Oakland Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1903-11-24

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OAKLAND FORM CHART. OAKLAND, CAL., November 23, 1903. Eighth day. New Californioa Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather showery, track heavy. Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Secretary, Percy W. Treat. Racing starts at 2:05 p. m. No recall flag used. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkersT a $ Q rr FIRST RACE: Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. ttO I O 3-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses AWtSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 42784 DOTTEREL ws 94 2 54 6nk 21 l2 Kunz F J ORourke 3" 6 5 2 42768 QUARTRE ws 94 8 32 5 11 2 R Wilson E Tierney 5 6 4 8-5 42819 TOTO GRATIOT wsb 102 1 42 41 3nk 32 H brand E Barron C 7 6 2 12837 BATIDOR ws 101 4 lh l1 41 45 J Martin W P Fine 10 12 12 5 12819 MERWAN WB 105 7 8l 3Dk 5l 53 I Powell J J McAlester 10 15 15 6 801 TAMM ws 112 11 11 72 72 6s Wbury W P Magrane 15 30 30 12 S2S01 LEASH TV 99 3 6" 8J S1 71 Chandler L Levy 4 4 3 6-6 12764 INDINA 94 10 9 9 9 8- J Lewis Stockton Stable 30 40 40 15 510S1 MAMIE W 102 6 7nkll 11 92 L JacksonFigaro Stable 20 30 30 10 12746 THE COUNSELOR w 94 12 10 10 10 101 W Daly W E Cotton 50 100 100 40 58193 ALICE CALLIHAN "w 103 9 12 12 12 11 Haack R Snider 30 30 30 12 37S07 SO SO wb 100 5 2 21 61 12 D Hall J C Nealon 5 7 7- 21 Time, 1:15. Winner B. f, by Governor Foraker Queen Bird trained by A. C. Ridey. Went to post at 2:12. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Dotterel was favored by the going, got away well, was lucky throughout and had clear sailing:, wore the leaders down in the stretch run and won going away. Quartre moved up fast from the rear in the first furlong and led when straightened out in the stretch, but was poorly ridden in the worst going and just saved second place at the end. Toto Gratiot, a slow beginner, held on steadily in fourth position to the last sixteenth, where he commenced to gain rapidly. Batidor led his field to the stretch, where he turned wide, but held on well in the stretch run. Tamm, nearly left, made up a lot of ground. So So ran a fast half and finished pulled up. Overweights Batidor, 2 pounds; Merwan, 3; Alice Callihan, 1; So So, 4. Dotterel, show, evens. Quartre, show, 4 to 5. Toto Gratiot, show, evens. Leash, show, 3 to 5. 4:28 74: SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Ind Horses AWt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 41795 OTTO STIFEL w 106 2 lh 1- 11 1 D Hall B Schreiber 8-5 S-5 7-5 70 3S212 SIR APPLEBY wb 109 5 32 32 2 22 Connell T G Ferguson 15 20 20 7 427S3 MISS M. BOWDISH 103 8 9 8 42 32 Cthwite LABlasgameandCo 25 30 30 10 428022HARBOR WB 113 4 52 5nk 51 43 Adkins H E Rowell 31 4 4 1 42S3S FLORIANA BELLEws 103 1 4" 71 G2 52 Hbrand Miller and Co 7 12 12 5 42093 EFFERVESCENCE 103 9 S1! 41 3" 61 L SpencerMrs J Coffey 30 30 30 12 42S02 THE BUGABOO w 100 6 6nk 9 9 7- J Daly M G Eppinger 7 8 8 3 37903 BOMBARDIER W 103 7 7 61 71 SI J Martin W B Jennings 5 5 5 8-5 42842 ST. YUSEF ws 103 3 21! 21 S2 91! Chandler Kentucky Stable 60 100 100 40 42S02 MINIMUM wsb 103 10 10 10 10 10" Ferrell M Jones 30 30 30 10 MAXETTA W 103 11 11 11 11 11 Haack L Jenness 20 30 30 12 Time, 26. 52, 1:05. Winner B. c, by Sain Wetumka trained by W. Whalen. Went to post at 2:48. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Otto Stifel assumed the lead at the first furlong and won all the way, but was all out and tiring badly at the end. Sir Appleby closed up rapidly in the first furlong and was finishing gamely, wearing the winner down in the last sixteenth. Miss May Bowdish, away badlv, closed a big gap and ran a cracking good race. Harbor was shuffled back on the far turh, had a rough journey home and finished running faster than everything. Floriana Belle fell away after going a prominent quarter and then came again in the closing drive. Bombardier looked big and unfit and is evidentlv short and can do much better. Scratched 3S600 Samar, 110. Corrected weights Harbor, 113. Otto Stifel, show, 1 to 3. Sir Appleby, show, 3 to 1. Miss May Bowdish, show, 4 to 1. Harbor, show, 1 to 2. THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. All Ages. Allowances. 4.28 75 Ind Horses A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 42786 SAN NICHOLAS w 4 109 2 121 l2 ll 12 Adkins BrnsandWaterhse 114-5 2-5 42S59MARTINMAS ws 3 107 1 33 33 21! 21 Otis C T Henshall 3 31 16-53-5 42749 ROYAL ROGUE 4 106 4 21 21! 32 31 D Hall J C Nealon 2 21 21 3-5 428423DUNGANNON w 2 83 3 4 4" 425 4 W Knapp Knebelkamp and Col2 30 30 5 31239 ST. WILDA ws 4 103 5 5 5 5 5 J Lewis RaisinCityStable 40 200 200 20 Time, 24, 50, 1:17. Winner Br. g, by Reggie Virginia Dare, by Apache trained by D. Stone. Went to post at 3:10. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second pulled up. San Nicholas made the running throughout and only just got home in time, swerving badly and obstructing Martinmas. He was evidently handicapped by the stiff going and was unable to stride with his usual freedom. Martinmas trailed in third position to the stretch, where he came through on the inside in the very deep going and when he appeared like winning was crowded by the winner and forced to pull up in the last fifty yards, narrowlv escaping defeat for second place. Royal Rogue followed San Nicholas closely in the earlv running and, turning for home very wide, lost a great deal of ground, but finished gaining fast. Corrected weights Martinmas, 107: Royal Rogue, 103. Overweights Royal Rogue, 3 pounds. San Nicholas, show, 1 to 5. Martinmas, show, out. Royal Rogue, show, out. A tQ7 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and up- tJbO I O ward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St V Vl StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 42S57 HAR. THAT CHERw 0 103 3 131 121 121 121 121 J Martin Mrs A Hastings 4 4 3 7-10 42S39 DR. BERNAYS wb S 103 4 5 41! 3 2k 23 W Waldo J Conway 4-5 1 9-102-5 42S23 ROSE OF MAY ws 4 98 2 32 22 22 3s 3 J Lewis Kirk and Co 3 4 4 4-5 42782 RED TIP wb 4 10G 1 42 5 45 410 410 I Powell J Henderson 15 20 20 7 42S55 MAX BENDIX w 5 106 5 "2 3" 5 5 5 D Hall B Schreiber 15 20 20 7 Time, 25, 52, 1:20J, 1:48, 1:51. Winner B. g, by Pirate of Penzance Miss Lexington trained by J. B. Harris. Went to post at 3:29. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Harry Thatcher decisively outpaced and outstayed his field, led under a pull for six furlongs and finished with something in reserve. Dr. Bernays stumbled and was poorly ridden in the early running, commenced to gain rapidly when held together in the last half, finished fast and will reverse this running on a good track. Rose of May tired badly after a close attendance on the winner for six furlongs. Red Tip, evidently short, finished an easy fourth. Max Bendix went a good half and then retired. Scratched 42S553Redwald, 103. Overweights Max Bendix, 3 pounds. Harry Thatcher, show, 3 to 10. Dr. Bernays, show, out. Rose of May, show, 1 to 3. A OQTT FIFTH RACE Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. i I 3-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 42S372PICKAWAY ws 94 3 l1! I1! I2 l3 J Lewis A J Jackson 6 7 7 2 42767 MR. DINGLE wsb 10S 2 51 52l 41 2 J Martin S Judge 6 10 6 2 42403 PLUCK ws 109 1 3" 4nk 5-1 35 J Daly M J Daly 5 6 6 2 PIRATICAL w 99 7 7 7 7 42 L SpencerEl Primero Stable60 100 100 30 427642ELFIN KING w 105 5 42 3s 21 521 Ferrell P Herzog 7 15 15 4 42S04 ORSIUS ws 101 4 22 21 31 6 Otis Buckley and BaileyS-5 8-5 7-5 4-5 42S41 B. ROOM BELLE w 94 6 6ll 6 6X 7 Reed A Josephs 3 41 41 6-5 42819 DUG MARTIN wsb 100 Left at the post. Hbrand V Gilbert 10 25 25 8 Time, 1:14$. Winner Ch. c, by Piccolo Marcella trained by A. J. Jackson. Went to post at 3:57. At post 5 minutes. Start fair for all but Dug Martin. Won easily; second driving. Pickaway is steadtly improving, won all the way in hand and was much the best. Mr. Dingle suddenly found early speed and, running within striking distance from the start, closed up fast in the stretch run. Pluck, interfered with and carried wide on the stretch turn, finished like a cyclone and ran an extra good race. Piratical, nearly left was making up ground at the end. Elfin King showed speed, but failed to stay. Orsius ran a bad race and quit all over in the last furlong. Ball Room Belle is in bad form. Scratched 42768 Bee Rosewater, 105. Corrected weights Elfin King, 105. Overweights Orsius, 2 pounds. Pickaway, show, evens. Mr. Dingle, show, 4 to 5. Pluck, show, evens. Orsius, show, 2 to 5. 4:28 78 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 42S59-"LD. MELBRNE wb 3 9S 5 21! 2nk lak l2 1 Oliphant S S Bender and Co4-5 1 I 25 4276SGLENARVON WSB 3 106 6 lnk 11 221 23 21 W Waldo W Fisher 3 5 41 6-5 42842ANVIL ws 3 103 1 31 421 31! 31 31! Ferrell C E Murray and Co4 41 31 4-6 42S41 LAST KNIGHT wb 4 102 4 51 53 6 41! 42 D Hall Lamasney Bos 10 12 10 3 3S571 CAMBACERES WS 5 106 2 6 6 5nk 53 5 Hbrand Gilbert and Co S 15 15 4 42837 EGG NOGG w 3 95 3 43 34 4 6 6 Connell S G Morton 10 12 12 4 Time, 26, 51$. 1:18$, 1:46. Winner B. g, by Prince of Monaco Gondola trained by S. S. Bender. Went to post at 4:26. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won in a canter; second easily. . Lord Melbourne broke flatfooted and, being unable to make the early running from Glenar-von, he trailed him closely to the far turn, where he passed him as if he was anchored, coming home alone. Glenarvon is evidently above the average quality, particularly in mud, forced the pace for nearly six furlongs before he succumbed to the winner and in the stretch run held the others safe. Anvil was simply outclassed by the first two, but ran a game race and finished a strong going third. Last Knight held a forward position throughout and finished well under punishment. Cambaceres, inadequately handled, was unable to get into serious contention, although he was fairly close up. He has lately shown superior form on dry tracks and will be heard from. Lord Melbourne, show, 1 to 5. Glenarvon, show, 3 to 5. Anvil, show, 2 to 5.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1903112401/drf1903112401_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1903112401_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800