; with ,500 added, of which each 00 down to ,000. Half of selling surplus to go to the owner of the second horse, and the other ulul yl y " , , 50 to the second horse and 50 to the third. The winner to be half to the Race Fnnd. Selling price to bo stated through the entry-box when entries close on tho day sold at auction for ,03. If for less, 1 lb. allowe t for each 00 down to ,000. Half of sailing surplus H Tirneadine the race The winner of any stake race at the meeting not to be entered for less than ,000. to go to the owner of tho second horse, and the c ther half to the Kace Fund. Selling pries to be stated OneMile and Seventy Yards. through tho entry boxwhen entries close on the day preceding the race. Tho winner of any stake race TU P QtUc For three-year-olds and upward ; 5 each, 0 forfeit; with ,500 at the meeting not to bo entered for less than ,500. Five Fnrlongs. I he r ltCnOgUe OldKeb added, of which 50 to the socond and 50 to the third. The CTCCTDI ITrU3 A O C OTA lrc winner to be sold at auction for ,500. If for less. 1 lb. allowed for oach 00 down to ,000. Half of Ol tLrLLUflAOL O I ArLo. Kfo Tne Empire State ster-pieonasa Handicap. Jsinr any stake race at the meeting not to be entered for less than ,500. About Six Furlongs. day precJ fche racfJ . with i50 addod of wMch t0 IVd 03 to the third: eightalo POR THREE YEAR OLDS be announced three days before the race. Full Course, About Two Miles and a Half. stake. Foth",.., olc, larLu soo aa.d,o. The Greater How YorK StwpiMjMSB Handicap. iSiSszsfSlandbEsGi Th I ne RmHwav DlOaGWdy OlaKCb. which 00 to the second and 50 to the third. Non-winners of p.m. on tho day preceding the race; with ,500 added, with 50 to the second and 50 to the third 0 000 allowed 5 lbs of ,000, 8 lbs. ; of ,500, 12 lbs. ; of ,000, 15 lbs. One Milo and a Sixteenth. Weights to be announced three days before tho race. Full Course, Abont Two Miles and a Half The Preakness stakes. TUB Kensington stBBDlBoliasB Handicap. Sfirsftandand Si nn added of which 50 to the second and 50 to the third. Weights, 8 lbs. bolow the scale. Non- ceding the race; with ,500 added, of which 50 to the second and 50 to the third. Weights to be winners of ,CO0 allowed 10 lbs. ; maidens. 15 lbs. One Mile and Seventy Yards. announced three days before the race. About Two Miles. In making upthe program for the Spring Meeting of 1903 the Stakes and Hiindicaoa will be so arranged as to give owners an opportunity , to run without sacrifice of int. reBt. The Club reserves tLe right to start any or all of the races announced with or without the aid of a starting J device. Nominations should be addreesed to the Secretary, 399 Pulton Street, Brooklyn, N, Y. I H. D. Mclntyre, Secretary. Philip J. Dwyer, President. !

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1903010401/drf1903010401_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1903010401_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800