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ED. AUSTIN ! Member Western Bookmakers Association. Tnrf Correspondent and Commissioner. MCLOSKEY BUILDING NEW ORLEANS, LA. Win at New Orleans! 2 SPECIALS DAILY O WIRED AT 18 OCLOCK. Dally Wire and Letter Service. A telegram each morning, advising the Two Best Things of the daily program ; a regular weekly letter wiih information, advice and suggestion to subscribers; also privilege of inquiries and advice at will by wire or letter. TERMS: . . 0 WEEKLY. For the benefit of those who cannot operate for themselves, 1 will accept accounts of 5 and upward, for which a commission of 1 0 per cent will be charged on net winnings No charge for information when operating accounts. "4tB Trust You" I hold a strictly confidential position to certain horsemen who are "in the inner circle." My duties require me to remain in Chicago all winter. I receive private advices from New Orleans and California which seldom exceed three a week all told. The horses wired me are to be played around the country by those on the inside. To reliable parties I will furnish these advices in cypher ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT CHARGE until after the horse I wire has won. Then I expect as my compensation a small percentage of the winnings. On account of the position I hold I cannot afford to use my own name in an advertisement. If you will drop me a line I will explain more fully. M S. HOWARD 180 Monroe St.. CHICAGO WE HAD THEM YESTERDAY WE HAVE THEM TODAY. TERMS: .00 PER DAT. Graham Turf Bureau R. 1002 Mailers Blg.,QnincyandLaSallests.,Chicago. SPECIAL Five guaranteed winners .00. Wires seat ont at 11 a.m. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD is offered to any one who has done bnainess with ns during the past twelve years, and can prove that they ever received a different horse from ns the same day other than the original one which we send each and every patron. The above reward is also offered to any one who has played onr advice during this entire season according to our instruction and can prove that they are not a large winner. A SURE WINNER are those who pay to be in the know. For twelve years wo have given consistent winners all the while. Wo first earn what we demand. Particulars and 20th Century Tnrf System mailed free; plain envelope. Your credit is good NUF SED. CLOCKERS COMBINE INFO, Vic Brltton, Mgr. Metropolitan Hotel, Washington, -D. C. NOTE. Only those that have remitted for pact information will remain on our private list and receive those good ones that we are in the know and remaining at BenniDgs strictly for the coming week, ending December 5th. We will then pro-, ceed to New Orleans where we have another one like LATSON, which won at 50 to 1, and was sent by us to over 500 of our patrons when he won and will be verified by the telegraph companies throughout the country and also by the bookmakers that danced to the music of onr many patrons who cashed on Latson. Onr patrons can play Royal Special No. 1 at New Orleans first time entered as follows: All, Age, Cap, Bell, Cade, Bear, Age. Bell. Dare, Lamp, Wet. Our New Orleans address will be specified in onr adv. in these columns Sunday, December 6th. Tic Britton. TRY ME! MRS. L. MOORE I will send yon by wire two or three specials daily, upon receiving your address. Write me at once. BOX 657, - - NEW ORLEANS, LA. DID YOU EVER see such grand information as I am imparting? Thursday, as my ThanksgivingDay Special, I cut loose that good one. ROUGH RIDER, 301, finishing second through hard luck, and proved the value of my inside wire, as I notified clients that he would be added. Clients must have reaped a harvest on this one. Besides this I gave that other good one, NISKA.YTJNA, at 4-1, which was beaten out an eyelash. Here is, indeed, information for you. Day after day and week after week my numerous clients are reaping the benefit of my two-horse wire. Remember, turfites, that my information consists of two good bets each day, with usually winning results. During this Bennings meeting I have put through such good ones as GLORIOSA. WILD PIRATE, GOLDEN DROP, MERRY ENGLAND, LADY MIRTHFUL, and DRAMATIST, which speak for themselves. My Jamaica campaign was one grand record of triumphs, as seen below: 0 STRAIGHT AT JAMAICA WON ,280.00. Won. Lost. Nov. 7th MEDAL, 12-1, WON; GAY BOY, 4-1, WON 20.00 Nov. 9th SWEET ALICE, 6-1, WON; RACE KING, 7-5, WON 148.00 Nov. 10th MONET, 5-1, WON; COLONSAY, 6-1, 2D 100.00 0.00 Nov. 11th LADY AMELIA, 3-1, WON; ORTHODOX, 8-5, WON 92.00 Nov. 12th ORISKANY, 10-1," WON; SOURIRE, 4-1, WON 280.00, Nov. 13th RETICENT, 4-1, WON; HOODWINK, 3-1, 2D 80.00 20.00 Nov. 14th FOXY KANE, 12-1, WON; ARDEN, 3-1, WON 300.00 .... ,320.00 0.00 A 5.00 ACCOUNT WON 20.00. If you are unable to personally take advantage of my two-horse wire I would advise you to forward me an account of 5, 0, or 00, which I will have placed at the track for you in , 0, or 0 straight bets; when playing for you I charge nothing for the information, but deduct 20 per cent of the net winnings as my commission. Information mailed to you each a. m. Itemized statement with winnings forwarded at the end of each weeks play. TRIAL ACCOUNTS OF 0 ACCEPTED, OPERATING ON A BASIS. FOR NEXT WEEK. NEXT WEEK being get-away, there will be big doings. Monday at Bennings a long-priced, bottled-up good thing. This one will be. at the long price of 25-1, and on past work should come home cantering. Tuesday and Wednesday two choice good ones each day, and for the balance of the week at Bennings a continuance of good ones. A. TRAYHOR, BOX 251, GRAVESEND, BROOKLYN, N. Y. E.toWi.,.,d18i.o REYNOLDS and CO. gSSSK SSSSS- Before the public Phone 5154 Central. Delivered anywhere, every day. Back "Sheets" on File for Inspection. Jy The Mighty 6-1 Won Rollick 4-1 Won jSgH? Shot Gun 3-2 Won Redwald 6-1 2nd Josette 8-1 2nd Little Scout 3-5 Won HmFak ur cUohts received the above yesterday. Onr ckoicest selection of the day was withdrawn. llltk TODAY WE HAVE FOUR CINCHES VWjjf INCLUDING A 10 TO 1 SHOT. We Never Mis- Remember, we just give the best bets, not every race. represent. Terms: ..00 Ially.e0 Weekly, specials included, or .00 for two actual winning specials. Wired at 10 a.m.