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NEW STAKE ATTRACTS OWNERS. The 5,009 Coney Island .Jockey Club Stakes, for three-year-olds, one mile and a half, to he run at the June meeting at Sheepshead Day as practically a substitute tor the American Derby, has attracted the following entries: Adeline! lc. Vdoi it Ion. Arclte. Ballot, lieauclere. •■■I. Tyler. Curies Edward. fhas. ;. Gates. i haeeawaj . Clare BusseU. o:iville. Court Dress. Crafty. Daluik. Dan l.nhre. De M Mini. Dhk Finnell. lion Enrique. Electioneer. Hillsdale. Etbon. Faust. Ioiinlainehliie. ink Cill. lien. S. Davis, old Circle. Gretas Green. Hickory. .lick Atkin. .1. C. "ore. .1 e Carej . Kentucky Beau. :.i,i Dudh-1 .. .r.i Lovat. Ma in » lhance. McCarter. Melinite. Mentha. Miniota. Molesey. Monfort. Montgi miery. Motleys First Moves. ftkenlte. liran. Paiitnonok. Penarrte. Peter Pan. Philander. Pr. I-oi tunatus. Ir. Hampton. Puritan GirL Purslane. lied River. Remiss. Roland. Royal Onyx. Kuby Light. S llvidele. Sit acenesca. Sea Wolf. Senator Clay. Sewell. Smiling Tom. Superman. s racuae. Theyre Off. he Wrestler. Tim OToole. Tourenae. Tony Faust. Veil. Water Pearl. W. 11. Daniel. i ankee dm.