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..SPECIALS.. Pageant, 3-1, Won Lapidus, 3-1, 2nd BEN BATTLE, Won SHBINE. Won CONTENTIOUS, Won RIGHTFUL, Won JOE MARTIN, Won MOLINOS, Won The. above were given straight to win Saturday. This is the kind of information that is bound to get the money. 6-1 SPECIAL, MONDAY. Wednesday at Lakeside, "Sandffi1 This one will prove as big a surprise as Zibia 100 to 1, xjCq winner of last years inaug- jfEJjMandKk Remember, we never make HgEgSmftm a false or misleading state- JKanduJHh ment in our advertisements. jpJESIf jjH Our selections are filed with jWwKgr the w" u". T6legraph before pSMR Terms for Best Bets at Bennings and Memphis, EsIShLi 1890 SI Daily, Weekly Before the or .00 for five "winning public every specials, day. Delivered to any city address before 12 m. Reynolds and Co. 119 DEARBORN ST., SIXTH FLOOR. CHICAGO. Also sold at News Stands in Saratoga and Sherman House Hotels and Stands at Clark and Madison Streets. TWO MORE OVER THE PLATE. RIGHTFUL, 4-5, WON FLOYD K., 6-1, 2ND SHEET SAID-- "Contentious" all over; Pageant, 3-1, won; Mirine, 3-2, won; Alan, 2nd: Michaelmas, 3rd; Joe Buckley, 8-1, 3rd; Ethylene, 5-1, 3rd; Puss In Boots 1 0-1, won ; Tizona, 6-1, 3rd. MONEY GETTERS OUT OF In n THIRTEEN STARTERS. Terms 50 Cents Daily. ROOM 75, - 125 CLARK STREET. "CENTAUR." J GUARANTEED WINNERS FOR PAST EIGHT DAYS Wired to our Clients. Every horse accounted for below. X,onise Elston.. .10-1 . O. U 9-1 f Alfred C. 2nd.. 25-1 JStor Cotton 80-1 Mrs. F. Foster... 5-1 Mtistersinger . ..10-1 Prancer 8-1 fBarrack 2-1 j Elsie L 3-1 Grecian Maid ... 7-1 JHudson 7-1 fCount Em Out .16-1 fFoxy Kane 6-5 fThane 6-5 fMolinos l-l fFlocarline 1-2 Thane : 1-2 Shrine . 7-5 fMontanlc... 5-1 Ahumada 1-1 "Listaway 6-5 fDIck Bernard.. . 5-2 Kittle Kelly, 2d 2-1 interlude 2-5 Yellow Tail 3-5 fGoldon Kulo Lost j-Huzzah 3-1 in Boots.... 7-1 Contentions 1-2 Joe Martin 8-5 Bennings. f Memphis. Oakland. 27 WINNERS-30 STARTERS. 5 Guaranteed Specials ZZZ l IWired or delivered at 11 a.m. -ws If you have not been a patron of ours in the past, you can figure out what a 0 flat bet would have won you had you the good luck of being one of our clients. This consideration should have the good effect of making you one of our "winning clients" for the future. If you have been playing in bad luck why not change your luck, get the Winning Information that we are giving our patrons "EVERY DAY" and start an account in the bank. Any of our clients or the Racing Form will verify the truth of the above statement. STEENSEN S. S. Co. 225 Dearborn St. "I SELDOM ADVERTISE SAVE THIS." Fmrican flTn I DERBY Uti ft 10 PROMISING CANDIDATES POSSIBLE LONG SHOT WINNERS Scientifically selected after expert figuring of all tbr past performances of the 119 entries and determining whicb are b:st in their order named, giving the number of starts and finishes 1st. 2nd and 3rd of eacb horse and their percentage in 48ths of a setond on fast, slow or mud tracks; the time that should be made on these different conditions of track. Name of, owners also my idea of the merited Odds of eacb horse, with remarks as to their probable chances. This Valuable Information Free to each customer why subscribes for 2 weeks selections at the prent cost price, .00 a week. Regular price SI 00 a day after April 28th. About 60 per ct STRAIGHT WINNERS average odds over 2 to 1 show the Great Superiority of my honestly figured suentitic information orer the guessing tipsters "would be" long shots. DONT "BURN UP" MONEY ON BAD RACES. You receive each day for 2 weeks my 3 selected races at either the California. Southern or Chicago tracks. Selections mailed the evening before the races, to reach subscribers in St Louis, Cincinnati. Louisville. Detroit. Chicago and many other cities HUNDREDS OF DELIGHTED PATRONS Will send my Betting 8ystem FREE to each weekly subscriber 1Kb a Wonder. Parties desiring only the DERBY, send .00 I IDUIU SUITE 809. 21 0UNCY ST. BUI i lii LflrnAlTI, chicaqo orncc i ours, n a. m. to 2 p. m. Winners at Lakeside, A veterinary Eurgoon who is doing work for some of the best stables on the western tracks will be in a position to know of two or three good things with which killings will be made during the meeting at the Roby track. I want no money in advance, and I only want to do business with good bettors who will act in strict confidence. Write me and if I think we can do business together will send particulars and code. ADDRESS Or. A. Ball, P. O. BOX, 9, - - - RQBY IND. T I fTT 1 we have a lino on 11 OA I II GO A s.-Hgf . . . . side information that we have, by being at the track for the last month, call and see us. TBRMS: G WINNERS FOR .00. BENTLl and CO. 171 ST Announcement to Reliable BettorsT A Reliable Proposition from Kesponsible People. For the past several years the head of this firm, Mr. T. D. Conway, a man who has been a follower of the turf for the past fifteen years, and who has served in moat every capacity known to a racing course, has been prevailed upon by his many friends and acquaintances to open up and conduct a Turf Information Bureau. Knowing the ups and downs of the racing game as did Mr. Conway and the many things he would have to contend with, he would not listen to any proposition along this line until quite recently when, after several very liberal offers from men of means and some very encouraging offers of co-operation from some of the most prominent stables now at the eastern tracks, Mr. Conway decided to open an establishment of this kind and devote his entire attention to the business. Knowing that we would embark in this business soon after the Bennings meeting opened, we selected a number of reliable people to whom we have been sending daily, since the opening of the Bennings races, a two-horse-wire, horses that in the opinion of our dockers and handicappers were the best and that were out for the money, so that when we did wish to put our information on the market we would have some reliable and truthful foundation for pnr advertisement. What our success has been is best told in the following statement which shows the names of the horses we have been sending daily for the past two weeks, took over the list carefally and see what our information has done : Date. Our two-horse-wire. Won Lost Mar 33. T.ord Badg, 11-5, won; Ahumada, 5-1, and 1.00 5.00 Mar 24. Mrs. F. Foster. 4-5, won; Musical hlipper, 6-5. won. .. .10.00 Mar 25. Miss -ancy, 7-5. won; Carroll U 9-5, won . . 1C.00 Mar. 26. M usical Slipper, 7-1, won ; Hist, 6-5, 2nd 35.00 5.00 Mar. 27. Adel Trebla, 3-1, won; Demurrer, 4-5, won . . .. 19.00 Mar. 28 Demurrer, 1-2, 2nd; Mrs. F. Foster, 5-1 , won 25.00 5.00 Mar. 30. Mrs. F. Foster, 3-5, won; Daly, 3-1, won 17.50 Mar. 31. Pleasant Memories, 8-5, 3rd; Carroll D , 11-5, 2nd 10.00 Apr. 1. Judge. 3-5, won; H. Coleman, 3-1, 2nd 3.00 5.00 Apr. 2 Mrs r. Foster, 3-5, won; Peter Paul, 3-5, won 6.00 ..... Apr. 3. Mrs. IT Faster, 4-1, won; H.I. Coleman, 4-5, 2nd ...20.00 5.00 Apr 4. Mrs. F. Foster, 3-1, won ; Adel Trelba, 3-5, won ...18.00 Apr. 6 Meisterslnger, 3-1, lost; Duke of Kent, 4-5, won 4.00 5.00 Won 81.50 tost..... 0 00 13 Days Play with a Capital of .00 "Wins 44.50. Thats the kind of information we give you NOW LOOK AT OUR PROPOSITION. No Charge Unless You Win. Thats how sure we are that we can send you winning information. Send us 10.00 as an evidence of good faith and we will wim you daily, for one week, onr two-horse wire. If, at the end of the week the first week of the Aqueduct meeting our wire has not been a winning one, we will refund immediately the 0.00 you have paid us, together with the .00 to cover amount paid out for messages. This Special Guaranteed Offer good only for the first week of the Aqueduct meeting. Send all remittances to our Washington address. National bank references on application. PflPJWIY 9 Pfi 710, 10th Street, N.W., U JU and OU, WASHINGTON, D. C. "HONEST METHODS ALWAYS WIN." Pullman Special fifth year. STRONG WINNERS AT Lakeside Wednesday Aqueduct IHREE HORSE DAILY WIHE. Progression a safe big winner for hundreds of cheerful patrons. FREE My "Sure Way to Win" System. Sent free to all weekly subscribers. Expert owners and trainers form handicap sheet, Memphis, Bennings, all tracks, and specials wired anywhere 11 a.m. Price 50c daily, .50 weekly, including system. Address R U GIBSON 17chnST FUTURE BOOKS JAMES QLEARY. 4183 S, Halsled St., Chicago, III,. FUTURE BOOKS ON AMERICAN DERBY Brooklyn. Suburban, The Harlem-National and the Hawthorne Handicaps. WRITE FOR QUOTATIONS. IiOiig Distance Phones Yards 628 and 654. An Expert Handicapper Will Fnrnish Figures on CHICAGO RACES To a few select and private speculators. References. Address M. 80G, Chicago American Office.