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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR JANUARY. 1 ? | Pist. Age. f 2 year olds 71 7S so , o •Tii , ■"• year -olds Ml 106 lot i-_ .one... -, , v,,ll|s , 1i ,la ns i 3 year-olds tc up.. 120 123 122 2 year-olds 74 7ti 7! 3-4 Mile... . S2E2S1 !?o » J« , 4 year-olds 1 P.I 11H 111 .".Near olds it up.. 122 1— i 122 2 year ..Ids 71 , Milp , 3-year-olds lo-t 100 I117 4 vear olds 113 118 1 19 ! .". year aids ,x up. .124 12:: 121 f 2 year olds -- — ."year-olds Hit !it Ion 1 12 Mile" . -, 4 year olds 120 113 117 I 5-year-oWs I2t 12.". 12 1 I II year olds A; up. .12". 121 12" " 2-vear-olds — — — .". rear-olds 98 82 -M 2 Miles -t Mtir-ohls 119 112 118 I 3 year olds 185 122 12". 6 year olds 5 up. .126 124 188 I 3 year olds 88 - - 68 2 1-2 Miles j "* car-olds 113 — 116 olds 120 126 1 .".war - - [ 0 year-olds and op. .126 — 120 f 3-vear-olds » 4 S3 ! 4 3 Miles .Mitts.. 4 vear olds lis H 7 114 - V,aI. ,,i,is log ns 123 L 6 year olds .v up. .127 124 127 .". vear olds 84 — 841 4 Miles. . 4 year olds 11s- ] _l .".-year olds 12:. - - 12.. I i year olds vV up. .127 — 127 THE JOCKLY CLUB. The law in New York state forbids racing after November ir mil bel. re April 15. The rules of the Jockey Club are andi keeping with the law. Therefore no scale of weights for December. January and February are pjovided. The first month covered in the Jockey clubs scale is March, this is due to the fact th i the Washington Jockey Club begins the seasor. at Benntaga in that mouth. AMERICAN TUBI ASSOCIATION. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the Shorter distance are to be carried. In races exclusively for two-year olds, 118 pounds shall DC carried. In races ex lusively for three-year-olds, 122 pounds shall be carried. In heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights. Except in handicaps, fillies two years old. and geldings of all ages, shall be allowed three pounds. I illies and mares three years old and upward, shall he till.. wed live pounds before September 1, and three pounds thereafter. WESTEUN JOCKEY CLIP. In races of intermediate lengths, tiie weights for the shorter distance are to be carried. In a race exclusively for two-year-olds the weights shall be lis pounds. In a race exclusively for three-year-olds the weights shall be 122 pounds. , la beat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights. Except in handicaps and in races where the weights are fixed absolutely to the conditions, fillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds, and fillies end mares three ears old and upward shall be allowed five pounds ben re September 1 and three pounds thereafter. PACIFIC JOCKEY CLUB. In races of intermediate lein, I s. the weights for the shelter distance are to U carried. 1" ■ roe exclualrely for two-year-olds the weights s.hall be US poonds. In a race exclusively for three-year-olds the weights shall be 122 pounds. In heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds fr.mi the s -ale of weights. Except in handicaps and in raws where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions, fillies two year; old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds, and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1. and tTee pounds thereafter. STEEPLECHA.-, . WEIGHTS. At the eastern tracks all steeplechase races are run under the rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, which provides these weights: For steeplechases less than three miles— From January 1 to August .SI. inclusive, four years, 145 pounds: live years, 130 pounds: six years and over, 10tJ pounds. From September 1 to December 31, in-elusive, for four years, 133 pounds: live years, 103 pounds: six years and over. Hiii pounds. For steeplechases of three miles and over — From January 1 to August 31, inclusive, four years, 138 pounds; fie years, 137 pounds; six years and over, 1CS pounds. From September 1 to December 31, in-, elusive, for four years. 149 pounds; five years, 161 pounds; six years and over, ItiC pounds. Except lit handicaps and in races where the weights are fixed absolutely In the conditions, mares shall be allowed live pounds and geldings three pounds. No horse shall carry less than 130 pounds. In the vest the weights specified by the Western Jo. key Club and the American Turf Association are identical and are as follows: Jan. April. July. Oct. Age. Feb. May. Aug. Nov. Mar.h. Juue. Sept. Dec. :: year -olds 125 120 184 140 4-year-olds 147 140 181 134 5-year-olds 157 160 1 88 1C4 6-yeor-oMi ..V up. 168 170 172 172