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H CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE NE.V ORLEANS NEW YEAR HANDICAP. "ln» New year llaiilkH|i hi Xe« Orleans was a mile dash in ii* |-,im two years of running It aaa then lentjilieued to it» preaent distauce of a mile ami seventy yarda. Prince of V It Wit 1 nil ami Oarnisfa were the heal elaaa horses to mom it lienors, ii haviag generally been contested i y those rated u onlj useful. Tin- reeatal oi iin- race i- u follows: Year. First. Jockeys. Wt. Seeoinl. Wt Tliird. Wl. Vul. Time. s.n Mui-iti Crowhnr*t . . MM Blneaway 106 Sailor King . 119 | ISO i iJ MtO Prince of Veronia BoUnd..llfl Bed Cross II MM .ik tlae Day ! ■ 6M 1:48 j Mtt*CkoMe OBrien.. MS Fleetwing 108 Varro uni 858 i 53 me Lord Qaes Cohnrn. .1 1."» Marcus ins OHagea US 1,433 1:31 IMS Wiifull Gannon. .lOt afagfconl IO0 Gleadon 112 1.280 1:52 1994 Kxdamation W. links. .11:. Aggie Lewis 107 Wreath of hry. 107 1,130 l : :t MOB Garnish I. Martin.. 112 Miss Betty in:; OareleM 112 1,033 1:40 1906 Hallowmas Sewell..lOO Ben Hodder 122 Liebec 109 1,430 1:47 Distance Increased trow l mile t" l mile and 70 yards!