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NOW ON SALE -THE.. PW QN SAL? AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL FOR 003. COPY RIGHTED A Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison n An Official Compendium of Records. : ummaries by .Experts on the Past Years Doing. EDITED BY F. H. BRUNELL 30c. in Paper. 50c. in Soft Morocco. Daily Racing Form Pub. Co, 124-126 Fifth Ave, 1 NOW Oil SandLE 1 Chicago BOW ON SALE SPRING MEETING UQDT "DTTT TfiPlTPV HT TTR SUMMER MEETING JUNE 6 TO JUNE 19 JlfljQjJJJ J11 U UulYjU I UJJ UD BEGINS AUGUSTS CHICAGO Stakes for Spring and Summer Meetings 1903. Entries Close Wednesday, February 18. Added Money and Full Values in Cash. Handicaps with 00 to ,000 Added. Tim Uirlom Uitinnal Handicap. Value 0,- five races of any value or of one race of the value of races of the value of 31 each in 193V allowed 3 winners of a race of the value of 00 that have not lllS nailCllI lldUUllal 00o. A handicap for three- ,500 allowed 5 lbs.; of 00, 8 lbs. ; of 0, 12 lbs. ; lb3.; of oae such, 5 lbs.; of any race of the valua of won three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races 5 lbs year-olds and upward. Entrance 5 each, and 50 of 03, 15 lbs. One mile. 00 in 1932, 8 lbs. Maidens allowed 12 lbs. To be maidens, 10 lbs ; maidens that have run in a stakes each for starters, 0 forfeit, or only 0 if declared Tl Aiiefin Sel ling:, ,500 Added. Value ma Saturday, Jane 13. Oae and one-eighth miles, and not Dean placed in such, 13 lbs. Fiya furloags. out by April 6, 1903. .Guaranteed value, 0,000, of I IIB AUdllll Est. ,403. For three-year-olds and TJ,a RjuprejjQ Selling, ,500 Added Value rha Yniin!Tjfpr ,500 Added. Value est. 32 - Which ,400 to second and 00 to third horse. Full upward. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to niKCISlUC E3t For thrae-year-olds ,l,s I UUllgblSJI m Por two-year-olds foals of values to be paid in cash by the Harlem Jockey gtart- 5500 added, of which 03 to second and foals of 1930. Entrance 0 each; 3 additional 1931. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to start Club. Weights to be announced March 16, 1901. A 5159 to third horse. The winner, unless otherwise to start. ,503 added, of which SIJO to second and ,503 added, of which 03 to second and 50 to -winner after the announcement of weights of two stipulated when named to start, to be sold at auc- 50 to third horse. The winner to bjsoldatauc- thirl horse. A winner of stakes of the value of races of the value of ,500 each or one of to tion. dorses entered not to be sold to carry 5 lbs. tion. Horses entered to be sold for ,030 to carry ,23 to carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes or of one of carry 4 lbs. ; of two of ,000 each or one of ,000, 7 above the scale. Those entered to be sold for ,500 scale weight; 2 lbs. allowed for each 53 to ,930: the value of ,033, 5 lbs. : of three or mora stakn nf lbs. ; of three of ,000 each or two of 0,CO0 or one of to carry WQight for age; 3 lbs. allowed for each then 1 lb for each 03 to ,030: thin 2 lbs. for each the value of 033 each or of one of tha valwof ,000, 12 lbs. extra. For horses handicapped at 115 hB,oo to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 to 03. A 00 to 03. A winner, after March 31, of a race of ,033, 8 lb3. extra. Non-winners of a race of the to 121 lbs., these penalties shall apply to the extent winner after March 1, 1933, of a race of the value of the value of ,030 to be entered for not less thau value of 30 that have not won five races allowad of one-half only; for those handicapped at 1 to ,20C to be entered for not less than ,503. Start- ,200. Starters, with selling prices, must be named lbs.; three races, 5 lbs. ; two races, 8 lbs maidens" 127 lbs., to the extent of one-quarter only, ana 6rSi wjta S9UiUg prices, must be named through through entry box at the usual hour of closing the IS lbs. ; maidens beaten four or more thins 18 lbs horses handicapped at 128 lbs. or over shaU incur 6atry D0X at the usual hour of closing the day pre- day preceding the race, aid thoss so namad will ba Five furlongs. no penalties. For 3-year-olds the penalties shall ceding the race, and those so named will be liable liable for starting fee. Oaa mile. tl- n-...:- am,, i nnn 11 1 tt , not make the weight exceed 1 115 lbs To be .run the for 8tarting fa9. One and one-sixteenth miles. Tl p . Addod. Vala9 ost.. For "18 PfOVISO ggj VJ ?o yeSds Sis and three-six- One B rBIUB first day of the spring meeting. Handicap, ,000 Added. two-year-old allies of En- foals 1931. of 1901. Entrance 0 each 1; 0 tioaal to start teenths miles. I IB WWill bllj Valne E,t . A handicap trance 0 each; 0 additional to start. ,500 ,503 added, of which 03 to secondlnd M50 to Tho OfHh Pontliru Handicap, J,ooo AUtteo. for thrae-year-olds and upward. Entrance 310 each; added, of which 00 to second and 53 to third third horse. Horses entered to be sold forSiOMtn I tlti ZUUI UBIIIUIJ Valne est. ,700. A handicap 3,0 additional to start. ,033 added, of which 00 horse. A winner of a stakes of the valu3 of ,030 carry scale weight; 2 lbs. allowed for each 850 to for three-year-olds and upward. Entrance each; to second and 03 to third horse. Weights to be to carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes or of one of the ,030; than 1 lb, for each 03 to 03. A winner of 25 additional to start. ,000 added, of which S70U announced three days before the day appointed for value of ,703, a lbs. ; of three or more stakes of the a race of the value of ,433 to be entered for not to second and 00 to third horse. Weights to be the race. A winner of other than a selling purse value of ,000 each, 8 lbs. extra. Non-winners of a less than ,613. Starters, with selling prices must announcod three days before the day appointed for race after the announcement of weights to carry 5 race of the value of 10 that have not won thrae be made through entry box at the usual hour of the race. A winner of other than a selling purse lbs. extra. Six furlonga. races allowed 3 lbs.; two rases, 5 lbs.; maiden, 10 closing the day preceding the race, and those so race after the announcement of weights tocarry 5 . . . 003 Added. Valueest. J03-: maidens that Mya run in a stakes and not namid will ba liable fjr starting fee. Fiveandone- lbs. extra. To be rnn Monday, September 1. Une t B m LcWIa uldln $,333. por three-year-olds b39,a Placed in such, H lbs. Four and one-half half furlongs. , and three-sixteenths miles.: foals of 1933. Entrance 0 each; 5 additional n.ongs. f ho liininr Handicap, ,500 Added. Value Th Phioairn ,000 Added. Value Est. ,500. to start. ,000 added of which 00 to second and Jhg CfaHljata ,503 Added. Valne est. ,033. llBJU.IIUI est. ,20. A handicap for two-year- I tie UMCagO, for three-year-olds aud upward. 00 to third Horse. Weights 5 lbs. below the scale. J10"1""0 For two-year-old colts and geldings olds foals of 1931. Entrance 0 each; 0 addi- Entrance 0 each-0 additional to start. ,000 A winner of a three-year-old stakes of the "value of foals of 1931. Entrance 1 0, each ; 0 additional tional to start. ,500 added, of which 00 to adffof which 1903.sh0 to second and 00 to third ,000 after March 15 to carry 3 lbs.; pf two such to start. ,500 added, of which 00 to eecond and second and 50 to third horse. Weights to be horse A winner after March 1, 1903, of a stakes of stakes or of one of ,503 after March 15, 5 lbs. ; of 50 to third horse. A winner of a stakes of the announced three days before the day appointed for thBvalueof 000 or of three stakes of the value of three or more three-year-old stakes of the value of value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs. ; of two such stakes or the race. A winner of other than a selling purse SI 000 each to carry 5 lbs? extra selling stakes not ,000 each selling stakes accepted after March 15. of one of the value of ,700, 5 lbs.: of throe or more race after the announcement of the weights tocarrl lucarry considered. Non-wLners after March 1, 1903, of 8 lbs. extra. A non-winner of two three-year-old stakes of the value of ,003 each, 8 lbs. extra. Non- 5 lbs. extra. Six furlonga. -ijasaS Entrance fees must accompany nominations. Entry blanks may be had.upon application to the Secretary, or tothe office of DailyJRacingPorm. Address nominations and all communications to M Nathanson, Secy, SIS Merchants:Loan and Trust Bldg., Chicago.