Corrigan Has Forty Yearlings., Daily Racing Form, 1907-01-01


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CORRIGAN HAS FORTY YEARLINGS. Edward Corrlgan apenl Sn day and yesterdaj ; i leaving last night for Xen Orleans. Mr. Corrlgan came here form Lexington, Im He i.i-■ nplendid breedma establishment near Lexington. SeintiUanl II. and Bruntorae are ois two i»-st stal ! ■ ~ and iie has about x-vnity live well bred atares. ■ horses are .11 in -■ 1 hearth and in excellent condition lor the win er." naid Mr! Corrlgan. "My . , lUnga unmix r fort 11 am highly pla ised wiili their appean H looks and paddock action .■.unit for anything and i I Ink they do, I hare ei name good racing prospe - la that bunch of Utile ones uiiieh uc will ..i I v. irUnga after Tuesday. "There w ix an epidemic ol ullpphig In Kentucky last paring, but 1 got ■ rerj satisfactorj percent are of foals. I on!; • that wen- born aliTe. Tliej ■ .inn- from fat aiarea. Di Hagyard examined t|,,.m . I be told Hie I, ill death araa the retailt In each Instance "I the same or gauie ImperfectioB and that tbU Imperfection «;i-dne. iii I11 — opinion, i" . fat the d imi 1 re rarryiag at the time .i foaling. As to I e eaui — of anpoing I caiutot i«j thai 1 ItaTe folly made op im luih.i. n is largelj a theoretical propoaitloa. 1 ii.ue mei some men who are firmlj convin -ed that aUpptag is inesi large! due t. the bonalng of the Mares. 1 aaa not ready to accept tbU as ■ fact, for it has been my abaci tat ton 1l1.1t breeders ■ lei their in 1 • •- 11 oat rarough the winter, coming ottl tn abeda In the worat of weather have lost aa many foala b] slipping a we who table the ■•area ererj night and feed regaBtrrj all winter. •

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Local Identifier: drf1907010101_4_3
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