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E. M. TRY, II 5. WON Yesterdays Advertised Special. BOSERRIAN . . 10-1 WON Mondays Adveitised Special. TODAY at NEW ORLEANS a 6 to 15 to 1 Extra Special Goodthlna;- XOTIOK This horse, like the above, is FIT and Kl.l», and his owner has the greatest confidence in his ability to win the race in a common gallop. FRIDAY mother L0NGSH0T! We regard tail froodthiiur a an ab.olute certainty, and advise ou not to iiiNh It! Terms: S4 for 1 day; SIO for 6 days. Snltc 315, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. THE B. B. INFO CO. Iel ggjjr