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CRESCENT PARK ENTRIES AND FORM. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2 p. m. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. First Race 3-4 Mile, ."-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horses. A. Wt. ndep. 59390 Girdle 0..100 725 1 595SS Optional 7. .100. . X . .720 1 59002... Mart Gentry 4.. 98 715 50037 Pinstlcker 3.. 91.. X.. 7H 59C02 Sea Voyage 4.. 00. ...095 , 59504 Preetorius 7.. 107 095 58405 Gay Lizzette 5.. 100 090 55902 Mamie Lynch 4. .101. . : . . .085 59504 Vagary 5.. 100 085 59042 Peter Becker : ... 85..X..1SS0 53202... Triple Silver 5. .103. . X . .075 Second Race 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. i 59GG4...tMiss Custis 100 725 59590 Blaekwell 103 720 59540 Jack Hardy ICO 715 59038 May Gllmore 99 710 59390 Blaeklock 112 700 59405... Miss Hynes 104 700 1 59004 Our Own 100 075 59305 Husking Bee ...109 030 . 59089 Bud Hill 100 025 5930S Estelle II 109 000 Hereafter, b. g, by Peter Mc- - Cue Tern 112 tRegal Lad, b. c. by Filigrane ; Hanover Queen ...115 Big Store, ch. c, by George Kessler Drowsy 113 St. George 115 Mimics Daughter 112 . TR. W. Walden and Co. entry ; Third Race 3-4 Mile. : 3-year-olds and upwards Selling. 59507 Hannibal Bey 4.. 9S..X..723 59003... Bitter Hand 3.. 90. .X. .720 5930G Rolla 3.. 90. . X . .715 59014 The Cure 5. .111. . X. .715 59013... Pity 5. .100 710 59507... Gay Adelaide 4. .100. . X . .710 i 59002 ... Fancy Dress 4.. 99.. X.. 705 59539 Charley Thompson 7. .110. .. .700 59310 Elastic ... 9.. 118.. X.. 093 59507... Schoharie 7. .110. . X . .095 59507 Gallant 5. .111. . X . .090 530GG Ben MacDiiui 8. .113. . X . .075 j Fourth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 59500... Reidmoore 3. .100... X--725 59491 Escutcheon 4.. 112 715 59515 King Ellsworth 5. .117. . X . .710 . 59209 Gamara 4. .112. .X ..703 59014... Goldsmith 7. .117. . X . .705 59518 Bell-the-Cat 5. .117. . X ..085 59394 Hamilcar 3.. 97. .X-.083 59042 North Wind 7. .117. . X . .003 59000.... Moderator 7. .117. .. .000 59G37 Dapple Gold ; 5. .114. . Xi .050 594S7 Doctor Dan 4..10JI. 050 59593 Mirthless 4. .107. . X . .040 59441 Coreen 5.. 112 J 125 59538 Choice Operas 4.. 107 000 594G3 Lucky Joe 4.. 109 000 Fifth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Allowances. 59003 ... Guiding Star 113 725 59513... Hocus Pocus 101.. X.. 715 59010 Third Alarm 109 . . X - - 71 0 59542 Marvin Neal 100 710 54490 WagstafE 103 700 59003.. .High Chance 100.. X.. 700 5S94S The Ram 100 075 59010 Etrena 101.. X.. 000 59205 Oberon 105 050 59488 Lady Chiswick 101 050 59389 Dennis Sullivan 100 045 59210 Sellisli 101.. X.. 040 58111 J. H. Montgomery 100 000 San Antone. b. e, by Gallantry Zitella 103 Sixth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 59041 Sincerity Belle 4. .101. . X . .725 59543 Chub 9.. 108.. X.. 715 59543... Jerry Lynch 5. .115. . X . .710 59309 Los Angeleno 7. .110. . X . .710 59042... Decoration 0. .108. . X . .710 59543 Payne O..111..X..705 59593 ;.. Evie Greene 3.. 92.. X.. 705 59017.... Bishop Weed 4. .100. . x . .700 59543 Lemon Girl 4. .104. . X . .700 59592... Brilliant 4.. Kll.. X.. 095 59518 St. Roma 5.. 109 GS5 59504 Pickles 0.. 105.. X.. 075 59007 Henry 0 4. .103. . X . .075 5959:: Erne 7. .107. . X . .005 595S9 Jim Collins 4.. 101 050