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LOCAL FORM BOOKS. Sheets for pocket form books of local Tacing can be found at the following hotels and newsstands at 9 p clock nightly: Auditorium Annex Newsstand: Victoria Hotel Newsstand ; Wellington Hotel Newsstand; Great Northern Hotel Newsstand; Majestic Hotel, 22 Quincy St., Newsstand ; Saratoga Hotel Newsstand; Palmer House Newsstand; Grand Pacific Newsstand; Sherman House Newsstand: Windsor-Chf ton Hotel Newsstand; B. M. Guthru! FaJ a?ifi QrH;s t5 adison St. ; H! Fash, 516 W. Madison St.; J. J. Bastian, 989 W. Kand8tKpatnck154 E-22nd st,; Dnson-