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ODD TRICK, won . .9-1 PEERLESS LASS, won 9-1 No. 4s ; j inl No. r,i jn-. rolled hoinc. Tbb KTand in formation on "lie. gailj WOTkOOli COOSM dircci from the track. Friday, ■ n to l. I will aneork ■ corker thai will simply roll home. Saturday, at in to 1 or heller. 1 will elose the week in I bbUW ol i;lo.v. 1roni llii on m elose eonneet ionv al the lilTeient Ixarfck ill ini|ilv make the fur tl. . Iiie in vonr nh eri|ii ion and hec-onie I handsome winner eaeli week hy n.y CaangWfflg" F P M A TOR *i.oo DAILY Telcphonei 5»4K Harrl-oii. ±.m i. IVlXlLjVyii S3. OO WEEKLY.