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JUDGES QUESTION MARTIN. HIS HANDLING OF ORLY THE SUBJECT OF OFFICIAL INQUIRY. Guilty or Not Guilty of Anythinq Criminal. a Rest Miciht Do Him Good — A Poor Card. .v Orleans. T.:i.. January 24. — Jockey lack M i r t in is the subject of oltieial investigation at lie Fair Ground*. It is :i11 about liis riding of »ii in the i.-isi nee today. The hone waa pocketed and to all appearances deliberately restrained until in the stretch irhere Marti* made ;i feeble effort --:in ;iiicni|ii :ii hard riding Hi. ii would hare put a novice to blush. The fad that rly araa the favorite may not have had anything to do with the perform ■nee, inn the judges evidently thought it did. They nailed Martin into the stand and naked for an ex-nbmatiaa. What he said wan not sufficiently satis-t.i i . ii to eanae the oaSciaii to drop the case. They are luang t probe deeper. Oriy, ii is true, is ■ hard none to ride and lie ilid pull up nore thia afternoon, not those who are supposed to know when :i horse is getting ail that is coming to aim In the was of ■ hustling, energetic ride are united In the expression thai Martin la in debt to iirly. Owner drill does not believe Hint there was anything rrlmlnal abont the nee. Be says that while Mail in iiiniouhit diy used poor judgment In handling the bane, ii appeared to bin that Oriy was in nn niinsnaiiy bad fraaae of mind and was mostly responsible. At an] rue local racing might l»e benefited If Jockey Martin would take ■ rent, the longer the period of Inactivity the better. Ii would take a wiile stretch of the Imagination to say thai the card today waa attractive. Six of the seven races were selling affairs. Secretary owners of the cheap horses would have a chance lo earn fond money. Charitable of the Secretary, lo «■ rare, Inn not exactly what the public is giving up ils dollars to see. None save the bookmakers appreciate a card of seven sack races .-is were seen here today. Six laces are enough for any day. I! WOSJid be heller to .stive the extra money for a good handicap and lei the cheap horses go to the demnition bow-wows. There are loo many of them anyhow. In the two-year-old race Shirley Bossaaore was llilipieslii.nalily the best, hut suffered by lieing held at the prsi by one of the assistant starters. She Was practically left. Starter Dade, however, was under the Impress! OP that I. Austin was al fault and suspended the Jockey for the remainder of the meeting. Austin waa emphatic in his statement to owner Milam that the assistant starter was to blame for he 1iliy*s failure lo leave the post, and so it appeared from the stand. Tin bookmakers retrieved some of their losses of the pasi two days by the failure of five of the :i mi icons favorites. Tom Dolan won the fourth race In an Impressive manner and he gives promise of eventually ranking above the selling division. Hurley, trainer for E. i:. Bradley, arrived toda] I lorn Sheepsbead Bny where the main division of the Bradley string is wintering. lie reports that al! the horses are in splendid shape. Monet was given a slow •.niter this morning. Ghtriner is Improving. :. v. Scott, s. .:. Charles, J. J. McLaughlin and J. BlirttM-hell shipped their strings to oaklawn. Ih.i Springs, tills afternoon.