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NOTES OF THE TURF. Alma Dufour is in foal to McGee. Garnet Ferguson has teased Bearcateber to o. A. Biancbi for breeding purposes. John Madigan announces that Lllicott will lie a starter in the Crescent City Derby. Mrs. E. O. Pepper has been paid 04,322.29 as Insurance on the life of the late Colonel James F. Pepper. M. L. Hayinan found the game at New- Orleans harder than he calculated and baa gone back to New York. "Fiubrella Bill McGulgaa is in the limelight again. Just now he is doing a little stunt with the Arkansas legislature at Little Rock. President Thomas 11. Williams, of the New California Jockey Club, who came to Chicago to see John Condon with reference to interests in a voting machine, lias returned to San Francisco. Fred Cook has fourteen two year olds in training at Nashville. lie says it is his intention to ship them to New Turk in April and that he expects to race exclusively on the New York tracks during the spring, summer and fall. Public disapproval of -i bookmakers owning or having an interest in racehorses is given by Jack Alkin as his reason for djapoamg of the borsea that have been racing in his name at Ascot Park. The borsea will be sold Saturday. Among the oligibles for the Merchants Handicap at a mile, which is to he the feature of the card at the Fair Grounds Saturday, are Minnie Adams. Wes. Llfall. Lady Navarre. Juggler, ilori-tier. Athlete. Cild. Lnvoy. and Hannibal 15ey. The tight, between Sheriff Williams and the Hot Springs proprietors has been called off until after the race meeting at oaklawn. The riH.ins have agreed lo close until the racing season ends wheal they will thresh the matter out in the courts. Since he was told that his room at Ascot Park is more desirable than his company. John J. Ryan, the St. Louis get -rich quick man. has announced his intention of faking a trip around the world. Should lie decide to locate permanently in some other country, rachng officials in America would doubtless be pleased.