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JOCKEYS HANDICAPPED. Dally Bating Form wU pulriish from tinie to lime a tahlo of the rating of the jockeys riding on American tracks, baaed on their performances .a the saddle. The best riders «ill be given the nnl-form rating of 100, and from thai point ih - others will he graded down according to heir estimated ichiiive skill. For a difference of tve points between tin- jeekeye, three points ehaage la the handicap Bgnrea aaslgned the horses in any race mast be made. Onij riders frequently m the saddle will be aivea ■ place la the table. The folkw b - is the l-resent rating Ahtrie s" Alex, H 89 Allen. W BB AadreM 73 Appleby ~ Archiliald, A 75 Kent BO Kerniatb 75 Keyes. 1 v Kirschban:ii 80 Knaack 7j Kaapp, W 100 Aubuchon BB Austin, I BB Barnett J 80 Battiste. F 80 Beck man so Bedell 85 Bergen, J 75 Berry 75 Bllae h0 Blair, M 75 BoUnd, li 90 Booker, A. W BS Boyd 75 Brown, A BB Brussel so Buchanan, W 93 Bullman 93 Hums, G 80 Borne, W 75 Burton, II 80 Burton, F BB Butwell 80 Buxton 80 Callahan mi Callus 80 Carroll, ,T 75 Carter. T. B 75 i a anaugb 75 Chandler, 75 Cherry 90 lark. 3 75 Clark. T ! 0 onley, John 83 Cons ay. .1 75 Crimmlns s5 Dale, .1 80 Hah. .1 Davis, B 80 Davis, K 75 Davis. W 98 1 . laby 73 Dennison, J 75 Dickso - s Ki Domlnick 93 Dorsey 75 Dow. W 75 Downing 75 Drolette 75 Dugan. i: HO Dugan, W 93 i .i._ m. .r 75 aw 80 Knglander so Fair 75 1 arrow 75 Feicht s-, Finn «0 Fischer, W w5 Fisbi r, c mi Flanmry 75 Foley, J BB IoV I uni a ill. 1 83 Galiudo . 75 Gannon, W .mi Garg in 80 Garner :»0 Goldstein SO Cord. -n 78 Cra ha in 80 Grand, C so Griffith SO Griswold 75 Grote 75 Harris, J 85 Hatty 80 Hayes, .1 75 Heat her ton .5 llelseseo s-. Henness . .1 imes . . . IWI Hennesay, Joim .... so Herbert so Hicks, J so Hildebrnnd 100 Hlldebrand, F SO Hnf; 88 II. -lines. B 75 Horner 88 Howard 75 Hudlin BB Huesfis 80 nunter, -. Hi ains 75 Dues, B. . Jackson, Tlarvev ... SO Jackson, L BO .lames 75 .la: ret t 75 Jobaneesei SO . .hnsi 11, .1 . 80 Johnson, W 73 Kehoe so Kelly, 1 75 K.-llv. W 75 Koerner C :hj Koerner, T 75 Kuuz 80 Lars* n, 11 88 Lawrence Bd Lee, .1 mi Leeds 75 I.eih.- 75 Linderwig 75 l.lov.l S j Loague Locke 75 Mabey 75 Ma Iin. .1 75 Marsiei s 75 Martin, B3 Martin, E 75 Martin. .1 M0 MeBride, .1. . McDanicl. It 8o McGee, W 88 Melntvre, .1 89 liclntyre, " tto McLangblln. J 88 McBn 75 Miller, C 86 Miller. W 100 Minder m Mora ii 75 Mo: .lam] S5 Morgan. A 75 Mot iarity SO Mo: -per so Morris, C B3 Mountain .[ Narvaea 75 Nichols, 1 75 Nieoi 100 Noone 80 Notter 90 • His s- Utt. W 75 Penderga I • . . .5 I, ri. 11 i 80 thillips 75 Pieki ns 75 Pickett 75 Preston, M ss Quarrlngton ....... 75 Hadtke 10d R dfern 100 Reldel 75 Rettig so Bice, !•: 80 Bice, T 75 Diddle 75 I Itilev, I SO Blley. W 75 Robinson, E !»5 Rollei i 73 Rollln 73 Bom C 80 Russell. J 75 Ryan, .1 75 Sand: s" Schade so Scott, 1 75 Seder 80 Shei idan 75 Shreve 75 Singleton 80 Smith. II 75 Smith, Henry so Smith. .1 so Smith, 1 00 Smith. W 75 Spargur FS Stille 80 Snlliyat , C. F 73 Sullivan T so Sw a in. G 83 Swain, I- 75 Talhei-i -o Taylor, T so Troxler 98 Truman SO Van Duaen BB Walsh, A Ntl Walsh, i: 88 Walsh, T 75 Wai en 7- R 73 Whiteman 75 Wlk s-, William-. 73 Willi* ma. 1 05 Wil not 75 ilson, F 75 Wilson. R 75 Wishard so y I. m 75 Wright. A 80 Toung, A 73